I can help

Douluo Continent

Eastsea Academy

One hour later.

Fan Lin opened his eyes with the sight of Ye Yingrong just a few inches away from his face.

He nearly gouged her eyes out in surprise.

Emphasis on the word nearly as Fan Lin stopped himself and just emotionlessly stared at her with his nearly dead eyes.

Both of them stared at each other.

"Why were you staring at my face from so close and then you say you aren't creepy?"

Fan Lin broke the silence.

"When did you broke through rank 16?"

Ye Yingrong also asked, still just a few inches away from him.

Fan Lin gently put his hands on Ye Yingrong's face, catching her by surprise and then ruthlessly pushed her away.

He would care about her being a teacher later, for now she was onto his face and that brought a certain bad memory about someone causing anger to flood his mind.

"There is a clear line between you being a teacher and personal space. Act like that again and I won't mind reporting you for child harrasment."

Fan Lin coldly said to Ye Yingrong, his hand still on her face. He wasn't a person that liked to hide, he also didn't like to be forced into a situation by someone and most of all, he hated when someone does something that made him mad.

He was a killer of thousands, thinking that he is an reasonable person was foolishness in itself.

He took his hands from her face and coldly said, his voice making Ye Yingrong felt like he was talking to an insect.

"What do you need from me?"

Ye Yingrong looked at him and felt a little scared but she didn't understand why though. She was stronger than him in every possible aspect and yet she was scared by his voice.

'Does he have another martial soul with spiritual typing as its base?'

Despite her fear, that was the first thought she had when she felt it.

"Sorry, I was surprised when I sensed your rank 16 soul power and hence got got too close to you. By the way, the first class was combat training today, did you not listen about it yesterday?"

She asked while getting her bearing straight. She was a teacher and she can't be scared by a kid, her student much less.

"I am sorry as well, even though you acted like a creep, invaded my personal space and had been silently staring at my face for how long, I should still have confirmed my thoughts before acting upon it."

Fan Lin slowly stated while bowing a little, except his words didn't feel like an apology in any sense.

Ye Yingrong felt a little suffocated as myriads of emotions filled her heart and she once again realised that how hatefully true Fan Lin could be.

"So what was it that you were here for?"

Fan Lin politely asked in his emotionless voice. This time Ye Yingrong felt as if he was talking to a dead human instead, which was also the normal talking pattern of Fan Lin.

"I was here to check if any student was goofing off in the classes and then I found you. By the way can you input your soul power into it? I still need to verify that you are a rank 16 Soul Master."

She said while diverting the topic and taking out a soul power measurement tool.

"It's rank 16. You don't need to check on it."

Fan Lin said, completely disregarding the teacher-student relationship.

"I can only input the soul power measurements of students done via a soul power measurement tool, it's mandatory. So here put your soul power into it."

Ye Yingrong said while taking the soul power measurement guide near him.

Fan Lin put his soul power into it and it showed rank 16. Ye Yingrong recorded it and put the records and the soul power measurement tool in her soul guide.

"How did you reach rank 16 so fast?"

She asked in an exasperated tone. Her curiosity and zeal slowly taking over her unnatural fear which had mostly disappeared.

Fan Lin ignored her and went towards the exit of the classroom.

"Are you really an Evil Soul Master?"

She asked in alert when Fan Lin was leaving the area.

Fan Lin stopped dead in his tracks and slowly turned towards her.

'It's my spirit skill '

''I hate woman like you.''

He mixed his words with his thoughts.

Time seemed to froze as Ye Yingrong and Fan Lin stood silently in their place.

Ye Yingrong because this was the first time someone had said that he doesn't like her so brazenly on her face.

Fan Lin because he just realised what he spoke. He would have not acted like this but when he suddenly saw Ye Yingrong's face so close to his, he suddenly remembered the second meeting with his wife during their marriage and... he was little perturbed and shaken over it.

He loved her wife more than anything and any other woman that reminded him of his wife felt like a thorn in his heart due to what he did and that memory was still a black spot in his mind.

The guilt that he still felt , the reason why he left the forest, it still haven't been salvaged and he wanted to avoid it.

His wife was the only person that he was guilty in his past life and in his new life as well. The others times was sympathy not guilt.

And Fan Lin's, no not him but Surya Jayvardhan had really complex emotions related to her.

He was a selfish person that won't allow anyone to even have a semblance to his wife much less remind him of her.

