Within the dark there is light and within the light there is dark something almost everyone knows But there is also complete darkness and the so little light but society changes that light even if corrupting it a smidge light while never shine without the dark and the dark can't darken without the light They are natural enemies and friends yet also strangers Who can say in the first place as the question is which came first many can say that the dark is what started and brought the light but the dark couldn't be the dark without the light so to same with the light Making it a mystery a mystery without a solution or answer Yet society doesn't like to not know yet they leave so much in the unknown it's selfish they call themselves one with the people yet they leave so much why so they don't get overthrown they want to stay high and mighty just like that So to comparison society can be the dark and we the people the light and yet it is also society being the light and the people being the dark That's how it's been and will always be probably who knows