
Chilve doesn't appear for breakfast, which leaves Lune and Lisa in the dining hall eating their eggs and some kind of a vegetable soup, a meal more suitable to mortals instead of wolves as per how Lune requested from the cooks yesterday. The redhead doesn't say anything even though she seems like she knows something is happening from Chilve's absence and Lune's silence, so they just finish their meal without uttering a word besides the good morning greeting.

Once the plates are cleared, Lisa gets up and she says, "are you going straight to the tutoring?"

"I guess. She never told me the time though."

"Don't have a set time for class?" She nods at Lisa's question and her friend sighs, obviously annoyed that there's nothing much to do lately, "to be honest, I'm so bored here in Swveny. I thought we can fight some feral wolves or hunting some beasts, but this village here is too peaceful for my adventure sanity."