They Meet 2 | Timeskip

Douluo Continent

Shrek Academy.

After the blood filled night, Fan Lin was able to calm his emotions and realised some of the blunders that he made.

His previous actions when he suddenly changed his mind about the soul beasts might have seen suspicious to the others.

There was also a chance that he might be termed as a Spirit Beast reincarnation by the Shrek officials and hence he planned to behave normally and cancelled the massacre.

He won't take any risk now since he needs Shrek and it's resources.

He was still a Rank 41 Soul Ancestor and if he wants to increase his cultivation faster, the free resources of the Shrek was the best choice of his.

He could also join the Tang Sect but it had quests of their own which increased in intensity as your rank higher and higher, till you are forced to do compulsory quests for the benefits that the Tang Sect provides.

Shrek was better in that regards.

Fan Lin spent the next 14 days in the Boundless training area to increase his cultivation but even his increased cultivation speed can't rival the increased requirements of his cultivation and he will most likely need two to three years to reach Rank 50 Soul King.

Wu Zhangkong and the protagonist group will enlist around that time.

But there was a solution to the situation of his, he just needed to increase the age of his Pheonix Tailed Crest Serpent to thousand year old spirit soul.

That way, Energy body soul skill will most likely evolve.

And then that will also strengthen the Enhanced Green ring further on.

All of which will increase his cultivation faster.

Except the Spirit energy that he gets from the normie Soul Masters (Rank 10 Spirit Master - Rank 30 Spirit Ancestor) isn't that beneficial.

After some thinking, he decided to switch to the Intermediate Spirit Ascension plane.

Not because he was banned from the free Elementary Spirit Ascension plane due to his Spirit Ancestor Rank and killings but because going to the Elementary Spirit Ascension plane wasn't worth it.

[Not like you could enter it.]

Now he had set his eyes on the bigger targets off the Intermediate plane as only they could help him.

"Except all this will be have to wait till I return after the semester holidays."

Fan Lin said while waiting for the soul train to come.

Today was the first day of his semester holidays and he already had a destination planned.

First he will go to the Glorybound Town and check the situation there. He planned to stay there for the rest of the holidays as another safeguard if someone was truly following him.

He will just spend the one month meditating seriously in the Glorybound City.

'Should I get my poisons from the Eastsea City as well. Even if someone were to found or see me with them, they would be able to do nothing.'

'No one except me knows how to use them. My poisons are untraceable for a reason.'

'I should get them.'

'Now that I think about it, living in Shrek also have a lot of limitations. I can't practice creating newer poisons in here.'

'Even if I could, it wouldn't help me since what I lack would need around three to four years of knowledge and practical expertise. Only then I may be able to create a better version of the Energy Serum.'

'... Let me go and get some tickets for the Eastsea City then.'

Fan Lin changed his destination and departed for the Eastsea City.

The next day.

Eastsea City

Eastsea Academy.


Fan Lin infiltrated the Eastsea Academy as a student to look for the key that he hid near the tree that the Dean of the Eastsea Academy liked.

'I should have gotten a passcode case instead.'

He got the key and went towards the Eastsea park aka the location of the hidden case.

After a bit of running towards the place where he usually trained and also the brilliant but stupid place where he thought of burying his small case of toxins.

'Nobody comes here.'

Fan Lin thought as he neared the place and as if the universe was slapping him on the face, there was someone.

Fan Lin stopped in his tracks when he saw her.

'Isn't my Spirit Power was quite high?'

Fan Lin thought as she looked at him.

'Of all the people and of all the times, why does it have to be her?'

"You came back?"

She asked. Fan Lin remained silent and turned around to leave.

'I will come back later.'

He had a month of holidays left and he didn't want to entangle with Gu Yue since she was an unknown piece in the puzzle who had some high quality backing.

At night.

Fan Lin returned to his training place and there was Gu Yue, still sitting on the same place. He threw a rock at her.

She caught it.

'Not an illusion then.'

He turned around to leave without saying anything.

From the perspective of Gu Yue. Fan Lin suddenly came, threw a rock at her and then silently left. That's psychotic.

"... He must have wanted his hidden case."

She softly whispered and disappeared.

The next day.

Fan Lin came to the Eastsea Park during class time. He came to his previous training location and it was empty.

Four spirit rings surrounded as his lowered his hands to touch the ground.

