Part 4: My Stalker-Nim Is A Little Cute

Friday, 7:30 pm

At a convenience store.


Dear Diary,

You really would not believe what happened today. I had to walk home today so late in the eve on the dark streets. And, dear diary. I was met with the most terrifying experience I ever had before. Just recalling it makes my fingers tremble while writing all this.


Amelia had already gone home by the time I started from school. As the new cheerleader who had just joined the squad I had to stay late and clean up. The seniors said so.

Though I have a hunch that they are getting back on me for stealing their male fans the moment I joined their team..

So, anyways I was walking on the lonely street half humming. Our town was very remote. And, since it's winter, where the dusk arrives earlier, all our neighbourhood winds up their chores before 6 pm.

It was also pretty dark at this time.

This was when I suddenly heard a sound of few footsteps. I abruptly turned back and looked behind me.

I expected that I had a company of another random stranger who worked late probably in job and shared my feelings. But, There was absolutely no one there.

Stalker Lawerence..

I didn't know why. But, His name was the first thing that striked my head.

That was probably because he was the only guy who has been following me for several days. He hasn't done anything to me as of yet. For starters I don't even know how he looks like. I couldn't exactly feel any sort of bare malice on him as of now. So, I hadn't called him off openly, like the others. But, Amelia says it's good to be wary.

Looking back. If it was really him.. I think today is the day I should do that.

But, the problem is..

I looked back to back at the streets again.

I do not have anyone else to help me as a back up. And, besides he might not be the only pervert following me.

By rejecting tons of boy since our freshman orientation, I have earned a lot of hatred from both the boys and girls..




My footsteps hastened when the thick hooded shadow behind me revealed itself followed me openly.

My speed walking intensed and my feet drifted to the pace of running.

The familiar old fear of my past returned to my heart. I tried to scream. But my voice wouldn't come out. My body had already started showing the signs of. hyperventilation

Breathlessly, blocked by a corner sided with two walls, I found my self trapped when I suddenly heard a gentle voice.

"Sarah..? Sarah.. Are you alright..?"

Someone wearing our school uniform called me and I confess, you would never know how relieved I was to find another student.

I turned my head back completely drenched in sweat with red eyes and and shattered light caramel blonde hair that was messed up on this commotion.

"Y-You are.."

The boy I rejected today..

I wanted to tell him and reply him I was fine. But, I couldn't do any of that as the guy suddenly leaned forward and wrapped a tight embrace on me.

My ash blue eyes widened immediately at the unexpected gesture of the stranger. I tried wiggling away from the immediate discomfort but he just held me close.

"It's okay, Sarah. I am here. You are safe with me."

He muttered hushing on my nape.

"Like I said, beautiful girls always get into troubles like this. That is the reason you must hurry up and date me.."

I already rejected you. Just why don't you get a clue!

He released me and touched my chin roughly.

"It's.. Okay. Angel Sarah.. I am here for you. That creepy stalker won't bother you anymore.."

I tried getting away. But the guy was just too strong.

"You..! I.. I don't even know you!! Besides, You are hundred times more creepier..!"

I snapped him abruptly and put my entire force on my leg to stomp him.


The guy screamed behind me as I hastily ran forward. But, unfortunately I was still in the Abby's corner and there was absolutely no escape for me unless I grow a pair of wings.

Feeling the eeire footsteps my chest tightened again in panic.

Soon enough, the guy returned with a creepy smirk half gasping.

"Ah.. My foot still hurts..You bi*ch. Do you think just because, you are pretty you can get away with anything..!"

"I already rejected you.. Why are you tormenting me like this..??" I screamed to him slowly walking backwards.

"You! Weren't you the one who showed signs to me that you liked me?" He spat.


"You gave me the basketball shirt I had lost. You liked my instagram comment. And, when I talked to you, you always replied me with a flowery smile.."

Ugh. Is he really gonna be like this?

"Listen, Wiber.. Right? Since I openly saw you dropping your shirt right in front of four steps before me. I am not so rude or haughty enough to simply ignore you. I liked your comment because, you detailed the activities of the cheerleading club of our school and as it's leader, it's my duty. And, I always talk with everyone with a flowery smile..even when rejecting them remember??!"

I gasped feeling incredibly exhausted and miserable. The trembles of my body still haven't stopped. Though, I was trying best to put a brave face, I was trying my best to stay calm.

