Beware of beasts

To be honest, Lune is more interested in magic studies since she doesn't have anything like that in the world of her past life. There are also magical beasts in this world, where she had learnt about their existence in storybooks that were read by the nannies to the twins, and she can't wait to study more about them.

So why is she getting assigned to the royal tutors that only teaches what she already learnt while her brother gets to learn magic?

"This is not fair…" grumbling to no one in particular since the tutors never listen to her anyway, she scribbles on her parchment while her linguistic tutor is explaining about the grammar. When her hand finally stops, she takes a quick look at what she doodled and smiles when it's a wolf. Just then, a hand appears in her sight and snatches the parchment, making her whine at the loss of her drawing and pouts when the tutor sighs at her, "princess, please concentrate during your lessons. Language is important if you are to represent the kingdom when the time comes."


"And although I admit you are a genius compared to children your age, you mustn't slack off and draw on parchment, they are expensive and drawing is supposed to be the job of the painters. Now moving on- '' the voice of her tutor is drowned out when Lune is thinking about how nice it would be right now to stroke some silky smooth fur, since it's been a while since she owned a pet. In her past life, Lune had a dog once, and even though it died due to old age, she never get any other pets anymore due to the pain of her companion's deat-

"Princess Lune!"

Sighing that her thoughts about her past are interrupted, she now focuses her attention back to the tutor and asks, "is there anything wrong?"

"You are not paying attention."


"Then do tell me what I said earlier about prepositions."

'Shit.' Lune tries to be let off the hook by doing her cutest smile, but it's not working on that old bat, "It seems you're not paying attention. I'm sure you won't mind if you have an extra homework for today."

'It seems that no matter what world I am in, there's an annoying thing called homework.' Since she can't escape anyway, she just nods and continues dozing off, hoping to think of a way so she can start magic studies. 'Maybe I can sneak into Sol's lesson?' The only lesson she can hope to get a glance of is probably his sword art lessons, and that's something she is interested in as well, considering Lune used to be a kendo practitioner, an ancient samurai sword art from Japan that uses bamboo swords for safety instead of steel blades.

But princesses should not be doing martial arts or fighting, right? Blast it, Lune Lumiere decides to break the stereotype.

Finally her linguistic lesson ended for the day and though she has more homework than usual, she doesn't really care as Lune can finish it in no time. Walking out from the study room with her stationary in hand, she spots the familiar silhouette of her twin brother walking out of a room looking a little suspicious than usual, wearing a hood and is gazing around before walking out towards the royal garden. 'Is there anything interesting if I follow him?'

With a speed she never knew she had, she barges into her bedroom and gets changed into something that is not a dress, which luckily her closet does have, and quickly exits her room and runs towards the royal garden, hoping to catch up with Sol. Luckily the guards didn't say anything to her behavior as she often runs around the palace, and reaching the maze-like garden, she looks left and right for her brother until there's a hooded figure crouches down and disappears out of sight. Lune runs towards that direction and sees a hole made by tearing off the parts of the hedge wall. 'Poor royal gardener.' She kneels down and crawls through the hole easily, and once she is on the other side, she can't believe her own eyes.

"There's a forest that looks like this all along?"

The sight in front of her looks like an enchanted forest that is often portrayed in the fantasy genre RPG games in her past life, where there are odd looking glowing fruits and flowers on the huge trees that cover the sky, making it dim and cool. It seems she lost sight of her brother again, and now she is wondering if she should continue on to explore this unknown territory or just go back to her room. Weighing the pros and cons in her head, she finally decided that she will just fuck the consequences and explore here, since there shouldn't be any dangers if this forest is beside the royal palace, right?

She takes off her flats and lets her feet feel the grass, where she moans in delight at how soft and ticklish it feels on her soles. Taking a few steps looking around, she starts running in a random direction and spins around a few trees, where she finds a few nice looking flowers and starts picking them up. After a few picks, Lune takes a closer look at them and realizes they look quite similar to tulips, and she tries to weave into a flower crown like what she seen in movies, but it seems they keep falling off no matter how hard she tries. Pouting, Lune keeps trying as she can be quite the hard headed no matter what it is.

Lune's concentration is what makes her a vulnerable target.

'Darkness.' That's what Lune sees in a flash, where she only remembers she was holding flowers before that hits her. A tinge of pain hits her, and she carefully opens her eyes before facing a huge bear that is growling right in her face, where she tries to shout but her mouth just makes the o shape, her voice stuck in her throat. 'Is this how I'm going to die? Is this the consequences of wandering too far outside alone?'

The bear growls and she frowns when she sees how sharp the teeth are in the bear's mouth. Hoping that she will be granted a quick death, she closes her eyes and awaits for the incoming bite from the drooling mouth. Lune hears the bear growls loud, and she frowns when there's no pain coming for her. Opening one of her eyes carefully, she is really stunned at how the bear is now on all fours far from her while a white wolf is standing in front of her, with it's back facing Lune.

Before she can react to the current situation, the bear tries to pounce on the intruder while the wolf quickly turns and grabs her shirt with its mouth, running fast from the chasing bear. 'Is this how helpless pups feel when their mother carries them?' The speed they are going is almost inhumanely fast, which makes Lune wonder if this wolf is not a normal one, either a magical beast that is the guardian of the forest, or even a werewolf. Shuddering from the thought, she tries her best not to bite her own tongue.

Lune feels the ground when she is dropped harshly by her supposed savior, and when she thinks about how many bones she might have broken from the huge pain coming from her shoulder and arm, the bear growls in pain when it is tackled by the wolf. Everything seems to be happening so fast in Lune's eyes that it seems only the bear is being hit by a fast moving white being, and soon after the bear whines in pain and falls down, where the wolf finally stops attacking and lands in front of the bear, where it seems to be hesitating about something before it transform slowly, making Lune getting surprised for the unknown time today when the wolf becomes a boy, possibly not much older than her. He has white hair just like his wolf fur, and when he turns around to look at her, she is captivated by his blue eyes, which reminds her of the oceans.

And thank the heavens he is clothed.