His Green Ring lighted up and two crystal shards reached into the ground, enveloped his case and delivered it to him while disappearing.

He took out the key, opened the case, checked its contents and put it in the storage soul guide.

'I should leave the area as it is.'

He thought and left the area with a hole on the ground.

Far above in the air, one person was watching and recording his actions. This was the Titled Douluo member of Tang Sect who was newly tasked to record Fan Lin's actions.

After listening to Elder Shi, the Headmaster of the outer court had stopped any plan of further monitoring Fan Lin and began to think of the plans to teach Fan Lin about the right way as a teacher and mentor.

This however can't be said in the case of Tang Sect. They still needed a complete affirmation of Fan Lin's nature before they decided on what were they going to with him. Take him out as a bud or to let him go.

Hence a Titled Douluo Member was sent because Fan Lin's second soul skill could make even a Soul Douluo have trouble escaping from him.

Once trapped then you are sitting duck. Even if Fan Lin couldn't do anything, he can have helpers. Who knows?

A little bit more above the Titled Douluo spy was a person.

A dashing middle aged man with golden eyes. His name, Di Tian.

"So that's the kid who dragged her majesty to the Eastsea Academy. Also the one who presumably restored the barren area into a lush field."

Di Tian whispered while remembering that fateful night where this puny humans dared to drag Gu Yue throughout the Eastsea Park.

If not for the fact that Gu Yue stopped him, Fan Lin would have been a goner.

After the incident that night, both Gu Yue and Di Tian had came to check the restored area multiple times.

What they found made their breathing quicken as not just the whole barren area was regrown and full of vitality. The plants and grass that were in the regrown area were far more potent, lush and durable that their counterparts.

Fan Lin didn't just replanted the whole area but the new flora was actually many times better than the surroundings plants and trees.

Fan Lin had the capability of turning a barren land into a forest or grassland.

That shocked them. Due to the humans, they don't have a place to stay and most of the soul beasts had to huddle together in the centre of the Star Duo forest where they are protected by Di Tian.

If not for him, the last bit of the soul beasts would have ceased to exist as well.

Now they saw Fan Lin restore an area in less than a second.

"But it's not possible. How?"

Gu Yue said after sensing the life energy of the plants. Di Tian nodded in affirmation.

Even he didn't know how was Fan Lin able to do this.

After that night, Gu Yue came to check the vitality of the plants everyday for the past two years and the area was still flourishing.

The vitality hasn't diminished one bit and the plants survivability had taken them by surprise.

Even in the area with insufficient sunlight due to the dense canopies of the trees surrounding it, low water supply as no one watered the plants and no additional fertilizers, the plants were full of life.

No one knew why though.

Gu Yue even asked Di Tian to do a background check on Fan Lin but failed in it as well.

The Spirit beasts turned humans were no match for the actual human information handlers and human greed.

And cut to now.

Fan Lin had returned for his case.

Di Tian couldn't make any time due to their busy schedule last time and hence was unable to tail Fan Lin but this time was different.

As the soul beasts had completely integrated into the human society in the past years, he had quite some time.

And he knew that Gu Yue will order for him to do so anyway.

So Di Tian followed Fan Lin.

The Titled Douluo spy followed Fan Lin as well.

And Fan Lin stayed at a Wulin's house for the whole month cultivating and leaving for the Eastsea City then to Shrek once his semester holidays ended.

The Titled Douluo looked at his nearby one line report of : Today Fan Lin cultivated throughout the day that filled more than 20 pages of his.

Di Tian flatly looked at the boring life of Fan Lin and after finding out that he was in Shrek, chose to return to Gu Yue to report the location of Fan Lin.

He was often going to and fro from Shrek Academy due to his secret meetings with Na er anyways.

It was just that he never saw Fan Lin in the inner court.

Now he knew that Fan Lin was in Shrek, he will check the academy seriously.

And just like that, an uneventful month of holidays passed away.


Shrek Academy

"Let's start the new semester."

The Lecturer flatly said and started the first class of the semester as usual.

The students were already used to his antics and listened carefully.

"For this week, your classes are a little bit different. What do you all think is the purpose of us Soul Masters in the current world?"

"A world where science and technology had advanced as such that normal humans are capable of doing everything that they previously needed to rely on us."