Thankfully he was Fan Lin now and secondly he was keeping his anger in full control.

But since all his mind was onto not killing Ye Yingrong with some gruesome poisons, he blurted out what was on his mind mixing with what he was going to say.

"It was my soul skill."

Fan Lin left the room and went to the combat assessment area aka Training area of the intermediate grade.

Ye Yingrong stood there blankly for a few seconds before taking out her soul guide and calling someone.

"He said he hated me and he has a cultivation buffer soul skill! You heard, a CULTIVATION INCREASING SOUL SKILL! and he is rude as well!"

Ye Yingluo listened to the extremely excited voice of her sister with visible irritation on her face.


She cut the call and went on with her classes.

Meanwhile Ye Yingrong was shaking a little in the classroom.

"I have found a gem! A real gem!"

She also wanted to raise a talented students and be praised as a top class teacher like her sister and Wu Zhangkong.

And most of all, she had never heard of a soul skill that could raise cultivation of the user. Fan Lin was probably the first person to have a soul skill like that.

"He is special but then why is he hiding it or what was that disgusted reaction of his?"

Ye Yingrong thought but couldn't find any answers. It could be anything and she didn't have a single lead on it.

She went to the training area and began teaching the students.

Fan Lin was also there but he completely ignored her.

The students of Class 3 did have some chatters when Fan Lin's cultivation rank was announced as rank 16 Soul Master but it once again died down when he got defeated in a single strike.

The students had a new realisation that even if you have a higher cultivation, it won't matter when you have TRASH MARTIAL SOUL.

Fan Lin quietly sat on some remote area, away from the eyes of the students, Ye Yingrong was once again spying on him.

Fan Lin on the other hand started his meditation since he knew that no one would disturb him and he needed some private time.

The combat training ended and Fan Lin got up from his meditation and went on to attend the remaining classes of the day.

He had reached a still point as there was nothing more he could do now, except for meditation.

Physical improvement, he can't do due to the over exertion his body faced during the energy implosions.

Learning, he had no actual idea on what to learn or where to began or if learning that particular subject is even worth his time or not since time was of essence for him.

Information gathering and killing, he can't do that due to the fact that he had no need for it.

Secondary profession, a viable choice but considering that he had to take Ye Yingrong's permission to leave the academy every single time that he left the academy and also the fact that he found it a waste of time since he can just outsource the things he needs from the others, mainly the protagonist group, the best supplier of the state of the art stuff.

A single secondary profession wasn't a complete package and required the assistance of other secondary professions to prepare a simple mecha or Battle Armor.

A person can't learn all the occupations due to limited time and talent and Fan Lin didn't care about them to begin with.

As he said before, it was a waste of time for him to learn something that he can just outsource from the others.

That left the only thing in his life, improving his cultivation base and that's what he was doing. Day and night, night and day, in the library, in the school, in the park and the classroom.

Whenever he got the chance he did it, meditation that is.

Fan Lin was a virtuous person.

Meditation has become a second nature for him and when he learnt that improvement to his cultivation also improved his physique, he never wasted a single free moment of his week.

Also the reason why he was able to reach rank 16 a day before the estimated time.


Same day.

In the Intermediate division library.

Fan Lin was faithfully completing his 'volunteer' work and was on standby in the library, waiting for someone to come and seek his assistance.

The only problem being that he was sitting far away in a remote corner of the human anatomy section of the library and not a single student dared to go there.

Hence he was all alone and guess what? He was once again meditating in silence.

Except his meditation was interrupted by certain person as he heard a knock on his desk.

It was Ye Yingrong.

"Which human anatomy and reproduction analysis book do you want to borrow?"

Fan Lin repeated his work phrase in his usual emotionless face and cold, apathetic voice.

Ye Yingrong didn't say anything but just looked at Fan Lin.

In all her meetings, she still couldn't understand why was it that Fan Lin never showed the fear against her position as a teacher and just how brazenly he could say uncomfortable things without batting an eye.

"I don't need it. You didn't come to the dining hall. I kept waiting for you."

Ye Yingrong asked while scooting closer to Fan Lin.

'One hour more left.'

Fan Lin looked at the time on the wall clock and lamented his luck.

"I don't eat in the dining hall."

He replied.

"Why?" [Ye Yingrong]

Ye Yingrong asked but her question was met with silence.


