Page 15: Holly's Birthday Party

Tuesday, 8:00 pm

At a Tteokbokki Street shop.


It was a shock. Really. Never in my wildest dreams have I imagined Derrick Han be involved in such a nasty profession.

The only thing Alex and I could think at the moment was getting out of here as we waited for Derrick to return back.

Derrick soon walked out of the inn as good as new. He had a thick leather and fur hood over his arms. His blonde hair looked like ruffled snow capes tinted with the nights dew. He looked as dashing as ever if it weren't for the band aid mark on his cheek.

But, only now did I notice this was the only outfit Derrick had worn at all special events of the school where uniforms weren't needed. Everyone were always swayed by his good looks and flatter sweet talk that no one really notices anything else from him.

"You are leaving, Derrick..? Get home soon..!"

A coworker yelled from behind.

"Hmm..! You too." Derrick flashed a bright smile. "Bye bye, sunbae!"

"Bye Derrick."

Few others wished their farewells and they all left. Derrick's back was still towards us as he smiled and waved at them.

He then finally turned towards us massaging his band aid cheek.

"Ah.. My cheek hurts smiling all the time. Ah, I am starving. Hey, Want to go some where else..? I know where to get some nice spicy Tteokbokki! Come on, guys."

Derrick chirped and that's were we are now, dear diary. I know I shouldn't have come along with him. But.. Gee, I am here already.

Alex looks equally confused as me. It was obvious Derrick Han had hid his secret life from him too. He probably has mixed feelings about this as he was angry with his friend for hiding all his sufferings but, yet could also understand why he did it.

Oh.. No.

Derrick is back again with our ordered dinner. He said he could get a discount for us on this street shop. It seems he had worked here a while back too. The more I know about him the more I find new layers coming out of his life's web comb of mysteries.

But, I am starting to understand his busy life style. The maturity beyond his age and ..his sudden disappearances to school.

Anyways. He's back now.

Will write you soon Dear Diary.


Tuesday 10:00 pm.

Few minutes passed but no one spoke a word at the intense awkwardness.

Derrick obviously didn't want us to be staring at him like this. But, since the cat was already out of the bag he had no choice but to confess.

"Ha..haha, Alex my man. You have caught me.."

Derrick said raising his arms in surrender with a cocky smile.

The image of his suit was completely drenched with some stinking alcohol. The painful slap mark on his cheek that's now covered with a band aid. And, a strange tight fitting outfit that are used by male prostitutes. I would never forget that sight even though Derrick now looks completely normal as though the previous events never even happened.

But, Derrick still never made himself look helpless though he actually was on all levels. The pride on his amber eyes was the only thing that kept his hope alive.

"Y-You.. are involved with a bar...?? Derrick... H-How could you..??"

"It..just happened, dude.." Derrick said looking away. His amber eyes sharpened carelessly as he rubbed his neck.

"I need a part time job and that place is the only job that gives me a lump of income enough to help my family.. Hmm..The food is really good here right?"

Even though we were talking about something pretty seriousness here Derrick was totally listless.

He gulped a spoonful of his food.

Alex seemed to be at edge at all this.

Derrick was not even telling us anything. He was still putting up a very strong unapproachable front though his walls were totally torn down.

"Calm down.. Alex.." I mumbled. But, as I expected Alex couldn't at all. He stood from his seat abruptly and yelled.

"Does that mean you could work on a b-bar..??? How can you sell yourself like that..?? Do you think your life is that vain..???"

Alex totally lost his calm. I had to push him to the chair and close his mouth to stop him from screaming so loud.

"Dude, I am poor. Many stores don't take underaged employees as they think we are not reliable. I have no choice."

Derrick said calmly.

"B-B-But.. But!" Alex almost got up from his chair again.

"And.. My mother is dying.."

The two of us froze in shock.

"I need the money for the hospital expenses.. I cannot to protect my eight year old little sister all by myself.. So, My..mother.."

There was finally some sort of emotion in Derrick's eyes.

" live.. I cannot possibly just let her die, Can I?"

Alex bit his lips. Hard. He wanted to open his mouth to say something. But, he couldn't and just shut up.

