Page 2: Protecting The Rejection Queen

Later on Friday, Cafeteria


Dear Diary,

So, there I was sitting with Sarah, my best friend talking about the strange fox dream when one of my classmates Darcy Park out of nowhere spilled ..'I heard you are gonna be expelled by the end of this semester..just like Dexter!' into my ears with her signature poker face before walking to her own desk.

And, I was frozen!

I abruptly pulled Darcy's black hood making her sit down on my dining chair. 'How did you know..?' I hushed fastly.

Our school has not always been this strict when the chairman first cut it's ribbons. But, everything changed when we had a new principal, the Demon Lord, who was a complete perfection freak.

She was this old cranky lady who believed herself to be the Moses of this generation and thus made many principles in order to reform our school.

It's quite funny because even though many, many strict rules were implemented on almost every single matter, no body actually followed them, including the teachers. So, they never really affected us.

But, one fine day, when Ms Demon lord finally figured it out, she imposed a stupid rule were anyone who dares to disobey the orders are meant to be expelled from this school. And, though I have never actually tried wrecking the principal room's glass window like Yang Adams last month, not getting enough grades on the upcoming exams does technically break one of her perfect commandment.

"Well, Duh..Everyone knows it, Amelia..Its pretty obvious because you are very popular for your special grades after all"

Sarah rolled her eyes taking a bit of her apple.

"Wh-what! But, this is so messed uppp!! EVERYONE CAN'T KNOW ABOUT MY EXPULSION!!"

I literally screamed causing the entire population to look at me.

I abruptly threw my hands over my mouth.

Me and my grotesque big massive mouth!!

I hear some cheerleaders giggling a few tables before me. The nerds were pointing hands over my direction. And, worse the people I actually know and am kinda friends with, including Darcy (who had fled from my harassment, by now) avoided eye contact.

Great! They pretended to not even know a stupid person, like me. How many times should I be humiliated in one single day..?

But, I guess, I shouldn't bother about it too much because at least one good thing happened.

I found Derrick Han looking at me! Well, I don't know whether it was of disgust or just mere curiosity for sure but he looked at me! I am sure.

Derrick Han, one of the most popularest boy (who is a jock and the current rep of our school's track team) in this entire school, the dream boat of many girls here, including myself and the hero of my perfect love story looked at me!!!

He was smart, talented, probably rich and always sends this popular vibe around everyone. And, that's not it.

I have heard that he is also a total sweet heart who behaves kind and gentle towards every single creature in this world. You can hear even the ants sing his beautiful glories.

And, a total hottie like him, looked at me, Amelia Jeong! Practically, the biggest dork in the entire school.

I mean, let's face it, I am five foot nine, flat chested (who could easily passed of as a guy) and a freshman.

And, No, I am not a blonde or a cheerleader.

My hair was brown and it's not pretty like the hot brunnetes they show in the Baywatch series. But, is rather like a chump of wet mud that has been tilted over a trianglar head and had gotten even worse when I dyed it mild peachy brown this summer out of mere curiocity.

Stella, says that the only thing that looks attractive in me, are my eyes, which are grey like the stormy sky. But, I know she just said it to make me feel better.

I mean, How much more of a freak could I be??

I felt my cheeks turn beet red. I was so happy! I feel like I have spent all my lifetime's happiness in this single moment.

I let out a deep breath and lie on the table completely lovestruck still playing with my steamy Tteokbokki when Sarah interrupted me .

"Ooh.. Staring at the Golden boy..Eh..? Someone seems to be in a good mood." She hit my arms coyly.

I stared at her like an idiot.

The Golden boy..? Alexander Olsen? Me..? Staring at... him..?'

I burst into laughter because seriously, that was the best joke of the year.

"Sarah, Why.. the hell.. should I stare.. at Alex..?"

I said in between my laughs violently patting Sarah's shoulder making her shot a puzzled look at me.

"Why not?.. I thought you liked him..? And, he is one of the most top rated guys in this school, after all. More than his side kick, Derrick Han" She scratched her head.

I looked at Sarah with bored eyes and then peered to look at Alex who was now sitting next to my crush Derrick, his own best friend.

Man, after all these years of spending together, she really doesn't know me at all.

