A date of importance

Before she knows it, they are now in a field that is full of wildflowers with a table and chairs filled with plates of food right in the center getting surrounded by the flower scent. He lets go of her hand when they are near one of the chairs, and he takes it out for her to sit before she thanks him. She is admiring the food and Chilve in the meantime has taken the seat opposite of her, and he asks, "like what you see so far?"

"So far I'm impressed. When did you prepare this?" He shrugs as if it's something easy for him and he winks, "there's more after this, so you can definitely have your hopes high."

She holds the glass that has an unknown juice in it and holds it facing Chilve, "cheers to our beautiful future."

"Cheers," their glasses clink and she downs the drink instantly, while he sips slowly and Lune starts eyeing the food carefully, "now you make me can't decide on which to eat first."