Chapter 19: the Sentinel's Parade Part II

Medieval buildings and a stone castle crammed with urban buildings grew from the ground around the heptagon. The ground shook and it grumbled loudly as if there were an earthquake. The increasing of the building had come to a halt as they reached their maximum height. Huge horny veins grew longer from the base and engulfed almost every part for each building where plethora of exotic tropical flowers with various colours bloomed.

     "Wowwwwwwwww!!!!!! Look at how amazing those buildings are!! They crammed together like an urban city crammed together with a medieval kingdom. Is this a utopia? A child's imagination? But these aren't hallucination, what you are witnessing now is concrete, solid!" The emcee exclaimed showing off a pose of inquisitiveness.

     The aisle began to be wrapped with floral veins and solid tree trunks. Specks of light appeared from some flowers and burst out into seven fairies with pointed ears and orange-brown moth wings attached on their back. Their eyes were solid black. 

     "The factor behind these is beyond our expectation, who might this be?" Declaimed the emcee with an intriguing tone. "She who befriends the elemental, she who opposes the world's law of imagination, she herself is the imagination. She, who brought hallucination into the real world. She, who was born in Turkey with special abilities beyond the god's power. We are certain that she is-"

     Continuous drum roll could be heard echoing as the emcee paused with a big grin on his face. He put down his microphone and positioned his sunglasses properly then stroked his spiky and shiny black hair.

     "The Esper Sentinel, Era Fatmaaaaaa!!!!" The emcee shouted while facing the sky and pointed his index finger to the entrance.

     Era floated out of the entrance and she glowed with bright amber fire which mimicked the colour of a yellow rose. She flew lower and her feet almost touched the floor on the aisle. An amber coloured skin woman with raging orange-coloured hair flew behind her with her white and brown moth wings. Her ears were long and pointed like an elf, light brown fur wrapped around her neck, her geometric golden crown covered her head and her black antennae stuck out from the root of her head. Her brilliant red leather dress was blown softly to the back. 

     The piles of crammed buildings and the horny veins on the aisle faded and vanished into glittering specks of tiny colourful lights as Era reached the heptagon. She walked further until she reached the 4th golden diamond shaped platform which glowed yellow as Era stepped on it and stood stiffly there accompanied by her assistant, the moth lady, like the aforementioned sentinels.

     The ground shook again and the whole crowd had to hold on to something nearby. It was like an earthquake but did not damage any structure of the building. Sharp and horrible thumping sound could be heard echoing. The aisle cracked but did not open. The emcee on the highest platform on the heptagon tried to balance himself as the ground kept shaking and growling and roaring. They heard a distinct yet so loud roaring sound of a lion.

     "Did you hear that?" The emcee curved his hand against his earlobe, "the roaring sound could be heard from a great distance. Who might he be? He whose strength was beyond human power. He, who is courageous, fierce and might bite you with his large jaws and sharp teeth. He, who is the most powerful and the strongest human being ever existed. He who masters and advances all kind of martial arts-"

     The emcee shook, mimicking the shaken ground. He grabbed his microphone as it slipped off from his hand and almost fell to the ground. He grabbed the metal fence around him and stood still with his legs shaking as if he was trembling. A few seconds later, the shaking ground was kept calm and placid.

     "He who has the head of a lion and the one and only cyborg. He who exhibits humans true strength, who need not any single weapon to fight even the strongest vampire, behold, the Sentinel of Durability, Kaginuki Hayabusa!!" The emcee excitedly exclaimed with awe and locked his eyes on the entrance.

     Hayabusa swaggered as he got out from the mouth of the entrance while waving his arms to the air. A goth blonde Lolita girl with two huge curly ponytails dangling on both sides of her head, followed him from behind and her shyness made her adorable. She wore a dark brownish-maroon goth dress with short frilly skirt and a pair of red gloves with frilled fringe on her wrists. She held onto Hayabusa's hand which made them look like a couple of a father and a child. Hayabusa stepped on the 3rd golden diamond shaped platform then it glowed orange. 