In impulse, He then quickly took some cash from his pocket and shoved it on Derrick's arms.

I was shocked when he did that.

H-Hey.. I am sure he means it all well. But, giving Derrick money at a time like this.. It is definately not..

"Here..! Have this. I will pay you next month too. This way you will not suffer like-"

Alex breathed but, like I expected Derrick immediately slapped Alex's arm violently and glared at him.

His face became nonchalant as ice. But his narrow golden eyes revealed a strong aversion and anger.

"Are you.. looking down on me..?"

Derrick hissed at Alex. His tone was chrispy like a ravenous alpha wolf ready to slaughter it's prey.

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. I was compelled to make a face palm at the situation.

Ah.. My dear ignorant..Alex..

Of course, Derrick feels like that.

Alex is really nice. But, he totally has no clue to feelings when it comes to others. It is one of his defaults for being the son of a chaebol (rich business man).

"N-No.. I-I.."

Alex shivered back immediately. Unlike his past his IQ seemed to have aided him at the moment. As he immediately shriveled back like a kitten.

"I.. am sorry..Derrick."

He apologized guiltily.

Luckily, Derrick was his friend and someone who knew him for a few years. So, he quickly bought that.

"I am glad you understand that."

Derrick smiled.

I looked at my noodle and stared at it.

It is unfair to treat Derrick like this and making him owe us one. But, Derrick's situation was pathetic and as his friend, we cannot just over look it just because he says he's okay.

Dear diary, so.. I did the only thing I could do at the moment though it is only a one time favour for him.

"Hey... Then.. D-Derrick.. D-Do you like to come to the party I have arranged this weekend..?" I asked him placing my arm on the table.

"... I-I can hire you for arranging the party. It is definately not much but.. You need the money and I need someone to manage the party affairs..."

Yes, Yes. Amelia. I genuinely want to help him out him out. Not just because he is my crush and I have been in love with him since last year.. No ulterior motives..

I thought, desperately while sating thing this to him.

"A-A party ...?" Derrick blinked at the sudden proposal.

"Y-Yes.. I know, you have been the manager of the basketball team for a few weeks I've heard you also arranged a welcome party blast from the freshers and that it was sooo good. Your managing skills I mean..."

I chirped.

"How did you know tha-.. Oh.. You stalked him throu-... Ouchhh!"

Alex started looking quite irritated, rolling his eyes. I stamped his feet abruptly in fear he might spill more.

Derrick smiled at the realisation.

"Haha..You knew..? That's quite sweet of you, Amelia."

He said softly. An arc of light surrounded him as he smiled and with his platinum blonde hair and light amber eyes he reflected the appearance of an angel.

My heart rampaged on my chest at the sight.

Derrick Han called me sweet. Derrick Han called me sweet! Aahhh! DERRICK HAN CALLED ME AS A SWEET PERSON! I AM DYINGGG..!!!

"Haha.. I never heard anything of this stupid party.. I am sure it would be boring.." Alex muttered grumpily on the side.

"Hey you don't remember..? I personally emailed you too..? Did you not check your inbox yesterday..?"

"P-Personally..? You took the effort to personally invite me to your party..?"

Alex's eyes suddenly glimmered with anticipation and curiousity.

"Yeah. Since you are also Holly's childhood friend." I told him.

Alex's face abruptly crumbled like he had expected this.

"Oh.. That was it."

He muttered again.

Derrick however was very curious about everything. Especially after her interaction.

"So, who is Holly..? The name reminds me of the recent popular model who is trending a lot of the perfume ads."

Derrick said pretending to think.

"Bing bong! That is her. Holly Choi, our best friend from kinder garden. She used to hangout with me, Alex and Sarah when we were kids. And, she's suppper nice."

I told him.

"Well, she sounds amazing. But, Holly.. Choi.. If I am right doesn't she have the same name as Vanessa Choi..?"

Derrick asked looking at Alex.

Alex looked extremely sickly just at the sound of her name.

"U-Ugh.. Yes.. She's actually her twin sister. But, none of us really like her, especially Alex. Thank goodness she's not gonna come visit us this time.."

I confessed and breathed a sigh.

But, Derrick looked more confused than ever.