"So what is your soul skill? I heard from Teacher Wu that it's Enhanced Digestion but you said that it increases your cultivation, is it related to eating? Do you eat something special to increase your cultivation?"

'That snitch.'

"Is that why you don't eat in the dining hall? How much do you need to eat? How fast does your cultivation base increase? What are the side-effects? Does it have any? Limitations? Special preparation or requirements?"

[Still Silence]

Ye Yingrong kept talking for the next hour asking about different things, telling different stories and Fan Lin was silently ignoring her.

One hour later.

Fan Lin got up from his position and started stripping his librarian uniform without any care.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Yingrong stopped her story telling midway.

Fan Lin ignored her and changed into his school uniform shirt and left the library in a hurry.

[He didn't strip his pants. Perverts]

Ye Yingrong followed him.

"Okay don't tell me anything about it or yourself but at least let me help you."

Ye Yingrong said.

Fan Lin stopped in his tracks.

"My path is already prepared, I don't need your help."

He began moving, leaving her behind. She immediately chased after him.

"But I can help you in a lot of things, like if your soul skill does help you in increasing your cultivation and it is related to you eating food, then I can help you increase your cultivation speed by a dozen fold by your current speed."

She hurriedly said while trying to get his attention and she succeeded.

Fan Lin once again stopped and moved aside because he nearly bumped into the running Ye Yingrong.


He calmly asked.

"Let's sit there and talk. Talking in the middle of the road is weird."

Ye Yingrong said and they both changed their location to a waiting room in the teacher's lounge.

"So listen to me completely. When I learnt that your soul skill was Enhanced Digestion from Teacher Wu, I thought of multiple scenarios and then decided to wait for you in the dining hall since I thought that you will come there to eat."

"You didn't, so I asked the staff about the things that you have been eating since coming here to get a rough estimate of your ability but they told me that you never ate from the dining hall."

"The staff said that they have seen your eating vegetables, mainly tomatoes most of the time, except that you didn't eat anything else."

"That lead me to the conclusion that your soul skill must have a certain requirements on what it can process and then I thought of multiple scenarios."

"Get to the point."

"I knew that you were punished to work in the library so I went to the library and decided to clear my doubts but you didn't answer."

Fan Lin got up to leave.

"So as I was saying, I have a way to increase your cultivation by many times. From your eating habits and the dining hall staff, I learnt that you haven't eaten anything from the first or second windows till now."

Ye Yingrong hurriedly said.


Fan Lin nodded at her words.

"Even though it's free. So I thought maybe you didn't know if the significance of the food in the first window."

Fan Lin nodded his head in agreement but inside his mind was a different story.

"Let me tell you that even a single plate of food in the first window is dozens of times more nutritious than the free food."

"Dozens of times..." [Fan Lin]

"Yeah and eating a single filling is equal to eating 100 servings of the normal food."

"100 servings of normal food..." [Fan Lin]

"And it is enriched with soul power, so much that it can directly aid in cultivation."

"Enriched with Soul power." [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin repeated the key points of her sentences while Ye Yingrong was nodding at his words each time thinking that he was getting interested in the topic.

After listening to Ye Yingrong speak about the food in the first window, a single thought came to Fan Lin's mind.

'This woman wants to kill me.'

Fan Lin calmly stared at her and then said.

"I can only eat veg."

"Ohh, that's the requirements, doesn't matter, we can just order the staff at the first window to prepare pure veg food for you."

"You could do that?" [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin asked in confusion. He didn't know that and he was sure that the story also didn't have any mention of it.

He never 'actually' ate from the dining hall and nor did he have any type of contact with the staff. Due to this, he had no idea that the first and second window accepted custom orders and deliveries from both the students and the teachers at a slightly higher price.

"Yeah you can. See there, I can help you with a lot more things like this. I have inquired with many of the faculties and you never even visited most of them and those were things that could help you a lot."

Ye Yingrong said with a smile. She was happy to see Fan Lin taking the initiative to ask her about things.

"Well I appreciate your help but I can't eat anything nutritious from the third window, much less the first one."

"You didn't have to worry about that, the principal had allowed everyone from your class free access to the first window for the next six months, you can eat anything for free."

Ye Yingrong said thinking that Fan Lin might have spaced out as he usually does and missed the speech of the principal. He was an orphan so he might have never thought about eating anything from the costly windows and since he has no friends or acquaintances, no one must have told him about it.