     "For now, we can see that five sentinels have entered the haptagon and lit up the diamonds. They glowed beautifully; crimson, violet, royal blue, amber and raging orange blazes. Wait! Two diamonds are empty!! Two sentinels haven't introduced themselves, and who might that be?" The emcee pinched his chin and glanced at the empty and unlit diamonds. "Did you hear that?"

     "Pfffft, it was a joke," teased the emcee but nobody laughed.

     A small silver military tank accelerated out of the mouth of the entrance then started shooting the air with light bullets. The lights reflected and bounced from one glass to another glass then hit the emcee's platform and he jumped higher up into the air. He was startled by the abrupt fire. 

     "Hehehe," the emcee laughed nervously, "he who negotiates with the military on the battlefield. He whose intelligence is beyond the universe, he whose knowledge was vast and diverse. He who acknowledges the rule of the world through sciences, he who is very advanced, indeed! He, who is an Iranian scientist who was frenzied about the nuclear reaction, the Science Sentinel, Dr Ruthbert Ali Khan!!!" 

     Two fierce cyborg large beasts crawled out from the entrance with chains cuffed to their limbs and their metallic necks. Their physical stone hearts were glowing with red and orange colours. The longest chain from their body was connected to Ruthbert who got out with a huge sinister grin on his face. He widened his heterochromatic eyes and released the chain of the vicious cyborg beasts. The beasts ran while roaring towards the emcee's platform. Ruthbert took out a remote and pushed a button at the centre of the remote. 

     "Wha-what's happening?!" The emcee screamed in fear as his platform lowered down with the beasts barking and scratching the wall of the helt of the platform, "eeeeeeekkkkkk!!!! Tasuketeeeeee!!!!!"

     Ruthbert clicked another button from the remote that fireworks burst out from the sole of his shoes. He flewed ahead to the heptagon then landed on the second golden diamond. The diamond glowed neon green as the tip of his shoe touched its smooth surface. He clicked another button on the remote and immediately, the beasts crawled in reverse then returned to the entrance together with the small tank. Ruthbert stroked his dirty green bazooka and embraced it like a cat.

     The emcee was still solid white as he was terribly frightened by the fierce cyborgs which almost tore him into pieces. He returned back to normal then fixed his sunglasses. He cleared his throat and lifted the microphone closer to his lips.

     "We have arrived at the final, almost the end of the parade. Let me introduce you, a young teenage English girl from the West. She, who has proven that the young can accelerate to the top as a promise, you need to toil and strive for what you've sought. She, who befriends death and the demon, she who learned dark art and magic. She who-" The emcee paused as the spotlights suddenly turned off.

     The roaring and terrifying sound of a man from the abyss could be heard echoing. Was it the judgement day? The darkness broke as brilliant blue flames appeared surrounding the heptagon. The choir and the hymn of hell was getting louder and louder. The deep and epic beat of the drum made the event get even more darker. Black shadows crawled out of the entrance like smoke and invaded the crowds but did no harm. They immediately surrounded the heptagon and fixed it at that position. The black shadows transformed into men with skull faces with smoky black robes.

     "Is today Judgement Day? The angels of death are waiting for a soul to be sowed, with demons roam around, the blue flames, it's like a requiem for death. She who mastered the art of magic, she who can bring the dead soul from the land of the dead to the land of the living, she who can raise the dead and bring them to life!! She, who is a good necromancer, the Mage Sentinel, Victoria Chelsea Rothschild!!!"

     The hellish hymn got louder together with the battle beat of the drum. Victoria approached from the dark entrance with demon-like black shadows accompanying her. Her sleazy turquoise eyes were burning with aqua coloured flames. She walked while glaring ahead with her eyes filled with vengeance. She saw Yuu on the 7th crimson diamond then turned to smoke and blinked in front of him.

     "You, who are you supposed to be?" Victoria asked Yuu with an angry tone.

     "Woof?" Yuu barked shyly and bowed.

     "This is ludicrous!! I sense a powerful dark magic from you, and a soul of a demon king from inside you, werewolf alpha!" Victoria depicted.

     Tachibana glared at Victoria with a face full of disgust.