"But.. Alex.. Didn't you say that person's-"

Derrick started but, abruptly stopped and shut his lips when he glanced at Alex.

I turned to look at him immediately. Alex was finishing his last spoon of dinner.

"So, what do you say..? Are you on to this..? ...I can pay the exact same payment salary for this month, that you have just lost because of your mean boss..?"

I proposed again and I was definately not joking.

I already made up my mind to give Holly the best party ever. I know, I needed more money for a party designer anyway. So, why not help a friend in need than call a stranger for help.

I wasn't in a big advantage on trusting Derrick Han on this project because though he might be talented. He was clearly unprofessional. But, my desire to help him preceded that.

Derrick thought a bit. He then smiled.

"I.. I'll think about it.." He replied softly.

I can tell he didn't really like accepting my favour. But, he really did not have a choice right now...

The fee I pay for him might be very less. But, that kinda matches with the month's salary he has just lost.

Unfortunately, This is the least I can do since.. I can definately not help him enough to live a better life. With his conditions it seemed like Derrick was fated to suffer like this..

And.. I ..can do nothing about it..

The thought truly grieves me a lot.

With that the three of us left to our houses.

I came home quite late tonight and mom seemed very worried about me.

She yelled me a lot when I came home. But, she then started bawling just at the thought that I had gone missing.

I told her about Alex, then Derrick's life (I didn't mention his name) and also Holly's bday party.

Usually she wouldn't allow me on a high budget on a mere party. But, since we had this huge break through between my mother and I, I earned her permission.

In such a way mom and I recompensed with each other.

But, yet.. The real cause she hated basketball. My wish to express my passion to basketball still laid in the surface of the ocean. These taboo topics were ignored today just like that, until the day they would finally have a chance to return and reveal us something ugly.


Saturday 7:00 pm

My house balcony.


1) Lights ✅

2) Balloons ✅

3) Decorations ✅

4) Cake ✅

5) Destination registration: At my garden ✅

6) Welcome home banners.


7) Friends ✅

Dear diary,

It's here. Today's finally here! I am gonna see Holly in blood and flesh after so long!

Like my hunch, Derrick did a fine job in organizing the party. I think, I have also got close to him while preparing the decorations together.

We are not lovers yet, of course. But, sharing his bitter secret with Alex, I had definately crossed a river on our relationship from mere

acquaintances to friends.

Hopefully, one day it might turn more..

Anyways, after working here all morning and recieving his wage from mother, Derrick left home to get dressed.

The guests have started coming now. I am positive the party's gonna be blast.

Ah, people are calling me for hanging 'the welcome home banner'. See you soon, diary.


Saturday 8:00


Dear diary,

Since Holly Choi is taking her time to get here all the guests started chilling out and urged me to start the party already.

Compelled, I permitted them to turn on the music and now the entire garden has turned into a dance fiasco.

Alex is here too. Seems like he had cleaned himself well as he looked more good looking than usual. As a matter of fact the second he entered the party room with a his casual demin jacket and black jeans he created a great sensation all around the place especially from the girls.

He probably tried approaching me to give me his attendence check. But, the girls never left him. The simply clung by his side like his coats and asked him their superficial doubts from our lessons, as Alex never entertains flirtings.

Well they are not really acting desperate, as while, talking about the guus on the other side.

I looked at Sarah who was also equally surround by flocks of guys and was giving uncomfortable smile.

That is totally normal for her.

Besides she looks extremely cute today with her high pony and light pink flower frock. She looked like a pretty fairy sitting with flowerbeds.

Ypu might think I am feeling bad. But, my friends are like this. Beauties and hotties from another dimension. I had already accepted the fate to be the only normal person in the bunch before many years.

And, since the two are my friends and I was the one holding the party I personally did not like them staying uncomfortable.

That is the reason with a sigh, I quickly grabbed the arms of both, Alex and Sarah from their fan groups and brought them to the center.

The two blinked at me.

"The only people who can save you two is each other. So.. Why don't you two go with the music and dance with each other.."

I proposed them and gently laid their arms on top of each others.

Sarah and Alex seemed utterly confused. They obviously did not know why I was doing this.