"I can't eat anything NUTRITIOUS even from the free food."

Fan Lin looked her in the eye and said.

"Huh, what do you mean?"

She asked.


Fan Lin looked at her and then began explaining his soul ability to her after a sigh.

Ye Yingrong listened to Fan Lin's explaination with zeal until she heard about the side effects.

Fan Lin made sure to leave a lot of other personal stuff so Ye Yingrong still had no idea about his body implosions or his Energy physique, it was all his spirit soul skill.

"That's dangerous. You should stop it."

She said in worry. Fan Lin looked at her and then realised that she was a good natured person who just didn't know where to stop.

"But I don't have any faster way to increase my cultivation and I need to increase my cultivation."

Fan Lin calmly replied.

"Whatever is it, it can't be more important than your life."

Ye Yingrong seriously said. She just realised how dangerous his soul skill could be and she can't allow him to use it any further.

"It is."

Fan Lin slowly replied causing Ye Yingrong to stare at him with disbelief.

"What do you mean?

She gravely asked him while waiting for an answer, she wanted to change his mind and for that she needed to know what the problem was.

"I said that it is more important than my life."

Fan Lin resolutely replied. His face was emotionless yet his eyes felt full of the vicissitudes of life and death. A scary calmness that was both serene and dreadful. It was the same as before. It was the same eyes that she got scared from.

"Listen Fan Lin, you... are just a small child, you don't know the value of life, your own life. It isn't as worthwhile to give up over a measly gain. Think about it, they are other ways to things, I will help yo__"

She tried to avoid his eyes and began speaking. Despite her fear, the fact that Fan Lin could die anyday if he continued made her speak.

"I am not a kid and I do know how valuable life is(I have taken millions of lives) I... don't have the luxury of waiting."

Fan Lin said to her while retracting his killing intent when he noticed her slightly shaking hands.

"I have this important goal that I want to complete regardless if I live or die but I won't die before I complete it or my death completes it."

"For that, I have to use my soul skill as it is the only way to advance my cultivation."

"But you can possibly die."

"I won't as I am just using it after enough trials and errors and do you have any other way."

Fan Lin said to Ye Yingrong, she remained silent.

Her hands stopped shaking and she seemed better than before.

"If you are done then I am leaving."

Fan Lin said while moving towards the door.

As for why he told her about it, despite her creepy ways of stalking him, Fan Lin can easily tell that Ye Yingrong wasn't a bad person at heart.

He still didn't like her though. Just because she was a good person doesn't mean he will be friendly or respectful with her.

"Wait a second, I have a way!"

Ye Yingrong hurriedly yelled at Fan Lin who was about to leave.

For the third time on that day, Fan Lin stopped to look at her.

"What if you didn't use your soul skill? I mean what if you eat the food from the first window without using your soul skill. You won't have any problems with excessive nutrition or soul power."

She said seriously, nodding at her own statement.

Fan Lin kept looking at her. Her plan was indeed viable but it had a small problem.

Fan Lin's Enhanced Digestion didn't solely come from his soul skill but due to the effects of incomplete Energy Serums that had transformed his body and those were passive; along with the fact that due to the energy body, the amount of energy that his body required daily was reduced to 50 times the normal person's daily energy expenditure.

Meaning that if a normal person requires two meals to work throughout the day, Fan Lin would require 1/50th(one fiftieth) of that amount to work the whole day or he could work 50 days with just two meals.

Hence the energy requirements of his Incomplete Energy body was really low and eating anything too nutritious could kill him of energy burst.

He just had a ten year old spirit soul that granted 40% increase in digestion while his body made it 700%, upgrading the skill Digestion to Ultimate Digestion.

660% of that digestion is passively carried out by his incomplete Energy body.

So Fan Lin would have chosen that path if his cultivation was solely reliant on his soul skill like he told her but was that that case?

It wasn't.

"I can't. You see my martial soul is Blue Silver Grass and you must already know that its meditation speed drops by nearly half in each rank upgrade, meaning that the moment I reached level 20 and get my second spirit soul, my cultivation speed would drop by nearly half while the cultivation difficulty will be increased by two folds."

"And as I have said before, I don't have time. I need to increase my cultivation fast."

"Then why don't you just slowly reach Rank 20 and don't upgrade till you need it. Just keep cultivating as it will be added to your cultivation later on. That way, you don't have to worry about your speed dwindling and you can just rank up when you are near your goal."