"Now that the soul beasts are near extinction and the human society has firmly been stated, there should have been a downgrade of our profession, right?"

"Wrong. Just as the advancement of technology and the changes of the times, the job of the Soul Masters had changed as well. Previously we protected the others from Soul beasts and Evil Soul Masters."

"Now, in the present time, we, Soul Masters, had the job of fending of the Evil Soul Masters and forces of the other two continents. Just like Student Fan had once said, now the only enemy that we have in the present is us humans."

"Today we are going to talk about one of the reasons, Evil Soul Masters."

"When I say Evil Soul Masters, I didn't mean those people who are born with a dark/evil martial soul but people who use a dark method to increase their strength. These dark methods are for example: use the remains of an infant to cultivate, drain a Spirit Master's body of their soul energy, sacrifice the blood of humans, or etc. These methods of training allow the Dark Spirit Masters, another name for Evil Soul Masters, to develop their Spirit Power much faster than the normal Spirits Masters, even spirit beast turned human are not as fast. But it becomes harder for them to cultivate the higher rank they reach. Also they are stronger than normal spirit masters at the same cultivation rank."

"One of the most recent and famous Evil Soul Master was the Infernal King Ha Luosa."

"Ha Luosa. It was said that Infernal King Douluo Ha Luosa bad been born in a small city in the Douluo Federation. The legends stated that he was contaminated by something impure when he was born, and he had completely pale and colorless skin from birth, as well as a pair of grey eyes."

"His peculiar appearance filled his family with horror, and they immediately abandoned him."

"However, Ha Luosa's life force was very resilient, and he was saved by someone before being taken to an orphanage. Due to his strange appearance, he was denounced and ostracized by everyone else."

He led a lonesome life in the orphanage until he turned six years old, and his martial soul awakened without any catalyst."

"From the day that his martial soul awakened, he was destined to bring disaster upon this world."

"A domain had awakened alongside his martial soul; it was none other than this Infernal Rebirth domain."

"When his domain had first manifested itself, it hadn't been all that powerful, but 12 skeleton warriors had arisen along with it. Those 12 skeleton warriors massacred the entire orphanage; all of the children and caretakers in that orphanage became the first group of sacrifices for his Infernal Rebirth domain."

"Their blood and flesh was devoured by his domain and converted into power for him, allowing him to attain innate full soul power."

The students took a deep breath when they listened to this. They have all heard about the Evil Soul Masters and their cruel nature but learning about them still made their blood cold.

The Lecturer continued on.

"At the time, Ha Luosa's had been completely shell-shocked as he had no idea what had happened, either. However, after that, he sensed enormous power."

"He had been a loner all his life, so his personality was far from bright and optimistic. After killing all of the people who were always ignoring or mocking him, a twisted sense of joy welled up in his heart. Thus, he left the orphanage. At the time, he was still just a child who had no idea what fear was; all he wanted was to experience more of this joy."

"The 12 skeleton warriors bestowed upon him by the Infernal Rebirth domain went on a horrendous killing spree, and over time, the scope covered by his domain expanded from a radius of just over 10 meters to over 30 meters.

"When the military was finally alerted to what he had done and arrived on the scene, they were greeted by a hellish sight. They immediately concluded that he was an evil Soul Master and killed him along with his 12 skeleton warriors, then buried them together.

"However, no one could've imagined what would happen next. Under the effect of his Infernal Rebirth domain, Ha Luosa was resurrected after seven days. He clawed his way out of the soil, then embarked on his path of destruction and slaughter once again."

"Having learned his lesson from that ordeal, he knew that he couldn't continue to be so reckless, so he left the city and traveled to more rural areas, targeting secluded villages for his killing sprees. During this process, he could clearly sense that he was becoming more and more powerful. The 12 skeleton warriors had been resurrected alongside him, and they were also becoming increasingly more powerful, as well as more evil and merciless."

"It had once been said that Infernal King Douluo Ha Luosa was a punishment handed down to the human race by the heavens. Humans had incurred the wrath of the gods by destroying the environment and ruining the world, and they were now being made to pay for it."

"He grew and developed at an alarming rate, and when the federation finally began to take notice of what he was doing, he suddenly fell into obscurity. No one knew where he had gone until he resurfaced 10 years later. "

"When he re-emerged, he slaughtered an entire small city rather than his usual target of secluded villages. Over 60,000 people perished in that disaster, and with that massive influx of sacrifices, he made a breakthrough to become a Titled Douluo. At the time, he was only 19 years old!"

