Life truly was peaceful here in Ronchelle. It seemed that the lack of hostility really was due to the fact that there were no predators in the territory. And that went for the animals as well as the people. There was no danger here. From nothing and no one.
They had an army, yes, but they were almost never deployed. They trained and were ready most of the time, but that was as far as they had gone in centuries. Since the last set of great wars that divided this continent into individual nations.
Back then, when this used to be one nation of different types of people, every city and state had their own army that fought massive bloody battles against each other. Those were dark days in history. Some of them darker and scarier for specific nations.
The people of Ronchelle have always been peaceful, and that's why they live the way they do. They aren't aggressive toward anyone. And that used to leave them open to violence from others.