Ye Yingrong answered. This time though, she took Fan Lin by surprise because he hadn't thought of that.

He knew that excess cultivation would be added when a Spirit Master ranks up but he never thought about implementing it like that.

His mind just didn't went there.

He indeed didn't know everything about the Spirit Masters just as Ye Yingrong said.

And if he followed what she said, he will actually be able to cross rank 26 in around three months; four months at maximum.

Which left him with three months of free time which he could use to either create a better version of energy serum or just learning how to fight like a Soul Master.

Ye Yingrong looked at Fan Lin as he stood there silently thinking about stuff she didn't know.

As she was talking with Fan Lin, she realised that he would not change his mind with just a single 'advice' of her.

She wanted his trust and then slowly steer him into the right path.

If her sister was here, she would have slapped Ye Yingrong on the head and immediately ran out of the room.

Ye Yingrong might think of the terrifying feeling she felt from Fan Lin as an effect of his spirit power or just her hallucinations but Ye Yingluo knew exactly what it was.

It was pure, unfiltered killing intent.

Fan Lin on the other hand heaved a sigh and put the purple vial into his pocket.

"That was helpful. A lot if I say so."

Fan Lin slowly stated.

"I can help you a lot more than that. Like I know of a way where you can use a lot of your soul power in a really short time."

Ye Yingrong used her brain to her full capacity and tried to come up with different plans to gain Fan Lin's trust.

Little did she know that her plans helped her raise something that she couldn't imagine but that is for later.

"Huh? There is?"

"There is, it's called Mecha piloting, higher grade Mechas requires high amounts of soul power and generally a person needs to be at least Rank 50 Soul King level to even be able to properly pilot higher grade Mechas."

"Anyone lower than them can have their soul power completely drained in a matter of minutes. A perfect solution for your excessive energy state."

Ye Yingrong slowly said. She was getting happier that her 'hook, line and sinker' plan was working.

"How can I get one?"

Fan Lin caught the bait and asked.

He had been living in the Douluo world for around 3 years and yet he didn't know about a lot of things, mainly because it wasn't related to him and Fan Lin was either busy planning some massacres or experimenting with the various plants and herbs.

Ye Yingrong's words kept reminding him of just how much of the world that he had missed and that despite the fact that he did consider the world as a reality, some part of him still hasn't accepted it as such.

For him, the world revolved around the protagonist and his group and he never cared for anything except that.

Even in the book, the protagonist was shown above and beyond others while the side characters were just fillers or canon fodders but reality was different and Fan Lin wasn't a protagonist.

Each person had a speciality of themselves and they also have their own lives.

When Fan Lin had first seen Ye Yingrong, he thought of her as just an unimportant person whose whole life was explained in just a few paragraphs of a novel that he was living in.

At that time, Fan Lin thought of her as nothing but as he realised that what she told him was something that he would have not figured out even when he became a Title Douluo.

He felt bad for belittling her due to her small role in the novel because he wasn't reading a fantasy novel as Surya Jayvardhan but was experiencing that novel as Fan Lin.

And yet his mindset was still stuck as a reader, gaining things from future knowledge, caring about none and always complaining about things even though others don't even get an opportunity like him.

"I am sorry for my behaviour till now."

Fan Lin looked at her and then apologized. He didn't bow down, nor did his voice contained any kind of emotions but this was the most sincere apology of his.

For he once lost her due to his stubborn nature and naivety, he did promise himself to not do that but the promise had been broken many times and each time, he was left wounded, in guilt and in despair.

"You don't need to. I am also sorry that I made you uncomfortable by mindlessly barging into your personal space and for anything that you don't like about me."

"So let's move on. You can't get a Mecha as you would need a licence to drive it and there is a cultivation requirement for it; but don't worry there is something else that fits your condition better than a Mecha."

"Battle Armors. They are different than Mechas in that you don't need a license or any kinds of training to use a Battle Armor, it's like a part of you, like an extension of your body."

"And the biggest factor that make the Battle Armor perfect for you is that you just need a single piece of high ranking Battle Armor to salvage your condition. Probably a piece of two word Battle Armor or maybe three words."

Ye Yingrong explained a little about the Battle Armors to Fan Lin.

She said that mainly because of two things, one Battle Armor wasn't cheap and two it can divert Fan Lin's attention from his soul skill.

