005 This is not me!


"NOT MINE! " I exapperated shock blistens through me. All was well, as soon as I saw the reality of how things are. I am at loss for words. How can this be? Though my face was a very attractive very volumptous and slim arms of this woman that her outfit is somewhat rugged from the seams for what ever reason. Scratches that didnt notice before. But I knew nothing of this body that I inhabitate like a host.


What the?! Who am I suppose to be? I am not me. But isn't this a good thing instead of explaining who or how I got here in the first place. May be this is some what of gods way of telling me that I'm worth something or some kind of act of kindness to place a blessing upon me. At least that what I feel right now. Blessed and happy. The past will remain only on my memory hidden from pierceing eyes that peering through your soul. Judging your every step.


Why isnt it my face? The thought trickled in my mind constantly questioning on why it came to be. As I misdirected my mind to something else. Sweets. How I crave for a chocolate right about now. My sweet tooth is craving for something with a pinch of sourness. Plus a mouthful of sugary delights like chocolates, choco fondue, cheese, sour candy like patch kids and skittles. How I miss the 'real world '

When it comes to those simple things in life can ever compare to this. I may be shallow but I am very frank about it.

Thinking hard


Argh! Did I step on something again I hate that this is being a thing. I sighed in relief that it wasn't at all what I was thinking. The humps. Which i was retorted back in to the subject matter which was to 'face' the face that isn't mine!

It rhymes! Ha! I cant wait for something magical to hit me or physical punch me and I hope its hard enough that Im back to my usual face that is familiar. I wasn't about to stride and go along with his bimbo 'bitch 's ' face. I knew nothing about her more so I don't care


What a way to ruin someones day! "Please god buddha shvati anyone help me and get me back to my planet in where you find me. This is not where I belong" I yelled at the empty void as I hear a stampede of herd of angry horned black buffaloes nearing in. Where the fuck am I? I needed to get out of sight so I don't die from the stomping heavy weighted hooves of the pissed - off horned black furred buffaloes. I was right they were headed on the pah in which I took because I yelled to loud I startled them all. Good thinking, dummy - head!


I look into my new face




The face looks familar


It somehow resembles the villains girlfriend/lady
