008 Let go of me!


Suspicious the old hag of a woman want to know who it belong to she was not going to give up the idea that they are not alone but with some one who is not from here. But a foreigner or a visitor. To them the poor and unfortunate are filled with contempt in their hearts as to only desire lavish riches before themselves


Crack. What a timing! Shit! I am about to get caught. I hid in still. In silence where they cannot sense me but They are not stupid as I go from multiple hiding spot. I move around in different vegitation quietly like a rat or a mouse escape from a cat the only reference that comes to my mind was the comedic cartoon duo 'Tom and Jerry' They are geting closer and closer. I count my breath and may be even hold it for a while. Taking the breathing through my nostrils. Sniff sniff.


They wer so close to me in my lucky hiding spot. 'God, please dont let them find me ' I crawled slowly but surely to the other spot. And still they knew based on their gut exactly how to find me . A ' crack sound but an increased volume. Panic is my main emotion right now at this moment in time.

I stepped on the another fallen twig.


Cursing at the twig






Im dead


I was drag to the head


He will be so happy to see you... woman said pulling my hair