"Lies!! How arrogant you are! How dare you humiliate me like this..?"

He yelled angrily raising his arm.

"People like you must learn a lesson Buahahahahaha..!!"

This person. He said he likes me. But, why is love suddenly turning ti hate when I reject him? I knew it.

This was the real reason I do not like dating any guy. Or get into a relationship.

Boys. They are all the same. Every single one!!

I closed my eyes feeling myself shrink like a kitten when suddenly a strong powerful punch landed on his face.

My eyes widened in surprise when I saw a gasping weak looking guy wrapped up in a thick black hood. The real 'stalker" in the question dropped down dead on the street before me.

"C-Come on..! Let's get out of here before he wakes up..!"

The guy hushed me.

"Lawrence Lee..?"

I muttered softly.

The guy seemed surprised by my words and he immediately looked back at me.

"I-I .. I di-didn't realise y-you would r-remember my n-name.."

He stammered. But, when the knocked out guy showed signs of waking up, he abruptly grabbed my hand in haste and dragged me out of here.

Surprisingly unlike, what the other classmate had done, I did not feel uncomfortable around him at all.

. . .

9: 00 pm.

After the two of us practically escaped from the real stalker, my Stalker-nim took me to a convenience store, so that we could hide from that creep for a while.

At the mean time, he also got me a cup of Americano and a plate of cheese cake (my favourites)

wrapped up in a cover. He said he wanted me to calm down.

Other than that, he didn't speak anything else. He just kept looking at the window failing to meet my eyes.

I recall, he seemed surprised I remembered his name. I was so shocked then that I couldn't exactly answer him then.

But, writing about it now this night before going to bed, I really think that must probably be because this guy has been stalking me for solid three months even though he had never spoke to me.

He was a loner. Nerd at first look. Though he wasn't exactly a bright student like Alexander Min. He didn't seem to have much friends either. And, it also seemed like the guy was constantly getting bullied by the popular kids. Apart from that I know nothing about him.

I was very freaked out by him at first. Amelia is still freaked out. But, as days passed, him stalking me has become a routine. I obliged to myself that, I wouldn't take action unless he does something that actually harms me.

But, Who would have ever thought I would actually be drinking coffee with him like this..?

Life is really unpredictable.

Tired of this silence, I decided to be the first one to break it.

"Ya! Are you really gonna keep this up? Though it has been more than twenty minutes since we got here..? Now that you are right in front of me.. Tell me clearly.. Why are you stalking me..?"

I decided to be frank before this cowering geek.

The guy gasped at my stern question and cowered more towards the floor, his thick hood still covering his bright red hair's lengthy front bangs that barely escaped from the edges.

"Do you like me or what? Be out with it..!"

I snapped. Lawrance Lee wiggled in fright and hastily stretched his trembling arm after taking something from his pocket.

I blinked my eyes and looked at him when the bright pink pendant I had lost on this year's freshmen orientation day gently slipped from his slinky finger tips.

"I-I believe t-this is yours..n-noona! (Older sister)"

Lawrance stammered miserably.

"You d-dropped this n-near the cheerleading s-stage.."

"Aha.. This is the present I got from my dad for my birthday! I can't believe you actually found it."

I chirped quickly grabbing my accessory when realisation gradually struck me.

"You..! You..!! You were stalking me for three months to give me this..!!!??"

I was shocked out of wits.

"You could have just handed it over to me directly or at least passed it on to my friends!"

"I-I.. I t-tried. noona."

Lawrence refered me in such a manner as I was his senior. And, he was still a freshman. Amelia and I were second years in highschool.

"But, I-I was too scared t-to talk to you and y-your friends a-always s-shooed me away.."

He stammered. Only then did I calm down.

Ah.. Yeah.. Amelia can be a bit scary..

"So.. You weren't actually stalking me because you liked me, huh.."

I told him then, dear diary.

That was really a bummer.

Wait..? That's bummer?? Why the hell was that a bummer!?

Now, I sound as though I feel a tint of disappointment on my lines.. Right??

Ahh!! I must be nuts.

Now, getting back to the incident.


Lawrance stammered again.

"I d-do like y-you. I-I fell in love w-with you w-while trying to s-stalk you, n-noona.."

I felt my cheeks flush instantly at his words.

H-He's too forward.

