If any of his friends told Xavier that he would be doing something as cheesy as this when he was seven years old even as a joke, the young boy would definitely sit up from his position which was previously on his mother's lap as they watched a movie alongside his sister Miranda, and would punch the said friend (or friends) in the face.

Despite growing up with both his sister and his mother watching romantic comedies or any movie or series with romance on it, Xavier never particularly liked the genre. Nevertheless, most of his memories with his mother were the two watching classic romantic films, and if they were joined by Miranda, they would opt for modern chick flicks instead.

Xavier remembered clearly how his mother's eyes would sparkle every time the lead actor and lead actress would appear on the screen. In contrast to his mother who admired every scene on her favorite classic films, Miranda's eyes would flash with jealousy whenever a romantic scene would be shown. His sister always wished for a relationship that was both passionate and sweet enough to last for a lifetime, and no matter how many obstacles the two main characters face, they would always end up in each other's arms.

Unfortunately, she just had to fall in love with someone that would be more likely to be cast on a horror slasher film.

The moment Xavier saw the pale-skinned boy come out of his tiny apartment, he couldn't stop himself from grinning like a fool. The taller boy knew that it was too early to visit him, and it did not help knowing how undeniable it was that it was indeed creepy knowing Rei's address.

However, it was actually Enya who had the information regarding Rei's address. She called him earlier at three in the morning about the address in order to start the plan immediately.

"Time's ticking!" The girl said before ending the call abruptly.

Xavier played along to avoid his friend from interfering. If it was her original plan, she would've wanted him to bring a bouquet of flowers or breakfast from a nearby fast-food chain. The boy told her that it would be too much, and would definitely raise unneeded questions.

Knowing that Xavier had a point, the girl had no choice but to concede and let her friend deal with it. Nevertheless, she texted him that a written plan of three pages worth, saying that it would aid Xavier in seducing Rei which included all the steps and ways that could make the pale-skinned boy fall in love even more quickly and as soon he does, goodbye pest!

The boy could still hear her evil cackle over the phone. She did decide to call him at three in the morning, as she was not able to sleep due to being busy planning her most evil of plans. Jest also sent Xavier a text again still asking the same question he sent a few hours ago which the boy forgot to respond to.

Up until now he did not text his friend back. Yet.

Xavier returned his attention back to the pale-skinned boy who was looking at him wearily, his hair still a mess. The boy obviously did not have any time to fix himself since he was too worried and infuriated regarding the rocks being thrown at his apartment's window and who is insane enough to suddenly appear at his doorstep.

He decided to take the silence of the boy in front of him as his cue to walk towards him, a small smile on his face. He ran his fingers through his hair. Despite the fact that he came out of nowhere and he's supposed to be ready for Rei's questions on his sudden appearance, he's still a bit nervous about what the brown-eyed boy has to say.


"Why the fuck are you throwing rocks at my window? Do you know how much would I have to pay if they broke?!" The pale-skinned boy screamed at him, anger and exhaustion evident in his voice.

Xavier lowered his head in embarrassment. He was right, he shouldn't have followed what Enya advised him about the throwing rocks on the window being romantic and would definitely be the key to Rei's heart.

More like the key to making him hate me even more, Xavier's mind told him.

Rei was still looking at him with anger on his face. He looked like wanted to punch Xavier in the face but something was obviously stopping him. Is it because he somehow didn't want to hurt him?

Absolutely not, the sane part of Xavier answers for him. It's more likely due to the fact that Rei did not want an unnecessary punching farce in front of his apartment that would wake his neighbors and result to his neighbors either calling the police or the landlord.

"I'm sorry," Was the only thing that Xavier can say. "I'm sorry about the window,"

Rei grinned at him sarcastically. "Sure, the window. So you're not even sorry about waking me up in this godforsaken hour? Who the fuck is already awake at five in the morning?! You should be sleeping at this hour, not throwing rocks at somebody's window like a cliche romantic film--"

Xavier couldn't help his lips curling up to form a smile. "You think it's from a romance film?"

Rei was not able to do anything but look at the taller boy in both shock and perplexion. Of all the things he could have responded to his angry speech, he would ask him if he had watched a romance film with the male lead throwing rocks?

Xavier fought the urge to cringe. Rei definitely thinks he's a secret fan of romance films and will be absolutely horrified.

