A day in a new life

Douluo Continent

Glorybound City.

Red Mountain Academy.

Every year, those who awakened soul power along with their martial soul were invited to join the Soul Master class of Red Mountain Academy as new students. No matter which elementary academy it was, the Soul Master class was undoubtedly the most important.

According to the regulations set by the Sun Moon Federation, elementary and intermediate academies had free tuition and were compulsory. Elementary academy was three years while the intermediate academy was six years long. There were several ways to enter an advanced academy: outstanding achievements, paying an exceedingly expensive tuition, or entering an academy of science and specializing in a field of study.

Fan Lin closed the guide to the mechanics and went towards his classroom. He didn't need to find it as there were path marks everywhere to take the students towards the classroom.

'The Soul Master class specially had a teacher at the front doors to welcome the new students. Clearly, they were treated much better than the ordinary students.'

The ordinary class would receive a normal cultural education while the Soul Master class would also learn how use their innate soul power to become Soul Masters. They would also be taught knowledge essential to Soul Masters and prepare to enter an intermediate academy.

This year's Soul Master class only had 16 students, the number of children who had awakened soul power were simply too low. It was even more apparent in a small city like Glorybound City. This year's arrivals could actually be considered a lot.

Fan Lin put his sight on the protagonist. According to what he had read, the first protagonist vs stupid bully encounter happened when Tang Wulin joined the Soul Master class.

Fan Lin wanted to know if what he read in the book actually held out or was he in some other reality with different storyline that what he read.

"Hey, what's your martial soul?" A chubby boy who wasn't too tall asked, happening to be beside Tang Wulin.

'There it is. Well the first thing was the same, even their dialogues and the reactions of their classmates was the same.'

Fan Lin thought while looking at the little skirmish between Tang Wulin and the bully. He then turned to observe the rest of the classmates.

They were all the same age, all brimming with curiosity and anticipation for the Soul Master class. All of them were naive young kids with little to no sense about what is considered a joke and what isn't. Soon the homeroom teacher came and stood on the podium.

"Hello everyone. I'm your homeroom teacher, Lin Ximeng. I'll be teaching you the basic knowledge required for Soul Masters over the next three years. How about you all introduce yourselves now? Tell us your name, martial soul and innate soul power rank."

There were only 16 students, so the introductions went by quickly. When Li Ximeng heard that Tang Wulin's martial soul was Bluesilver Grass, he couldn't help but be startled while the other students roared with laughter.

The reaction that he had when he heard that Fan Lin also had Blue Silver Grass as his martial soul was less intense that Wulin's as even Li Ximeng was feeling pity for them.

Lin Ximeng quickly regained his composure and smiled. "Today is your first day of class, so I'll be explaining the different classifications for martial souls first. In the afternoon, I'll teach you how to meditate. Meditation is the only way to temper and improve your soul power. If you want to become a true Soul Master, then you all must strive your hardest."

"As you all know, everyone in our world has a martial soul. One's martial soul awakens at the age of six, and it can be anything. If one also awakens soul power, then they can cultivate to become a Soul Master. Now a question for all of you, what classifications are there for martial souls?"

"First of all, the two main classes are tool souls and beast souls. Among them, all of the martial souls that appear on the body are beast souls. If they appear separately from the body, then they're tool souls. By cultivating your soul power, you're able to upgrade your martial soul. After your soul power reaches rank 10, then you're able to become a Soul Master."

"There are also two main classes of Soul Masters. The Battle Soul Masters and Utility Soul Masters. Those who cultivate with the goal of fighting are Battle Soul Masters. Regardless of what someone's martial soul is, they are still a Soul Master. There are also many minor classifications…"

Li Ximeng was a good teacher as he was able to grab the attention of all the students towards himself. But he wasn't a compassionate person. During the afternoon, he clearly spent the least amount of time instructing Wulin and Fan Lin on how to meditate.

It was as if he didn't find the need to teach them properly.

Meditation was nothing special. It was just the normal meditation but had a energy spiral spinning inside the body at the same time as breathing.

"Pretty profound knowledge."

Fan Lin mumbled and then went towards the darker side of the Glorybound City.

Glorybound City, just like any other cities, had a darker side to them as well. There were drug cartels, sex offences, triads and many more illegal things happening in the shadows of the corrupt night.

"Would you like some news dear?"

"That kid looks like an easy pray, shall we nab him? We can sell him to the nobles."

"Hello young kid, would you like to purchase some medicine for your parents? Sister? Anyone ill."

Fan Lin stopped at the small tent and looked at the middle aged man in front of him. He then looked at the different plants and herbs that he was selling.


"I want this one and these ones, I have a sick mother and sister at home, My father died in a small accident and my mother and sister got sick due to their melancholy. My school seniors once said that applying these can cure them so I am here to buy them."

Fan Lin spoke like a young, naive innocent kid with a fast and rough pace. He even acted like a klutz and dropped some of his Federal credits while paying.

The middle aged man had a glint in his eyes," Okay, okay, don't worry, here have these things for free. Would you like something else?"

"No dear benefactor, this much is enough. I will never forget about your help even If I were to die." Fan Lin said while trembling with excitement and immediately hopped his way towards the direction opposite from his home after picking up the coins from the ground.

He stopped in front of an abandoned house that he cleaned in the morning before going to school.

"Mommy, I am here!" Fan Lin deliberately increased his voice and got inside the house and closed the door.

"I know son, don't raise your voice so high, you might cause inconveniences to the neibhours." A milf said that.

"Where were you?" A teenager girl also asked.

"Sorry, I had some stuff to do and don't worry everything will be alright." Fan Lin said.

Once inside, he lowered his footsteps and went towards the small gap near his window. He peeped through the small hole and smiled wickedly.

He turned back from the window gap and went towards the Kitchen and stopped the CD player that was showing the third rate daily soap drama erotica.

"The technology sure is advanced in this world."

Fan Lin muttered while taking out the small pestle and mortar that he 'borrowed' from the school along with the CD player for a day.

"I am going to return it tomorrow anyway." Fan Lin spoke to no one in particular while looking at the plants and herbs.

"This world is really rich in different varieties of flora than Earth. Their quality is also top notch." Fan Lin commented to no one.

He was alone in a long time and the loneliness was a little harder to accept for him.


He looked at the clock and it was 5:23 in the evening.

"Soon, I am going to live happily."

A smile formed on Fan Lin's face.

Not even a day has passed in his life and he had realised that he was dirt poor.

Like that was obvious since he was an orphan in an orphanage that was barely scrapping by the donations of the Federation.

He didn't want to be poor but he was an orphaned kid and couldn't do anything to earn money legally.

'So the other way it is then.'