Author's Note - Hiatus for now.

So sorry to azathoth2 as I couldn't keep my words.

I am currently going on a hiatus that could last between a week to a month.

The reasons are written below.

1. Writer Block for Continuation and Kamenkendo.

2. I am Poor and need to focus on my money earning work.

3. My eyesight had gone bad and the doctor had told me to (not adviced but told me to) stop straining my eyes.

Here is a detailed summary.

So the city in which I live has been undergoing road constructions for the past two years as the government is changing the sewers and remaking roads.

Now I had shifted to my new rented house less than a month ago, without knowing that the are was the next in the renovation plan.

And hence the roads around my area got completely wrecked up. This continued on for two weeks and in that time, the electricity was barely available.

My whole street was facing water and food shortages but the conditions of the roads weren't something that street vendors would come in their cart.

So I spent my two weeks living on low amounts of food and water and then the roads were good and all, in less than a day.

And on that day, I bathed properly and decided the most stupid thing in my life - indulge myself in some heavy food.

And by heavy, it was two plates of chole bhature, two samosas, two bread pakoras and rajma and chicken tandoori at night.

And then at night, I started vomiting and getting dizziness and pains in my head.

Thankfully the night passed and I went to see a doctor in my barely recognisable self.

Turns out that we humans shouldn't eat too much heavy food if we are starving for a long time, in extreme cases, it can lead to death.

So yeah. I got ill due to my overeating but this isn't the end, there's more.

When I said that I am having dizziness and can't see properly, the doctor sent to the eye specialist doctor on another floor saying that I might have some problems in my eyes.

So I went there and found out that my eyes are really bad.

Just for example:

Three, I could easily read the clock on my rooms wall from the other end of the room.

Now I can't do the same even when I am two feet away from the clock.

Onto onto the doctors analysis.

He told me to do eye exercises, eat lots of vitamin rich food, do exercises so that my body had enough strength to digest the food and lastly refrain from straining my eyes by watching TV, mobiles pr anything like that for at least a month.


Because the eyes are self restorative organs and the eyes can resolve the issue of bad eyesight on its own. It just needs proper nutrients and rest.

I didn't know that.

And here is the climax.

I just found out that I am drug intolerant, obese, lazy, and have a chance of becoming half bald by my thirties.


Moving on.

I have temporarily put the updating in the hiatus.

Sorry for that.

I am trying my best to not use my phone as much as I can and I am also eating veggies and vitamin A stuff.

I am also thinking of doing exercises.

So pray for me to be consistent and disciplined in my hurdle and have some results soon so I can start using the devices.

Here is the reason for the hiatus.

As not many of you may have known, I rely on my smartphone to write the story and it takes five to six hours for a complete three thousand words chapters and I often have the habits of suddenly derailing from my task and watching a YouTube or reading something else to watse my time.

Basically I am addicted to my phone.

So for the sake of my eyes, the updation will have to stop.

See Ya.


Another note.

Well I wasn't going to write this chapter and tell you about my problems.

I was just going to leave you guys hanging and suddenly update a month or two months later like nothing happened but after two days and a sudden realisation that you guys might be my only audience.

I decided to write it down.

I am a bad person and a lazy writer. Sorry for that.


I hope to see you guys soon.

And maybe at that time, I really hope to finish the rest of the books in the Blue Silver series.


Found a way to write chapters without straining my eyes, although the method is straining to my brain. Annoying as well.

It's Google voice typing. Got the idea as I suddenly remembered the mehndi ad from Google and a quick search later, I was able to check the feasibility of the idea.

So after 9 takes and trails. This is the best version of the chapter that I could voice type.

Even the lines that you are reading currently are voice typed.

This however made this chapter not that well edited as I often liked to edit my chapters before posting.

In my usual edits, I, most of the times, take out 30 to 40 percent of the written materials because I either deem it as an unnecessary filer that was too boring or had no need or relevance in the plot or/and could become a plothole or weird point later on.

The I also, not often, add some more details of rephrase some lines.

Even then it doesn't change that I ain't that that a writer but I want to improve.

And I am physically doing the proper punctuation and all of this text.

Thankfully it took less than ten minutes to do that and hence it will obviously be full of mistakes.

Sorry for that.

Here is the chapter.

Not the complete one as after 8 takes my mouth was dry and I was angry and annoyed.

So this is only a part of the chapter that was already a part chapter. Sounds confusing, the chapter is more confusing.

The remaining chapter and extras will be posted in a few days as I have planned to use my smartphone less than half an hour everyday and my mastery over this Google typing thing isn't good at all. So I want to increase my expertise over it.

From your author.

See Ya.

Gratzia En Mori.


Douluo Continent

Moon Forest.

Some hours later.

"Welcome, My Liege."