In contrast to what the taller boy thought, Rei laughed so loudly that they both heard somebody complain from a nearby apartment. He immediately stops himself from laughing by looking away but continues to giggle nevertheless. "You," He shakes his head, but his expression on his face that showed amazement and confusion at what Xavier just said was still there. "Out of all the ways you could have had responded to me, you ask me if I watched a romance film?"

The taller boy felt his cheeks flush in embarrasment and he decided to keep his eyes on the ground. Rei's continuous laughter fill the place, and soon they became soft smiles that made Xavier's heart skip a beat in his chest.

"You're the weirdest guy I ever met," Rei remarks after he finally calmed down from laughing out loud. "But that doesn't mean you won't have to answer my question earlier. Why are you here, and how do you know where I live?"

Enya told me.

Definitely not an answer.

I stalked your Facebook account.

A creepy move.

I was driving along the area and noticed your apartment.

Would only raise more questions. Why would the boy with dark blue eyes be driving around this area so early in the morning and how did Xavier know which apartment is Rei's among all these identical apartments?

"I missed you."

Xavier fought the urge to grimace at how cheesy it was but tried to remain composed. Rei's brows furrowed at his spontaneous response.

"Flattering," Rei replies, but he still looked unconvinced. "However, that doesn't answer my question on how you knew where I live."

Xavier fished his phone out of his pocket and showed the records that Enya called him. "Enya called me and asked me to accompany her to your apartment," Rei frowns. "I immediately refused but I still drove here in case she continued on her plan despite how I told her she should cease it."

Rei looked torn between getting angry and being worried. He was probably wondering how the girl who hated him somehow knew his address and why she wanted Xavier to accompany her.

The taller boy noted to himself that he would apologize to Enya later. He's sure that the girl would not mind how Xavier lied regarding how she had an entire plan to pay her sworn enemy a visit and he only went to Rei's house to investigate and protect him from her schemes. The latter did not mind being the villainess in the story as long as she ends up winning in the end.

"How the fuck did she even know where I live?" It was apparent how much the revelation alarmed the other boy. Xavier expected this as anyone in the same situation as Rei would feel and act the same as he does.

Xavier decided to hold the shorter boy's hands and lightly caressed them as a way to calm him down. He remembered how his father did the same to comfort his mother whenever she had problems or she's just no feeling herself. He knew it was probably weird to suddenly do it to Rei, who must be doubting his intentions at the moment, but he did not want to stand there and do nothing instead of doing something to ease the boy's anxiety.

"What are you doing," Rei asked, his brown eyes questioning, however he didn't try to pull his hands away from Xavier's. The taller of the two boys took it as the latter's agreement to what he was currently doing.

The two boys stayed in that position for a while until a rooster started crowing, signifying the official start of the morning.

Rei jumped away from the other as an act of reflex, laughing as Xavier lost his footing and tripped over a rock in surprise of what the other boy did. Fortunately, he did not hurt himself, and only managed to get another laugh out of this pale-skinned boy who seemed to be brighter than the sun.

Xavier dusted his pants off and turned to Rei who had a mischiveous grin on his face while waiting for him to stand up.

"Do you want breakfast with me?"

Rei's grin was replaced with an expression of a mixture of shock and confusion but he manages to respond to the taller boy. "Where?"

"I don't know," Xavier shrugged. He was not hungry yet, but knowing Rei's financial situation and the way the pale-skinned boy doesn't even eat anything when recess comes along, treating him to breakfast somewhere he wants is the least he can do. "You choose."

"I'm not sure you would like what I usually eat for breakfast," Rei replied with a sheepish smile.

"Nonsense," Xavier says, smiling at the other boy to reassure him. "I did say it's your choice."

Rei looked like he wanted to argue more but decided not to say anything else. "Okay, I'll take a bath and get my things. You can wait inside my apartment," He flushes but hides it by lowering his head. "Or your car, whatever you want."

Xavier took it as an opportunity to tease the latter by brushing the boy's hair aside with his left hand. "Whatever I want?"

The shorter boy blushed and pushed him away. He immediately ran inside his apartment, loudly locking the door behind him.

So much for letting Xavier wait inside.

His phone suddenly vibrates and he checks the new message he received.

[Enya: Text me as soon as u get him down the café so i can pour coffee all over him]

Xavier sighs deeply, decided not to respond to his friend's message, and pocketed his phone. Looks like he won't be bringing Rei to any nearby coffee shops after all.