Imagine you and me [Part 2]

Douluo Continent

A few weeks had passed and Fan Lin was replanted 400 smaller areas.

He would have replanted more but a small problem had came his way.

"When are the protestors leaving?"

He asked the Federation officials. The officials were barricading his residence from the protestors that were against the reforestation of the areas.

Fan Lin choose EVERY barren area that was legally owned by Federation and was not in use for any kind of Federation or legal related stuff.

The slums, illegal market places and lots of the empty areas that were used by the people illegally, be it for their living (place of shelter) or livelihood (place of work: trash collectors, pickers and others like illegal factories, workshops or even housing places in the government owned property) were also a part of his replantation list.

Behind the poor people that were protesting were the fat officials and men who had been using the many loopholes in the system or just bribery to use the land for their own purposes.

Fan Lin didn't care about that though.

Now Fan Lin was here to ravage it all and they couldn't stop him since it was a decision from both the Federation and the Spirit Pagoda.

Hence they had to use underhanded tactics. They spread some moles in the lower classes of the people who were also going to be affected by Fan Lin's actions and instigated them to rise and revolt against him and the Federation's decision.

That's what they did as well. A small spark of provocation and the whole public had marched to stop Fan Lin from continuing any further.

Three days have passed by then.

Fan Lin could have used his poisons to deal with the situation but chose not to. He wanted to kill them really bad.

He had thousands of ways of killing them.

He could have even just brainwash them with low level poisons and end the farce.

But he didn't.

Fan Lin knew that the people in front of him were just the puppets of the rich who didn't want him to convert the land into conservation sites, protected by the Federation and Spirit Pagoda.

They didn't have the guts to provoke any of the big forces, so they chose a weak target and focused their underhanded means on Fan Lin.

Fan Lin glanced at all the people that were gathered in front of the residence that he was staying at. His eyes devoid of any sympathy or kindness.

He didn't care about them and would have wiped them out on the first day that they had gathered to stop him. He would have solve the problem before it can happen.

But he was constricted. If he killed, and on the amount that he was thinking off, his whole public image will be destroyed and he...

Even if he didn't kill them but someone else did or something else happened to them, he would still be held responsible because the reporting hyenas were already pointing their cameras at him while declaring him as the villain in the life of the poor, underprivileged people whose houses he was destroying, whose livelihood he was stomping beneath his feet, and finally as the cherry of the cake, whose lives he was ending.

Not even three days have properly passed yet there were hundreds of articles on him and his ruthless upheaval of the poor sections of the society written by the media, fuelled by the fat official's riches.

'And then some say why do I need to kill humans for my purpose.'

'Don't they realise that till the time humans exist, they will always want more and more.'

Sooner or later they will turn their eyes onto his forest and Fan Lin would rather wipe the humans out then let even single blade of grass on his forest be tainted by them.

'I came to the southern parts of the continent as the slaughter is going start in the east in a few days at most.'

"What do I do with them?"

Fan Lin said to himself.

"I think we should just leave the replantation of this area for now and return here after a month of so. That should be enough for the matter to calm down. Till the time, you can focus on the other areas."

The official beside him answered, thinking Fan Lin asked him.

"Okay then. Just tell them that if they did something stupid like burning my replanted land or selling the stuff from there, I will take out their innards and shove it in their mouths." [Fan Lin]

"I don't have time to waste on the mere wishy washy actions of puppets like this. If... just inform the ones behind them to not do this, okay." [Fan Lin]

"That's what they have been writing me as, you know. Have I ever acted like that before? I didn't, and yet they wrote things like that."

"If not for the fact that the President said he will take care of the matter here, I would have taken care of it already."

There was a second reason for his hesitation. Qiangu Donfeng had personally called him to say that he will take care of the matter and now Fan Lin was getting clearly suspicious of the motives of Qiangu Donfeng because he seemed more eager for the replantation than Fan Lin.

That was weird.

"Forget it. I am leaving now and will come a month later."

Fan Lin said to the officials and left from the secret exit of the residence.

The moment he left the room, the officials plopped down on the ground, their backs drenched with sweat.

