Where's Dr. Crider?

Toward the end of June they sailed into rough waters. One morning, after a stormy night, Amanda and Jemmy and Meg were having breakfast in the hold. John Rolfe came looking for them.

"Where is the doctor?" he asked."My wife is ill and we need him."

"I'll find him_ sir." Amanda went above. The wind was still blowing. Only afew people were on deck. She asked some of them if they had seen Dr.Crider. None of them had. She went below. "He isn't on the deck ," she told John Rolfe

"He isn't in the hold," said Rolfe.

She pointed to the rooms where the ladies and gentlemen lived. "He my be in there."

"No, he isn't," said Rolfe."When did you last him?"

"Last night"

"Not this morning?"

"No ,sir."

Again she went up on deck. She even went to the galley where the cook was cutting up cabbages.

He was angry when he spoke to him.

"You can't come in here! No, I've not seen the doctor. How should I know where he is?" Others were looking. They asked one another," When did you last see him?"

A sailor came forward. "I saw him on deck last night. I said to him ,'Doctor, there's danger. The waves are coming over, and you'd best not stay here.' But l never saw him go."

John Rolfe said to Amanda,"Go below. We will keep looking."

She went into the hold and sat with Jemmy and Meg.

It was a long time before Master Rolfe came down."We didn't find him. We've been all over the ship, It could be_... Amanda, it could be that he's gone."


" Over board," he said

"Oh, no," she said." He couldn't be. He's on the ship somewhere. I know he is. I'll find him." But she was Afraid.