"Since you are the people I like the most I want you to enjoy too..!"

I beamed a grin.

The two looked at me for a few seconds. Alex then shrugged his shoulders and asked Sarah for a dance.

Sarah chuckled and took his hand.

"Thankyou Ame." She said walking to the center.

The light pop-rock music started and as the two danced many other couples joined them. Though, as the school stars, they were obviously the only couple who shined the most.

"Hey. Hey.. Aren't the perfect for each other..?"

"Ah, I am jealous.. They look so good together.."

Few commented.

I nodded along with them.

Yes. Yes! They do. I just cannot understand why Sarah isn't interested in Alex.

I looked at them like a proud parent.

"Yes, they do. Sarah perfectly compliments Alex with her beauty. Compared to Amelia..."

"Oh.. Shut up. She's looking at us..shhsh shh.."

My eyes widened at shock when I over heard them.

I immediately turned back and glared at them.

These uninvited classmates looked away guiltily.

Dear diary.. Truth be told, I am trying my best to ignore them. But, I am afraid they got my mind.

The memories I had with a certain twelve year old black haired girl with the face of my best friend suddenly came to my mind. She pulled my hair. Pushed me to the ground and snapped at me.

'I saw you taking quick glances at Alexander! Do you have a crush on him..??'

'Waah.. No way. I don't!!'

But, at that time I really did.

'Liar! I will never give him to you! Listen up Amelia.. Alex may not like me now or even date a girl more prettier or successful than me. But, that girl will never be you..! You hear that...! Cause you can..never deserve him ..on this life..!!!'

Her vain raging voice from my dark memories echoed on my mind and for a moment I had to close my ear to stop hearing Vanessa's yells.

After regaining myself, I looked again at the beautiful couple dancing in the center and I could only think of one thing at the moment.

.... I glad.. I am not in love with Alexander....

I sighed in relief as the crowd around me had suddenly become silent as though someone special had arrived.

H-Ha..? Holly..? Is she finally here..???

I looked at the entrance in anticipation when unexpectedly at this moment, I saw a fair slender arm being stretched in front of me.

I immediately looked up and noticed the arm belonged to Alex.


B-But wasn't he with..

My gaze quickly moved to my friend Sarah. Sarah was waved at me with a teasing grin on her face.

Alex's cheeks on the other hand flushed as though he had just been the prey of all Sarah's mischief. Alex looked very stressed like he was doing something that was very difficult for him. But, he still stretched his arm while averting his eyes as though his life depended on it.

"A-Amelia.. W-W-Will you dance with-...."

"Alexie darling....!!!!"

A stingy voice screamed from the center.

Before we could even get hold of the situation, an extremely familiar girl with the face of my best friend rushed towards and clung to his arm like a magnet.

The girl exceptionally pretty just like her sister. Wore expensive clothes, just like her sister and was super energetic just like her sister.

But, unfortunately.. She just.wasn't.her.twin.sister.

"V-Vanessa Choi..!!!??"

I screamed in shock and everyone gasped around me. An eerie silence immediately surrounded the atmosphere.

"You have made a party.. F-For me..? I am so touched.. Alexie darling..!"

She clung to the arm of the now extremely disgusted Alex, pushed it towards her cleavage and giggled in delight.

"Sarah...! And.. Amelia.."

She pronounced my name like a cuss word with a nasty smirk on her red lipstick coated lips.

"Thank you for being so kind and arranging me this welcome party my poor sister couldn't attend..!"

She grinned sinisterly as though she was the reincarnation of a second Maleficent.

At this time, my phone suddenly rung with a notification.

HOLLYHOLLYWOOD: Amelia, I am so sorry, baby. You know how much I wanted to meet you right..? But, I believe I cannot this month. My sister is missing with a single note that, 'she won't do the fashion walk this time' and left behind all her work too me.. again. As a matter of fact she has been missing all day. I am afraid I cannot visit you for a few days..honey..

Missing all day..

Let me guess..

I looked at the message and huffed

Vanessa Choi swapped Holly Choi's plane tickets with money and jumped in here.

What disaster have you bought for yourself, Amelia?..

I felt like banging my head on the wall.
