The test

Toshiro and Damien walked into the portal which was to lead them back to their own realm. Before walking in, Toshiro and Damien took a b brief glance at the beautiful realm. They were frustrated; such a great opportunity wasted. In their minds, they cursed Raio as much as they could, although it was majorly their fault. They couldn't do anything now; all they could hope for was another opportunity like this. Damien walked into the portal with a sad expression. And as expected, they were back in front of Raio's house.

"Quick, we have to get to the arena now!" Raio said. He briskly walked into the house, and then came out wearing a long brown jacket reaching to his knees and white fur at the neck line.

"Let's get moving folks." Raio said.

Karl and Luke came out of the house with splendid outfits, Luke looked up to behold an unexpected guest. Standing in front of them was Anastasia looking as beautiful as ever, with two maidens and a huge bed, the size of a carriage behind her. Luke looked down to see Karl staring at him like a psychopathic clown. Luke shook his head in disappointment before walking down the stairs to visit his guest. Luke looked down noticing the green grass below him. 'How wonderful' He thought as this was the 'best' time for him to start noticing details about his surroundings, before later on summoning courage to look at her in the eye.

"Wasn't expecting you to show up," Luke said clearing his throat.

"Well, my younger sister is also taking the test. And, my dad finally allowed us to visit the outer part of the kingdom." Annabelle said heaving a sigh.

"That's great news." Luke replied. "Well, I also was about to go for the test, Damien is also taking it." He added.

"*Sighs. We need to talk."

"Now's not the time." He said lowering his tone

"Hey Karl!" Annabelle greeted, waving her hands up high.

"My princess, I hope Luke is treating you well." Karl replied with a neutral tone. Luke looked down at him with an angry expression, but the latter only smiled at him, expecting such a reaction.

"Well, I was about to go to the arena. And just, you know, stopped by to say hi." Annabelle replied.

"Would you look at that… A coincidence I would say, we also were on our way for the test." Karl said eyeing Luke like a mad devil.

"Ok then, care for a ride?" Annabelle asked politely.


The arena was filled to its brim when they arrived, everyone had taken their respective seats, awaiting either their relative's name or someone else. Either someone to congratulate, or someone to laugh at, either way, half of the kingdom were present to witness this event. At the left side of the arena sat the ambassador of different academies who would later select their students after the test had shown their battle power and classification. The ambassadors of highly respected schools had their chest up in bride; they knew that they were the ones who would bring the strongest students with them. Annabelle sat beside Luke while Karl went to his other siblings. Somewhere in the arena, Dean was restless, looking at the huge gate to try and sight Damien or Raio.

"Where the hell are you Raio?" Dean mumbled.

Raio and the boys trooped straight into the arena. Raio took the two boys to the registration room. After registering, Damien and Toshiro were given different plaques with different numbers, Damien had the number 64 while Toshiro's was 63.

"Let's go." Raio said before dragging them to a vacant seat.

After some minutes, the elder in charge of the test walked up to the platform in the middle of the arena. In front of him was a white platform with only a flat crystal on it. The man stated the purpose of the gathering, before calling out the names on his lists. Anyone called out, walked up to the platform then placed their hands on the crystal which told them the kind of supernatural they were, and their current battle power.

"Subject 63, Toshiro Raionar." The old man's voice echoed aloud.

Toshiro maneuvered his way through the crowd then walked to the platform.

"Your hand on the crystal please" The man commanded in a neutral tone.

"Left or right?" Toshiro's question was met with a death stare. Without saying another word, he placed his left hand on the crystal which started to glow.

"Very strange" He mumbled.

" Toshiro Raionar. Sky Mage, transcendent sky mage physiology, Current battle level: 10."

The crowd simultaneously gasped out of shock, and so did the ambassadors,

"Is he truly a Sky Mage?"

"I thought that was a myth!"


These and more conversation started to rise. Raio's jaw almost dropped out of shock, but he composed himself and smirked. Although Toshiro's battle power was very low, but he being a sky mage was unbelievable, something that hadn't been heard from anyone. A sky mage! Sky Mages were no humans and one of the most powerful gods in the temple. Blessed by both Azar and Zeus, their powers were almost unbeatable. The existence of sky Mages were taken only as a myth and nothing serious, but now they had seen it themselves a little god!

"Well, we have to move on to the next. You can go now. The choosing of academies shall be done fully, after the test." The elder said.

Toshiro proudly walked down the platform, noticing how the ambassadors eyed him.

"Next, Damien Dean." The elder said.

Damien walked to the platform, hoping for a good result. He did as the elder said, and placed his hands on the platform. The elder had a surprised look on his face when he saw the results.

"That's not possible. Who's your father?" The elder asked. Damien felt strange, hearing this question.

"Dean…." Damien said, not knowing his father's next name. But suddenly, Dean came to his rescue, appearing beside him.

"What is the issue dear elder?" Dean asked.

"There's no way you are a transcendent demonic mage are you?" The elder replied.

"No sir, I and my wife are Hellhound mages." Dean replied with a confused expression.

"Damien Dean, Transcendent demonic mage. Transcendent demonic mage physiology." The elder announced causing everyone to widen their mouths in shock.

"Hey, stop joking with us. There's nothing as such." An ambassador said out of anger.

"That's what it says, he is in fact more than that, but that's what I can see for now."