The Myriad Demon hastily said to Gu Yue when he saw her enter the Moon Forest. Di Tian and his two companions, Bi Ji and Zi Ji, remained silent.

"Where is he?"

Gu nodded at him and calmly asked about the reason she had decided to make the visit.

The Myriad Demon King put the speech that he had prepared about the situation of the Moon Forest and the safe migration of the soul beasts aside and politely gestured her to follow him.

Innermost area.

(The area that Fan Lin created first, I can't think of any good names for it but here are some alternatives that I thought for it.)

(Origin Area, Fan Lin's garden, Human's home, The beginning of the forest.)

(The innermost area is going to be repeated a lot in the plot due to its importance as a plot device.)

(So if you don't like the name 'innermost area', you can either choose from the above or suggest a better, simple and more coherent name.)

(By the way small trivia that I didn't add in the Moon Forest chapter since I thought at least a single of you will point it out or at least inquire about the origins of the name...)

(You didn't...)


(Yue - Moon)

(Lin - Forest)

(Moon Forest - Yuèliàng Sēnlín)

(Let's stop it here now.)

Innermost Area.

The Myriad Demon King took them to the innermost area of the Moon Forest.

"He is there." [Myriad]

He pointed at the west. Gu Yue followed the direction he was pointing at and saw his clothes, soul communicator and storage soul guide lying carelessly on the ground. The person in question wasn't there though.

Di Tian advised once more.

"Should we act more cautiously, My Liege? I don't think this kid particularly cares about hiding things." [Di Tian]

Gu ignored his words and went to pick up Fan Lin's soul communicator to check something.

Yeah, you guessed right. The clothes belonged to Fan Lin, so did the other stuff.

"He really blocked me." [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue mumbled.

Gu Yue had sent Di Tian to follow Fan Lin since he was the most capable in keeping henchmen she had and he was also free since the other plans were safely in motion and currently didn't need any personal supervision from him.

Di Tian, after roughly sensing the mark that he had stealthily placed on Fan Lin for future stalking, had just needed three hours to find Fan Lin at his maximum speed.

And then what Di Tian revealed to Gu Yue made her conflicted emotions about Fan Lin rise to the sky high.

Fan Lin was out there replanting various places with forests!

He was essentially restoring the vitality of the Douluo plane!

He further planned to fill the whole continent's empty areas with forest!

He was also doing his replantation work without rest. Well, this news would have made more of an impact if she didn't know that Fan Lin didn't need to sleep or eat. He was like moss on the rock, surviving through energy.

One of her enigmas that he casually told her about. It's his soul skill.

'Suspiciously everything is related to his soul skills. Everything.'

But the situation didn't change. He was indeed planting trees and forests, restoring the vitality of the plane and also creating a safe haven for the soul beasts.

'So his important thing was just further forest creation. Is he a forest maniac or something?'

But this all made Gu Yue's emotion waver and her suspicion higher than before. She knew that Fan Lin was a scum of a human but the resolute actions of him in the plantation of the forest even surpassed her.

(Since she hadn't even planted a flower.)

But it still didn't change that she didn't know what was going on his mind or what drove him for this one sided goal.

'What would he get from all this?'

On one side, her instincts told her that she can trust him on the matters related to forest and spirit beast but on the other side, her instincts also screamed at her to not become closer to him or trust him on anything else.

He scared her a little, not because he was strong, she could kill hundreds of him even in her weakened state, it's because he was slowly taking too much importance in their plans.

Her plans.

Her need for him could lead to her becoming too reliant on him, which could become a problem later on.

And something was telling her to not believe him.

But the situation slightly changed two weeks ago.

Two weeks ago, Di Tian had told her about the protests of the humans that were happening against him due to his replantation.

Fan Lin as usual was quite ruthless against the humans and had included many slums and other areas in the plantation areas.

Gu Yue could easily guess that he did that intentionally as she remembered the map she had seen on his room the first time she went there.

The same week, it was broadcasted in many channels portraying the replantation project as an inhumane decision by the Federation as the public outraged on the fact that poor people were going to suffer from it, losing their homes and such.

These news coverages brought a limelight to the replantation project and many different factions argued about it, some taking it's side while others against it. It will take a while till a neutral faction could form.

This lead to the whole Federation knowing about the replantation project of the Spirit Pagoda and how it was jointly co-operated by the Federation.

But weirdly no mention of Fan Lin were to be found in any of the news regarding the cruelty of the project. It was quite obvious that someone was stopping it and that person happened to be Qiangu Donfeng.


'Fan Lin this, Fan Lin that, my life has half that guy in it.'

Gu Yue wondered at that time and then decided to observe the situation from the shadows as Qiangu Donfeng was already helping Fan Lin from his side.