What if Fan Lin listened to her now but chose to use his soul skill later on due to some reasons, she needed to give him some options because she had an inkling that Fan Lin wasn't the type to listen and do as others said.

So in case Fan Lin, in some future, really needed to use his soul skill, then he could just join the Mecha piloting classes and use the Mechas to drain the excessive energy or could use a Battle Armor for it as well. It was at least better than exploding in bits.

"And lastly, you should learn a secondary profession, I checked and you haven't participated in any of them."

"Why though? I can just outsource them from others."

"Well that is a good thought but you need to have a secondary profession related to Mechas or Battle Armors since it is required in the creation of higher grade Mecha or Battle Armors. Only the Battle Armor that you make by yourself is the best fit for you."

"My sister said that, she is a Mecha Mechanic by the way."


Fan Lin nodded. He did read about Battle Armors but his poisons were more lethal so he put them into the back of his mind.

'But a secondary profession?'

'I will do that later in the Earthrock Alliance, should prepare my Battle Armor there as well.'

Fan Lin thought.

"Thanks a lot for today and can you please not tell anyone about me."

Fan Lin said to Ye Yingrong.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you(except my sister, I still need to find a way to stop you from using your__)"

Ye Yingrong drooped down on her chair in a semi unconscious state(Dazed) as Fan Lin came near her.

'So you will. I am sorry but knowing about me will bring you nothing but disaster.'

"Forget about me. Loose any kind of interest that you have on me. Change the memory of our current meeting as you lecturing me about respecting Elders. Behave normally when someone asks about me. Divert the topic according to the situation. Think of me as air from now on and lastly, never lose hope. Be the same as you are."

Fan Lin used the command Toxin to rewrite Ye Yingrong memories.

It was one of the poison of his. The Command toxin. Unlike its fancy name, it was a high tier toxin that can literally control a person till his/her death.

It was like putting codes in a certain software for it to run a certain way except it was done on a human and forcefully at that.

Once poisoned by this, the victim's brain will follow the command to the subconscious level.

The only limitation was that it didn't work for people above lvl 60.

[Both Fan Lins had different versions of this toxin due to their mastery of the herbs in the Douluo mainland. Just so you know.]

Something that Fan Lin still haven't figured out as he didn't conduct any further research on it.

Fan Lin knew that a single spark can burn a whole forest and considering his future plans, he didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

"Just how many am I going to do this to?"

He whispered and slowly left the area, leaving a dazed Ye Yingrong who woke up from her dazed state a few seconds later after he left.

Unbeknownst to Fan Lin, a silent figure was watching his every move and faded away.

Fan Lin was unaware of the presence.

'I don't need to put her in danger with my identity if I can just erase her memories.'

'Whatever it is, lets keep it aside, I just need to stay for around two more months in the Eastsea city and then I will be gone.'

'I should think about my plans in the Shrek and completion of Energy Serum because these two will be the ones that will help me the most.'

My cultivation will drop around 40-60% whenever I broke through a major rank and that means that even if I can somehow salvage my situation in the rank 20 Soul Grandmaster stage, it will nearly halve once again when I reach Level 31 Soul Elder."

So even my higher than others cultivation speed will be lower than others at that stage.

And that is just rank 31, what about rank 41 or 51 or even 61?

If it continued to halve down and it obviously will, then my meditation speed would be that of a snail or in relation to my conditions, I should just stop cultivation at that point and use my poisons instead.

I don't want to use my poisons that much though, just my personal preference.

I am weak and that's why I am using poisons. I want to stop using it. For that I have to become strong. And to become strong I have been using my poisons.

Doesn't feel like I am getting anywhere with my goals.

I am paying too much attention to my past and future, ignoring my present condition that I may need rest.

Maybe a little bit of sleep since I haven't truly slept since I took the first Energy Serum.

That's nearly three months, looks like the energy body's optimal state only affects the physical state of the body, not the mental health.

Well I indeed didn't mess with my psyche since one wrong move and I may turn into my past self but maybe I should prepare a backdoor for mental safety in the next Energy body.

Or I could just sleep and let the mental fatigue wash out naturally like my ancestors have been doing.

"I will sleep a week later. For now, I should learn more about Mechas and Battle Armors and wait for any actions from Gu Yue. I would need to use the energy combustion training for my cultivation in the future anyways.

{Energy combustion training - name of the body training to drain the excessive energy}