"After that, he disappeared once again, and the federation was unable to track him down despite their best efforts.

"Thus, the notorious legend of Infernal King Douluo Ha Luosa was forged".

"During that generation, his name was synonymous to terror and slaughter. He didn't appear very often; he would only resurface once every five to 10 years, but every time he appeared, widespread death and destruction would follow."

"Thus, he also had the nickname of Grey Terror at the time.''

"Only after he gave himself the title of Infernal King Douluo was the nickname of Grey Terror gradually phased out."

"He became a Hyper Douluo at 25 years of age, and that breakthrough had come at the expense of over 100,000 lives."

"After that, Shrek Academy finally tracked him down. Atlas Douluo Yun Ming's teacher, who was the Sea God's Pavilion Master at the time, cornered Ha Luosa in a secluded seaside town.'

"It turned out that Ha Luosa hadn't refrained from slaughter during his time in hiding; he was merely slaughtering sea creatures rather than humans. There were virtually limitless living creatures in the sea, and he was able to continue to progress by slaughtering them. Every time he went on a large scale killing rampage, he had to spend some time to digest and absorb the energy he obtained, which was why there were lengthy intervals where he seemed to fall completely off the map."

"At the time, the Sea God's Pavilion Master was already a Limit Douluo, while Ha Luosa was only a Hyper Douluo, yet the latter managed to escape after suffering severe injuries. The Sea God's Pavilion Master had also sustained light injuries from that battle, and he predicted that Infernal King Douluo Ha Luosa wasn't dead, and that there was a very good chance that he would return in the near future."

"Ha Luosa had always been a wanted fugitive in Shrek Academy, and if any member of Shrek Academy were to obtain any leads on him, they had to report the information to the academy right away."

"The last time that Ha Luosa had appeared was at Shrek Academy. At the time, he had become a Limit Douluo, and he was seeking revenge."

"At that time, all the members of the Shrek finally put an end to him."

The Lecturer looked at the students and said seriously.

"Now do you all understand why Spirit Masters are needed and respected even if the normal people are capable of living without us."

"We, as Spirit Masters, have the duty to protect the others from the Evil Soul Masters."

"Another famous recent Evil Soul Master incident is the one with the Child killer. You all must have heard about it, right? How he only kills the bad guys and became famous in the masses."

"A killer is like a hungry bloodthirsty beasts, just because it hasn't killed you now doesn't mean it won't kill you in the future."

"Now onto other Evil Soul Masters...

The Lecturer continued to tell them about the various Evil Soul Masters and their origins and other aspects throughout their class and only stopped when the classes ended and the students left for the Dining Hall.

Normally, he would not have taught them about this in grade 1 since this was the teaching course of grade 3 but due to a certain uncertainty, the Headmaster of the outer court allowed him to proceed with his class.

It would also work as a motivation for the students when they realised that the world they live in were full of their vicious counterparts who can easily take down dozens of them at the same level.

The only thing that could protect them was their strength.

What Lecturer Long Xiu wanted was to check Fan Lin's attitude towards the Evil Soul Masters.

'In the next class, I will target the spirit beasts conservation bills and in the next, I think the advancement of the technology would be good.'

The Lecturer didn't plan on explaining them about the various classes in details now but just wanted the students to have a simple understanding of the current world around them in detail.

And just like he planned, the Lecturer continued on six different lectures for the next six days with each topic a day.

After the first week, he then chose one of the seven topic, Intermediate Mecha creation course and cultivation as his main focus for the first month.

Mainly because, after the first week, he had gotten the subjects that the students were most interested in and which topic that Fan Lin liked.

After knowing this, he began with the least favourite topic and finished it followed by second least topic to all the way to the most favourite and most wanted topic.

He taught them throughout the year, held many class activities, increased the difficulty of the final assessment and various other things.

His whole second academic year was based on Fan Lin and for Fan Lin but even then, he didn't discriminate against his other students.

It was just that Fan Lin's situation was special then the others and he required more attention and care, despite the fact that Fan Lin hated it to the bones.

The second academic year ended and no one was expelled. Not because everyone once again give away some of their points to help their classmates but because everyone passed the second assessment with the leadership of the Class President Yuanen Yehui, who united the whole class against Fan Lin and with him as the corner stone, further cemented his position so much that no one even stood against him in the competition for the Class President.