She didn't need to take any actions. She will just focus on her life and studies in Shrek. Wulin's progess in cultivation was also important. He needed to fatten up really fast for her purposes.

Though once again, her decision to fully focus on her life at Shrek was disrupted a few days ago as Di Tian called her from the Moon Forest.

The same Di Tian who was supposed to be following Fan Lin.

What did it implied?

"He visited Moon Forest and created new land for the Moon Forest. He even infused the lands with soul energy and spread hundreds of his vials in the area. This place is going to be 50 to 60 times bigger now, My Liege."

Di Tian informed her on her soul communicator. The Myriad Demon King also attested to it.

"... From how the situation had turned out from his replantation project, he may have decided to focus on the Moon Forest, although he disappeared after he was done... but he didn't leave the Moon Forest."

"And he was acting weirdly. Completely different from all the times."

"I... umm... he whispered something about his dearest and all in a nearly sickening tone."

Di Tian said while fully sensing the newer changes to the Moon Forest while keeping an eye on the sinking Fan Lin.

"..." [Gu Yue]

"Place more members to safeguard the place. Increase the migration rate and..." [Gu Yue]

"Inform me if he stays there for a few more days." [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue said to Di Tian and cut the call.

She didn't know about the meaning of Fan Lin's words and she didn't particularly care about it that much. She had wanted to have a proper chat with Fan Lin and now she had an opportunity for it.

And Gu Yue would obviously take the opportunity with open arms. There was so much that she needed to ask and she also wanted to half murder him a few more times as well.

What better place than an unknown location filled with her henchmen to do that. She was going to wreck Fan Lin.

[This sounds wrong.]


Present time.

Gu Yue stared at the soul communicator in her hands and then turned towards the direction that the Myriad Demon King pointed at.

It was the western ocean.

(Quick trivia. Remember that Fan Lin had started the plantation of the forest from the northwestern point. I had thought that that would have been enough of an indicator as I couldn't properly explain the northwestern point that I wanted to.)

(Now I can explain it roughly... so take a square and think of it as the central Douluo Continent)

(The upper left corner of the square is the Northwestern point where Fan Lin started the Moon Forest.)

(Above it, that is in the north direction and just above the Moon Forest, you have Absolute North/Extreme North.)

(On the other hand, the left/west side of the Moon Forest is the western ocean.)

(This was the forsaken place that Fan Lin had brought and humans seldom came here.)

(This was due to the fact that the Sun Moon Federation had tested their prototype level 12 soup missiles in the western region making it barren and regressing the technology by 2000 years, at least that's what is known to the public...)


Gu Yue looked at the direction of the western ocean and then at the clothes that were carelessly lying around on the ground.

It didn't take her a second thought to realised that Fan Lin might have been naked at the moment.

"What happened and why is he there?"

She turned around and asked, not understanding the situation a single bit.

The Myriad Demon King looked at Di Tian and then began to explain.

[Small Flashback]

When the Great Beasts had gotten to know about the Moon Forest, Gu Yue had commanded them to slowly tranfer out the soul beasts.

For the past months, they have been steadily transferring the important soul beasts to the Moon Forest.

In the beginning, Beast King Di Tian was the one who was migrating the soul beasts with Bear Lord but then he was transferred to spying on Fan Lin.

His job was taken over by the Emerald Swan Bi Ji and Abyss Dragon Zi Ji whereas the Bear Lord was on the sidelines protecting the Starduo Forest.

They didn't want the Spirit Pagoda to be alerted by the disappearing soul beasts from the Starduo Forest and henceforth Bear Lord's job was to take the attention of the Spirit Pagoda on himself while secretly taking out the various other groups of humans that often came to fish in the troubled waters.

On the other hand, Myriad Demon King's control over the plants was top notch among the Great Beasts and that's why he had been tasked to oversee the Moon Forest on the orders of Gu Yue.

He also had the secondary task of overseeing the migrated soul beasts from the Starduo Forest so as they don't cause any trouble in there.

Myriad Demon King's life was going peaceful and easygoing.

[Until the Fire Nation attacked and the peace was broken.]

But it changed when the Myriad Demon King sensed the presence of a human and hid all the younger soul beasts with his spirit power.

He carefully sensed the invader and found it to be the person who planted the Moon Forest, aka Fan Lin.

'What is he doing here?'

The Myriad Demon King thought while looking out for Fan Lin.

Di Tian appeared beside the Myriad Demon King and helped to further hid the soul beasts because he had an inkling of what Fan Lin was going to do when he got off his flying soul car.

Fan Lin on the other hand stopped in front of the Moon Forest and doned his three word Battle Armor, increase his Spirit Power to the Spirit Domain realm and then he created fertile land and planted it. He even infused the Moon Forest with soul power.

