Treasures In The Trash

Zhong Yi walked around the park to freshen himself. "Buy 1 get 1 free! Selling Japanese martial equipment! Just for $5, you could get this sharp sword!" an old man was promoting his equipment. Zhong Yi notice something strange about the sword as he walked past the stall.

[Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds (Peak Rank 8 Treasure)(Level 1)]

["Distill thick wine of eight-fold brewings; build a fence, and make eight doors in the fence. At each door, tie together eight platforms, and on each of these platforms place a wine barrel. Fill each barrel with the thick wine of eight-fold brewings, and wait."

They made the preparations as he had instructed, and as

they waited, the eight-tailed dragon came indeed, as Haya-Susanoo-no-Mikoto had said.

Putting one head into each of the barrels, he drank

the wine; then, becoming drunk, he lay down and slept.

Then Haya-Susanoo-no-Mikoto unsheathed the sword ten

hands long which he was wearing at his side and hacked the [dragon] to pieces so

that the Hi river ran with blood.

When he cut the [dragon]'s middle tail, the blade of his

sword broke. Thinking this strange, he thrust deeper with the stub of his

sword, until a great sharp sword appeared.

He took this sword out and, thinking it an extraordinary

thing, reported the matter and presented the [sword] to Amaterasu-Ōmikami.

This is the sword was "Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi".]

[Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds also known as Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi is a sword found inside an eight-headed serpent. After Susanoo slew the eight-headed serpent, he found Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi inside the serpent's body and which he then presented to Amaterasu as a reconciliatory gift. The weapon is damaged and now it just has 0.01% of its original strength left. It is also a key to unlock ????? ????? ????.]

[Damage: +10]

[Weight: 1 kg]

[Effects: +8 strength,+6 agility]

[Even though the weapon is damaged, it can grow as the user grows.]

"Woah! Such an amazing sword. I am so lucky to find this treasure inside the trash. Hahaha!" Zhong Yi laughed. "Young lad, what the fuck are laughing at? You think I am a beggar?" the old man angrily questioned Zhong Yi. "Of course not, old man. I noticed that the rusty grass-cutting sword on your hand is a great sword and I want to buy it." Zhong Yi then pays 5 dollars to the old man. "As I said, buy 1, get 1. Grab another item from my shop for free." Zhong Yi looks around the stall. He saw an ominous-looking red oni mask with a pair of black horns.

[Oni-Smiting Mask(?????? Treasure)(Level 1)]

[A mask made from thousands of onis' blood and souls. "FALLEN FLOWERS DO NOT RETURN TO THEIR BRANCHES, A SHATTERED MIRROR DOES NOT REFLECT AGAIN." Things done cannot be undone.]

[Effect: Vitality: +4, Strength: +3, Agility: +6, Mentality: -5]

[If you put on this mask, the user will be in an emotionless state and will be only focused on slaughtering organisms. The more souls you gathered, the more powerful the mask gets. You can heal yourself by absorbing the blood of your enemies.]

"Sir, I will be taking that ominous-looking oni mask." Zhong Yi requested. The old man handed him both the oni mask and the grass-cutting sword. "Even though the oni mask looks kind of dangerous, it will greatly assist me on my revenge. As I can hide my face and gain special effects." Zhong Yi walks backs to his motel room. "Hahaha! Get scammed kid. He is so naïve. I made a free 5 dollars today." The old man laughed with pride. Little does he know, the items that he sold to Zhong Yi cost more than a person's life.

"Boy..." Yuang Fei spoke. "Huh?" Zhong Yi replied. "Don't use that mask too much. Only use it when you are in death's door. That mask is dangerous. If not handle properly, it will harm you."Yuang Fei warmned him. "I will keep that in mind." Zhong Yi nodded.

When Zhong Yi arrived near his motel, he saw a bunch of mid-rank 1 gangsters with motorbikes. He remembered what his teacher said.


[Mission: Eliminate all the gangsters.]

[Mission Rewards: +17 qi points]

[Mission Failure: -10 qi points]

"Damn it! Teacher was right. I am still naïve. I can't be careless this time. I must kill them. But... killing... I am not mentally prepared." Zhong Yi analyzed the situation with his "Soul Guide". There were twenty-five mid rank 1 martial artists and one mid rank 2 martial artist.

After analyzing, he puts on his Oni-Smiting Mask and silently walked behind a mid-rank 1 gangster. He formed a fist and knocked the guy out. Before the others were alerted he use "CLOUD STEPS" "FIRST STEP" to dash and knocked the other 2 guys.

He is here!!!" one random gangster shouted. Everyone was on alert and was ready for action.

"So you are the one who defeated my stupid brother. I have bad news and good news. Which one do you want to hear out first?" a bald muscular man asked. "Duh…I would choose bad news." Zhong Yi replied. "I thought you want to hear the good news first. Whatever. The good news is I want to congratulate you. My brother wasn't an easy martial artist to beat. And the bad news is, you hurt my brother, and you have to pay tenfold." the bald man threatened Zhong Yi. He squeeze both of his fists and stared at Zhong Yi with killing intent.

"Hahaha! I guess it's time for some blood bath!" Zhong Yi pulls Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds out of its rusty sheath. The pressure coming out the sheath was strong enough to scare all of the mid rank 1 gangsters.