Fan Lin on the other hand spent his time quietly cultivating and relieving the stress and frustration of the classes by killing the participants in the intermediate Spirit Ascension plane.

Due to which his first spirit soul finally become a thousand year old spirit soul after 9 small massacres.

His Spirit Power was also in the 3000 after all the cultivation and if it continued at the same rate, he will be able to reach the Spirit Sea Realm soon.

At that time, he could absorb a ten thousand year old spirit soul.

This academic year was a little different for Fan Lin though because Shi Hun betrayed him suddenly without any reasons and got together with the Spirit Pagoda.

The broker also went into hiding as she and her friends nearly died from an attack.


Shrek City.

Shrek Academy.

The final semester of the grade 1 was the toughest for the grade 1 students. They have to study, cultivate, learn and finally perform the final Mecha Brawl at the end of the year.

All the students were pushed to their limits and all of them showed exponential growth in the last semester be it there secondary profession, cultivation or combat experience.

The Lecturer didn't let even a single moment miss where he could exploit the students by adding more and more tasks, group activities and tests on their limited time and for the first time in the whole academic life did the students understood exactly why Fan Lin hated to be in group activities.

Because group activities depended on the group and not everyone in the group was the same, everyone were different so were their cultivation, Spirit Power, meditation speed, martial soul, cultivation path and friendship level among each other and the last semester fully tested the groups and their teamwork.

So much that many teams broke down and many new teams were formed, many friends broke up and many other hatred were created, lastly out of the many small time couples, only a few survived the tough times of the semester.

But it all didn't matter to Fan Lin as he gave his all in his secondary profession like a madman, much to the surprise of everyone.

So much that he even paid his classmates to teach him their tricks and tips of the Mecha designing profession to him. Everyone accepted because of the price he offered and Fan Lin learnt everything from them.

As for why, no one knew at that time.

Flashback to the beginning of the Last semester aka third semester. [The current one]

Fan Lin had contacted the Lecture to ask about the Tower attack that made everyone from the Shrek's higher ups confused.

Spirit soul tower was a facility of the Spirit Pagoda. The Tower attack contains 108 floors with a defensive mechanism on each floor. Each floor is occupied by one or more spirit beasts. Defeating the spirit beast(s) on each floor allows the spirit masters to advance to the next floor. Spirit Masters have a chance to purchase the spirit soul they defeated on a specific floor at 50% off.

Since different soul masters need different kinds of spirit souls, and also taking support-type soul masters into account, the Spirit Pagoda allows the tower attack to be done in teams of up to seven people. As a result, the difficulty is also tailored to fit a seven-man team. The first eighteen floors are filled with thousand-year spirit souls, but the strength of those souls increases with every floor. The Spirit Pagoda has populated each floor from the eighteenth to the thirty-sixth with ten-thousand year spirit souls that it has collected over the years.

Hundred-thousand-year spirit souls can be found from the thirty-sixth floor onward, and the final nine floors supposedly contain the spirit souls of the strongest soul beasts to ever exist.

The Spirit Pagoda only allows soul masters aged thirty or under to participate in the tower attack.

Normally, the privilege for the Tower Attack is only for Spirit Pagoda members and prodigies that the Spirit Pagoda has bestowed its approval upon, but there are exceptions to this rule.

The Elders knew of Fan Lin's skill and when used properly, Fan Lin can easily advance to the higher levels.

But his blatant and cold denial of not doing the tower attack last time also left a deep impression on them.

Adding all the others things, they thought that he would not do the tower attack.

What had changed now was something that no one could understand.

After this, they all witnessed Fan Lin focusing his all in slaughtering the people in the Intermediate and advanced Spirit Ascension plane once every month while raising his achievements in the secondary profession Mecha Designing.

Mecha Designing was deemed as the easiest of the four occupations and was a favourite choice of the students due to the fact that it raises Spirit Power.

Finally they realised what Fan Lin was planning to do.

He was trying to raise his Spirit Power and the age of his spirit souls and for what, it was really clear.

He was raising his Spirit Power so that he could do the tower attack and get a strong spirit soul.

They still couldn't understand the cause of the change but they all agreed that it was a good change since he actually started to open up to the others on his own.

