this is a brief outline of the two overlying factions in this Fanfic note that the gods in different worlds may not agree with the faction views that their Council part does nor do the Council members affect their personalities in most worlds typically only affecting a couple of worlds. the Council of Demons will be introduced later also note that the council of demons agree with free will so they don't mind what one believes so long as they don't try to force those views on others.
Council of Gods
Christian God
Council of Demons
Bastet (Bast)
Council of Gods typically epitomises order and following of rules if one steps outside of those rules or does not conform to their thinking they punish them
Council of Demons epitomise free will and oppose the council of 'Gods' they will typically try to protect and/or bless people who think for themselves and question things and/or like to explore and not be tied down.
Conflict arises from the two groups because of a difference in views the Gods think that every human should follow the same rules while the Demons think that humans and creatures should think for themselves and live how they want. The gods are the leading faction and think of themselves as good so they call themselves gods while referring to the other faction as demons as they go against their views.