"Yeah, I did like him once. But that was in elementary school and besides .." I added quickly before my delusional friend starts assuming things again. "We don't even talk to each other anymore..So, we are just.. "

"Whaaaat!!? But, you confessed that you had a crush on him with a super cute and shy face, back then!" she yelled in disbelief as I rolled my eyes. Man, I really wish Sarah's memories would be a little weaker.

"SARAH.., That was before I even knew what the word crush actually meant!" I gritted my teeth angrily.

"But..He.. "

She still isn't gonna give up, Is she?

"He is your.. "

"Childhood friend..I know."

I completed her sentence making Sara give me a little growl which she does whenever I cut of her talk.

But, I am not to blame. Because she really was pissing me off.

Alexander Min was one of my best friends who had shared the the same Nursery, Elementary school, and now.. Highschool.. just like me and Sarah. He had a thick shiny hair ( Just like Derrick Han) with gorgeous clear blue eyes that could pass of as a sparkling dressing mirror (Just like Derrick Han) He was a popular person ( just like Derrick Han) and a second year.. Just like.. No, not Derrick because Derrick Han was our senior.

But, it's not like Alexander Min's perfect or anything.

Unlike Derrick, he is not popular for being a jock. Nor was he an outdoor person.

He often gets a temporary layer of dark circles underneath his eyes which are actually a sign that shows how much he habitually puts late night study routines rather socialising.

Surprisingly though, he's almost always, surrounded by girls (like now) even though he is a little bit of an introvert.

I don't know why, since I never hangout with them..(but, I guess it's because he's so hot..)

To tell the truth, All, I really know about him now is that, he was the valedictorian candidate who delivered the school speech on the freshers day and stole the hearts of every single person on the assembly. And, that, he currently only comes to school for getting a graduation certificate when he can probably stay home reading Vogue magazines instead of coming here and relearning all the books he had once swallowed as a little kid.

He is that smart!

I remember the time when Alex was so close to me and Sarah in the past..

Since the time, we were wee babies our homes were located right next to each other. Even though Alex's parents shifted their house to the next street we were still great pals all through out our grade school.

But, He then moved out of town for solid three years without a word.

And, when he returned back by the time we entered highschool he suddenly graded up.

He was so popular that he failed to recognise even us and started spending more time with his guy friends completely forgetting our entire relationship in the past.

Just like that, our relationship has been so stained right now to the point where we are total strangers to him.

I don't even know whether he remembers me or not.

But, I guess, puberty really does change people.

"Well, I am telling you this because, Childhood friends... are the best kind of romances all the anime and other romcoms suggest"

I join her in a sync and ended up smiling at my bestie.

Yeah, you guessed it right. She was a Romedy addict too, just like me. Only a little more crazier in my opinion..

But, though however the things I couldn't relate to Sarah are much more than the thinks I could.. For instance..

"But, like it or not my life is not a fictional romantic comedy. So forget it." I rolled my eyes.

"Whaat.. You are so boring. Besides,  he is so handsome too. Man, if any of those guys who confess me looked like that.. I would never have to reject them.. "

Sarah said letting out a dreamy sigh and felt an arrow unintentionally hit on my heart by her cuteness.

You see though, I and Sarah have been besties for a while now, we like totally belong to another world because, while Sarah acts extremely normal and fangirls over fiction guys with me, she is the most beautiful cheerleader of her squads, after all. While Alex is the most popularest guy in the school population, the most popularest girl would be Sarah Kim.

With her fair cheery skin, long silky caramel blonde locks that rolls on her shoulders, her luscious red lips, natural cheery blossom shapped eyes and a slender waist that almost resembles a swan, Sarah simply beats all the girls of our class, through her looks in seconds.

No one knew of this before of course, including me. But, BOOM! When Sarah suddenly traded up her glasses to contracts and decided to wear fashionable clothes at middle school we discovered she was a school belle. She was immediately recruited to the cheerleading squad the moment other girls learnt of this.

Hence, from then on Sarah has totally become a bae who gets confessed every single once in a while.

And, She... I repeat... Never. Fails. To. Reject. Everyone. Of. Them. Like.. Now..

"Ms Angel..!! (Sarah's nickname at school..) I am Wilber Wong. And.. I.. like you.. Will you go out with me..!!"