And then he said some words in such a way that made them go blank.

"Will you like it, my dear? I wonder how happy you would have been to see the sight."

Fan Lin adoringly whispered while looking at the grand sight of the newly created land that spanned thousands of kilometres. He didn't know why but he really wanted to show his wife how much he had changed due to her once again.

He then rapidly went to the innermost area of the Moon Forest, took out his clothes and went to dive into the Western ocean.

Both the Myriad Demon King and Di Tian were unable to understand the meaning of his actions or words.

A few seconds later, Di Tian called Gu Yue about his sudden arrival at the Moon Forest.

The Myriad Demon King also chimed in on his words.

They all talked about a few other things before cutting the call.

Di Tian observed the Moon Forest and the soul energy density was that obviously quite higher than before, adding the vitality of the plants, this place might become the same as their current Starduo Forest in around two to three years.

He stayed there and continued to observe Fan Lin's conditions for the next three days before going on to pick Gu Yue.

Zi Ji and Bi Ji also decided to tag along with him.

They were doing their migration task as usual but surprisingly found Di Tian on stand by in the Moon Forest.

When they heard about his task and they just tagged along.

[Present time.]

"He is like that for the past three days?" [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue asked while carefully placing Fan Lin's soul communicator back.

"Yes, My Liege. He currently seems to be meditating as the soul energy in the ocean is being absorbed by him." [Di Tian]

"We weren't sure about how he would react when seeing the Starduo Forest's soul beasts and hence we have enveloped them in our Spirit Power to hide them from his senses." [Di Tian]

"Hm? Don't do it next time, we still need to know his reaction to the spirit beasts. If he showed any ill intent, we will erase his memories of that time." [Gu Yue]

"Yes My Liege." [Di Tian]

"How is the migration proceeding?" [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue asked Di Tian who in turn looked at Bi Ji, Zi Ji and Myriad Demon King.

"We have transferred a tenth of our important and younger soul beasts here. Around 1590 in total." [Bi Ji]

"We have been acting carefully and the forest was also quite small at that time—" [Zi Ji]

"Increase the migration rate. Di Tian, Myriad Demon King you guys help in the migration as well." [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue cut Zi Ji mid sentence and calmly relayed the next plan.

"I still have two days left before my classes. If he awakens in the next two days, I will try to persuade him to further increase the forest land. How large is the current Moon Forest?" [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue said with a thought.

"18750 km² by human standards."

[Around 10-11 times the size of London]

(Just roughly the same as Fiji.)

"...It's bigger than the current Starduo Forest." [Di Tian]

"..." [Myriad Demon King]

"..." [Bi Ji]

"..." [Zi Ji]

"Ohh. Prepare to shift out whole population by the next two years then." [Gu Yue]

Gu Yue mumbled seeing the silent great beasts who seem to be lost in their current predicament and past prestige.

""Yes My Liege.""

They all said and the others except Di Tian went to complete her tasks.

Di Tian stayed. Gu Yue looked at him as if asking his reason for staying and he answered with hesitation.

"My Liege, you previously said that he asked you to keep an eye of Na Er... I think he(knows about her being the other half of the Silver Dragon King)—" [Di Tian]

Di Tian stopped mid-sentence and then after a split second thinking, he changed his words.

"... he knows that she is the current adopted daughter of the head of the Seagod Pavillion Yun Ming. He might be planning on using her to stop the Seagod Pavillion if they got in his way." [Di Tian]

Di Tian adeptly changed his previous words.

'Let's not tell her about her other half for now. It could leave her vulnerable and that kid isn't the type to not take advantage of the weak.'

Di Tian thought and looked forward to the reply of Gu Yue.

"So that's why she was special. But what does he want from the Seagod Pavillion?"

Gu Yue felt like she understood the reason for him need with Na Er and felt relieved. She looked at Di Tian and ordered him to help the others.

She was quite strong herself and Fan Lin wouldn't do anything to her.

Di Tian finally left reluctantly after a while.

Gu Yue stood there silently for a few seconds before sitting down next to Fan Lin's clothes and other stuff.

'First Spirit Pagoda's President, now the head of the Seagod Pavillion. He definitely is up to something.' [Gu Yue]

'Let's try to ask him normally first, if he didn't answer then forcibly getting the answer from him won't be that easy.' [Gu Yue]

'Does he truly have someone that he holds dear? What are they like?'

'Is it an elderly or maybe a younger one? Male or female?'

'Maybe he was just saying nonsense. Considering him the chances are really high.'

'Will he agree to my request? He had just added the new area a few days ago...'

Gu Yue continued to think for a while then starting meditating as her thinking wasn't leading her to anything.

She will have to improv accordingly. That's all she can do regarding her current circumstances.

To be continued.....