Everything was going fine with them as they were valiantly standing around while looking down on the young envoy of the Spirit Pagoda.

Then the envoys words changed and they felt their mind becoming hazy as their bodies seem to betray them.

They silently stood there motionlessly in dread and fear until he left and their bodies gave up.

They looked at each other and decided to not tell about the events in the room to anyone else, not because of shame but because Fan Lin will come again next month and they didn't know if what the media were saying was true or not.


Fan Lin was riding his new soul car towards the Moon Forest at full speed.

He was quite behind his target. The people were getting in his way and...

He wanted to wait a little for the drama to reach its peak. That way he will be able to weed out all the factions that were against him at the same time, or at least know of them beforehand to weed them out later.

This was his third reason for hesitation.

He promised himself that this was the last mass slaughter and he wanted to include all his major oppositions in it.

Although he had a streak of breaking his promises quite often that even he can't trust himself on his statement.

That doesn't meant hat he won't try to keep his promise. Every rumperig had the right to dream!

And on a completely unrelated note, he was on his way to the Moon Forest.


He had changed his plan yet again, no, not that.

"I decided to improvise and improve my plan and decided to increase the size of the Moon Forest by around 5000 kilometres."

His final killing was on its way as the shipment had already been delivered and in less than a week, the slaughter will begin.

The world will shift its attention towards the Eastern coast, slowly spreading like the venom of a snake ingriping its target.

'I wonder how many would die.'


[hahahahaha haan hahahahhahahahaha]

[I like it]

[And I know how many are going to die.]

6 hours later.

Even though his new soul car was fast, it was just twice as fast as his previous flying soul car and still required ample time to reach the Moon Forest from the Southern Douluo Continent.

Fan Lin slowly stopped in front of the Moon Forest and entered his dead calm state since he needed it.

He took out his poison suitcase and crushed it to smithereens, releasing all the toxins that were stored in it.

"Rumble! My creations!"

The toxins, as if hearing his commands, disappeared from the sight.

A few moments later, the whole area was surrounded by pinkish clouds.

He turned around, his back facing the the Moon Forest as his three word Battle Armor gently enveloped him.

His soul skills upgraded and his soul power become denser. His spirit power reached the peak of the Spirit Domain realm and a big smile formed on his face.

[Energy Body upgraded to Superior Energy Body]

His Energy body become Superior Energy Body and was further boosted by Boundless Vitality.

Fan Lin didn't know why it happened but he once again chose to blame the one and only.

His Boundless Ring shone in a bright brilliance as the land as far as the eyes could see rose into gigantic mountains, nearly reaching the toxin clouds in the atmosphere hundreds of metres in the sky.

The mountain filled with sand, rock, water and lava began to churn as the whole area seemed to become a grinder of some sorts with the pillars at their centre.

His Boundless Vitality imbued Superior Energy Body skill activated to its fullest as the soul power of the surroundings regions outside the Moon Forest began to slowly absorb in the crystalline crystals and into the surrounding soil and the Moon Forest.

Half an hour later, the whole area returned to calmness.

The sand around the 5000 kilometres around the Moon Forest was nowhere to be seen, with a small greenish land taking the place of the sandy dunes.

If someone looked closely, the greenish land was filled with blades of tiny grasses and moss that gave it its greenish look.

Up above them, the sky was a dark magenta enveloping the entire Moon Forest, even the newly added area.

Below that was a red and violet toxins that seemed to be releasing from the Moon Forest, increasing in range and toxicity.

The world was silent and Fan Lin was gone.

The Moon Forest had been expanded by 6000 kilometres from that day onwards. And with the protection of his toxins, it will continue to develop.

Fan Lin was at peace.

He shouldn't have been though.

Fan Lin didn't know about secret of the western front and why the Federation had left it barren.

He should have pried more.

Because three years from that day on, someone was going to be buried there.


The area I am in is currently down so further updates aren't possible due to no net connection.

Even this chapter update took quite a lot of trials from the slow network. I have to cut down the chapter by a fifth as it wasn't failing to upload with network error coming to the screen every single time.

I am still writing though and once the net resumes, you can expect a mass release.