A few more times and he will have a weakness among the humans. A weakness that they will know about.

[Flashback ends]

To the present.

The whole grade 1 cleared the final examinations at last but this time, some failed.

The final exams couldn't be the exception as it took them at their weakest and in a single action. Ten students failed.

The students once again realised that becoming complacent was never an option to began with.

The fortitude that the students cultivated throughout their whole grade made them mentally stronger than their peers and they all forgot about the failed classmates in a few days and moved on.


Fan Lin silently looked at the Spirit Pagoda Headquarter from the Shrek City.

It had been three years since he came to Shrek and the three years had changed what he wanted completely.

Now he had a simple goal. He wanted to use the blood and bones of the person at the top of the Spirit Pagoda to recreate a new place for the soul beasts.

His three years in Shrek and its Library had taught him that what humans did in the beginning was for survival, what the Spirit Pagoda did was extortion and degradation of the world that he currently lived in.

The whole of humanity wasn't at fault. It was the selected few that decided what was going to happen to the soul beasts.

Fan Lin anger was on the selected few.

Those were the people that would never allow what he wanted to do. They were the people whose life should end for the world to be in peace.

"I do want to destroy you all with my poisons but that would not be the change. You will just suffer and die. Your deeds will live on though. I want to destroy your deeds."

"I want make sure that the rest won't be involved."

"I am strong now, but not strong enough to make others follow my rule."

"I will just need to become strong, find a kingdom and protect it from all."

"Just wait for me."


Fan Lin

Age 13.

Rank 48 Soul Ancestor.

Physique - Soul Saint.

Spirit Power - 12000 Spirit Abyss Level.

Grade 2 student.

Three word Battle Armor - 2 pieces.

Rank 6 Mecha Designer. On the verge of a breakthrough.

Hasn't eaten anything in the past two years.

Possesses two purple thousand year old spirit souls.

Pheonix Tailed Crest Serpent - 4000 year old.

Ice Tulip - Blue Silver Variant -- 9000 years old.

Soul skills

Energy Body - Helps to cultivate. Purple spirit ring

Crystallization - Crystal control. Green Spirit Ring.

Energy physique - Grants a mutated physique (see the previous files). Purple spirit ring.

Aurora Wails - Cultivation speed increment in ice elemental area. Purple spirit ring.

Combined Spirit Ring. Spring Green in colour with floral patterns.

Raises the previous abilities by three folds.

End of the report.

The Tang Sect spy looked at his brief report and send it to complete his mission. This was the final report as he had already sent the mission log, habits, conversions and the rest of the other reports already.

This was the final report stating Fan Lin's current progress as on the graduation date of Grade 1.

With this and Fan Lin's proper behaviour in the past two years, Tang Sect had finally decided to remove the spy on Fan Lin.

So did the Shrek Academy.

Now Fan Lin was a free man, although he still didn't know about it.


And with this, we wrap up the grade 1 arc which wasn't that eventful since most of the challenges hasn't even shown up all this did help Fan Lin change a little.

For you guys that want to know what were the changes or why I skip the two years.

I didn't skip them as they will be mentioned in the further chapters as flashback, along with the growth of Fan Lin.

The one below is the celebratory valentine's chapter that I wrote after getting 200k views and 400 collections.



Douluo Continent.

Shrek Academy.

Fan Lin spent the rest of his days in the Shrek Academy meditating in the Boundless training area to cultivate as much as he could.

Even though his cultivation speed was 1.5 times better than his previous speed, the cultivation difficulty of the higher ranks wasn't something that could be offset with just that.

In simpler terms, his cultivation wasn't that fast. A whole 15 days of cultivation didn't even raise him by a fifth of his current small rank(Rank 41).

If things go like this then he will take around two years to reach Rank 50 Soul King.

And that is if he cultivates everyday instead of wasting his time in the stupid class activities which he had to.

"But to gain something, you have to lose some things."

For Fan Lin to enjoy the benefits of a student of Shrek Academy, he had to play the role of the student of the Shrek Academy. They was no other choices in that regard.

It was still better than pledging his allegiance and future to some organisation.

As the days of the semester holidays came closer and closer, Fan Lin was getting impatient and excited on the massacre he has planned to do in the semester.

It was his way to get enough money for the Three Word Battle Armor piece and this time, he could afford the whole Armor. If everything went well that is.

