Chapter 251- Addie – Ginger’s Illness Part 4 Volume 3


"Addie?" Nolan took me in his arms, hugging me tightly, and rubbing my back calmly. There was nothing romantic about it, he was just trying to calm me down. "I know this is hard to hear, but there is nothing we can do about it. I am sorry. This is it. Ginger will likely not survive the night. Not with how quickly the illness hit."

"That's just it, Nolan, how did she get this illness? What made her sick? If it is so rare, then how is it that she got it in the first place?" My words came out as a growl as I glared at him.

"We simply do not know the answer to that. The illness is mysterious and elusive." Nolan answered for Rafner. "I myself have studied what we know about the disease, but I have never met someone that was afflicted with it personally."

"Will those around her get sick with this disease?" I asked him, renewed fear filling me. "Will Violet get sick? Hunter? Uncle Orson? Me and you? Is anyone else at risk?"