Saying something like this with such a sweet and milky voice is.. I coughed vehemently and rub my mouth trying hard to hide that crazy smirk on my lips from him.

He sounds kinda innocent. But, I see, he is the sly flirty type.

"Well.. That was an unexpected.. love confession. So, are you expecting me to give you an answer right now.. Or will you wait..?"

I asked him slyly, brushing my silver locks behind my ear, having my pride fed well.

"A-Actually, I.. d-don't expect an answer from you a-at all.."

The junior in thick black hood instantly broke down my mirage like pride.


"I w-want t-the person I-I like to b-be happy... A-And, t-there is no way s-she would be happy.. i-if she's with m-me.."

He confessed bitterly when I felt a light thump flutter on my heart.

A silence broke in within us again.

Forced I couldn't help but, ask him the only question I had on my mind.

"Um.. Lawrence, knowing you are like this, I know it's pointless to ask. you like me..? Is it because I am beautiful..?"

I asked something I had really been worn out to enquire.

The boy with a bright blush that resembled his red hair looked at me quickly.

"No way.." He said openly but, abruptly closed his mouth.

"I-I mean. You are b-beautiful n-noona. Very b-beautiful. But, t-that's not why I l-like you. I-I have a-a hard time g-getting along with o-others. I stress t-too much a-about d-doing things p-people looking a-at me and b-being the c-center of a-attention.

But, on the f-freshman o-orientation day, when I saw y-you dancing on the stage. Y-You were s-sparking. I noticed you g-getting hurt in the leg during the r-rehersal due to some rude s-seniors. I t-thought you would totally b-bail the event. B-But, looking y-you own the stage as your own with your l-l-limping foot. I was dumbstruck. And, f-for loser p-person like me, you were like a star. I j-just couldn't help but f-f-fall for you.."

The boy was still telling it to me when, out of mere curiosity I quickly leaned to the front and pulled the hood from his head.

I was getting quite tired of having a conversation with a milkey tender voice while the face of the speaker was still being sunk inside a hood.

In a flash, Lawrence Lee's black hood dropped down from his head and his fluttering bright red hair came to my sight.

There. As though he was a beautiful butterfly wrapped up inside a cocoon, there was a palely tender looking boy of fifteen with light sea green coloured eyes hidden inside his ugly black sack like hood.

His hair was blocked by his black hood first from looking at his face, but now since the hood was off, I could tell how handsome the boy was.

His pale skin that goes so well with his red hair looked so flawless even from a near view that without his glasses (something he didn't seem to wear today), one could safely compare him to porcelain doll; his nose ridge and jawline were as immaculate that one might think it was lazer-trimmed.

Too beautiful. Was what I thought. The guy looked too beautiful and cute that I could not keep my eyes off him!

My jaws dropped animatedly in shock.

H-He looked similar to Midoria Izuku, Deku from my favourite anime.. !!

{Transalation: He is exactly my type!!}

"N-N-Noona!! W-W-Why d-did y-you d-do t-that..!!!? I-I g-gotta go..!! N-Now that y-you have seen m-m-my face.. I-I can't stay here a-any l-longer..!"

Why is he talking like this? Does he think, he is an alien with a secret mission from an another world or something?

In the minutes of these events, I was still in daze of my present and couldn't get a gist of my surrounding. But, Lawrance quickly took his opportunity to practically flee from this place.

"G-Good bye, n-noona..!! I-I hope w-we never m-met each o-other again..!!"

The stutterer stammered again picking up his stuff.

"Y-You can g-go h-home with y-your neighbour a-aunty..! Goodbye!!"

"What? M-My neighbour aunty?"


The doorbell rang and the door of the convience store opened, right in time he hasted out.

"Lawrance.. wait!!"

I called after him in a hurry when I suddenly bumped into Mrs Harrison from the next door.

"Sarah dear? What are you doing so late?.."

"Mrs Lara..?"

How did Lawrance know who exactly was my neighbour.

Oh shit I forgot he is my stalker!

Besides, that is not important.

I quickly turned back to chase him again.

But he was long gone. Like the night.

Frustrated, I punched the table and bit my lips.

This guy..!

Just, What was with that over dramatic exit..?

And, Why the hell is he making me feel like the Prince Charming..?

Was the only thing I could think as I walked home with my chatty neighbour frowning bitterly.