A guy confessed to the certain girl with a letter on the cafeteria in front of everyone.

Sarah blinked at the confession for a few seconds as we slowly became the center of attention. She then smiled at him and asked politely.

"Alright, Wilber. So, Why do you like me?"


My brows wrinkled at usual routine. But,  Sarah just repeated.

"Why do you like me..? Wilber..?"


The boy blinked for a while surprised by her question and then screamed.

"I.. I like you.. Because... I like you because.. You are so beautiful!"

Sarah smiled softly and I see a small twitch at the corner of her lips

My brows twitched at the entire scene.

Ah.. I forgot.

She hates when guys say this reason.

Further, She also hates attention and this guy must be infuriating her a lot.

Sarah took in a deep breath and looked at his shoes.

"Your laces are coming out.. Timmy. Aren't you being so much of a careless person..?" Sarah smiled beautifully but, at minute the boy immediately understood his nightmare.

My shoes are not proper..! But.. I bet I..

He seemed to think and abruptly looked at his legs and then found what the beauty was implying indirectly.

"You are a irresponsible freak. How on earth could you even dream I would date you? Sucker"..

Sarah Kim's hidden words echoed on everyone's mental ears

Ah.. My best friend.. She's too cruel. Humiliating him in public and all. But, Sarah has always been like this he should have know her. What gave him the confidence to confess her here..?

I thought when Sarah stated bluntly rejecting him.

"I am sorry. Wilber. I cannot date you. Have a nice day"

She said and turning back to me when the boy angrily threw the love letter into the dustbin.

"So, where were we, Amelia..? Ah.. Childhoodfriend right..? By the way have you seen the k-drama, Weightlifting fairy Kim bok joo! It has the same concept and It's so.. Bla..bla.. "

Sarah continued pretending as though we hadn't just crossed a storm. I listened to her trying my best to join her excited tempo at this atmosphere and this was when I suddenly felt an extremely scary glare being directed to Sarah by the certain rejectee..

I looked at him again but, then found nothing. Just the suspection I had on him hadn't just let my mind yet.

"You.. Can't do like that, Sarah.." with a sigh, I told her honestly.

"What? " Sarah blinked.

"Rejecting him! It could become dangerous if you keep being this rude okay..? What will you do if he tries hurting you..? " I told her.

"Well, If.. If you put it that way.. I guess.. I'll do.." Sarah started seriously but, then made a funny stance..

"..karate chop with my cheerleading skills! Hahaha.. "

"It's not funny Sarah! You don't even know karate..!" I said hitting my spoon hard on my bowl.

This girl is being too playful and I just had to put a halt to her jokes.

Sarah seemed to have understood my seriousness too, but simply laughed off.

"I know, Amelia. I know my limits.. " She said with a smile. "I am not like you, remember?.."

I shrunk my eyes in confusion at this.

Wait.. Is that a compliment..?

"I know how to handle this. Including that matter with... That guy... "

Sarah said looking back with a strange intimidated expression and I abruptly joined her suspecting the certain person.

I frowned immediately.

It was Lawrence Lee. Sarah's number one stalker who had been following her for a while now.

He was a freshman in year and a junior.

He was kinda dorky, with giant nerdy glasses, wears black clothes with black hood almost always (so, we have never once seen his face) and though he has a handful amount of nerdy friends, from what we have observed, he loves being alone away from the normal crowd.

This was the reason why Sarah and I came up with a theory from, Harry Potter that, he might be a strange person like Voldemort who wants to use an innocent person, like Sarah and use her to write in blood like they do in the chamber of secrets version.

But, it's also probably because he likes her that he's doing this.

Whatever be the case, him stalking Sarah without revealing his identity is creepy. And so, we try to avoid him at all costs and I always help her. Like now.

"Don't worry. I've got this..! " I winked to my bestie and quickly marched through to the sink to drop my plates with Sarah following me timidly.

I passed the general crowds, through the other tables and finally put up an eureka face when I almost reach the main serving line.

Ahaha! There it is. Almost there.

I thought grinning.

But, unfortunately little did I know then that, I would accidently bump into the one person I have swore I had no relationship with and also the one who would soon.. mess up my life like riding a rollercoaster..