He had spent most of his remaining or extra times in the library of the Shrek Academy and it did have what he wanted. It had everything that he wanted, except...

"I will think about that later on."

Fan Lin had a simple motive in the beginning. To find a way for the spirit beasts to exist.

That changed when he entered the Spirit Ascension plane. He changed his plan a little bit then.

That plan changed again when he recalled his past in the final exams of the Shrek's entrance exams.

He had realised that the past that he knew wasn't complete and his true desires might have been a delusion of his. He realised that he didn't know a lot about his past self, several key memories were either changed or didn't exist.

Now that came with a small existential crisis of its own as whatever he was deeming as right could have been wrong.

Except killing the bad guys and looting, he felt exhilaration and excitement whenever he thought about that. Well he generally felt that even when he thought about killing humanity to the last one as well so it was hard for him to determine if he was actually a good person.

He wasn't. Maybe he changed down the line. Maybe something happened. He did know that after meeting his Captain for the first time, he did have his life flash past his eyes as he nearly died.

But then the later memories didn't make sense.

After a lot of thinking, he had put down the thought and chose to keep the matter aside for the moment.

He would think about it again when he turned old in his new body as he might gain his previous midlife stability at that time. Just his thinking, he didn't know if he will get it or not.

He reined in his desires and cancelled his massacre plan on the last day of the semester.

Of course the main reason was that he was a little skeptical about the Shrek Academy and sudden change in the temperaments of the teachers around him.

What if his actions that day aroused some suspicion among the higher members?

Despite the fact that the Shrek has the habit of falling down once every ten thousand year but they would still have a basic security measures to counter some some problems like Evil Soul Masters and such.

Fan Lin actually laid in the grey area considering his kills and methods.

Even if he was sure that the only proof of his past was the living Shi Hun and the broker, he also knew that Shi Hun could betray him while the broker... she was weird. She wouldn't betray him even if she died.

Why? He didn't know.

Fan Lin took a deep sigh and left the Shrek City.

His destination - Glorybound Town.

He just wanted to know if his actions actually had some lasting effects or not.

He also needed some piece of mind... he meant peace of mind. He needed peace of mind.

After that, he will decide if Shi Hun was needed or not. He was a capable person now and had ways to earn money, it will take time to earn though.

But he can't leave any hidden danger. He won't leave one.

I need to retrieve my poison suitcase from the Eastsea Academy as well...


Let's take a detour and get my poison suitcase from there, then I will leave for the Glorybound Town.

As for questions like won't it be a foolish action? What if he is followed?

Except me, no one knows how to use my poisons. They are untraceable for a reason. So even if someone was to follow him. It would be useless.

I am a great poison master. I wonder where did I had a change of heart though?

Did I even have one?

For now, I just know that killing people at this time might be problematic.

Hence, let's delay if for a few years.

I was never killing for the purpose of acting as a hero or messiah to begin with.

All I was doing was filling my pockets with the life of others criminals.

Time sure changes.

I took fifteen days to deeply think about the massacre and how I was going to do it.

It took me an hour to put everything aside and cancel it.

I am such a decisive person!

Wonder how it will be🙂

I will kill to my heart's content, but only when the time is right.

The future plans should not be altered due to my stupidity.

I should rest now, and patiently await the time to strike.

It will be beautiful. I will make sure that it will be.


Eastsea City

Eastsea Academy

Fan Lin casually entered (trespassed) the Eastsea Academy from the back and wandered around the area while changing his clothes to the student uniform of the Eastsea Academy.

It is that easy to blend in.

Where did I kept the key?

Under the tree that that Dean of the Eastsea Academy liked.

Where is it. Where is it.

Oh! Found it.

Dig some deep and take out the key, the key is fine and so is the tree.

I wonder where I left the case?

It was in my training place in the East(Eastsea Park)

I hopped my way to the park,

Jumping up the high wall.

Oops, looks like I am skipping school

Since it's broad daylight of the noon

I wonder how the park is now,

If there are students doing it in broad daylight,

I wonder what it will feel like

Let's ignore all the questions for now and skip my way to my desti-nation

I dash my way as the tree passed my sight, as the darkness increased by sight

I reached the place in one fell swoop and


'There's someone sitting there!?'

Fan Lin took an immediate stop as the person in question looked at him...

Guess who?