Dawn that strangled the Sky

Douluo Continent

Shrek City

Small shop.

Fan Lin was trying his hardest to control the laughter but he just couldn't control himself and began to laugh like a child on laughing drugs. His face the epitome of childish innocence as he laughed uncontrollably while trying to hold his body from falling down the chair.

'I hate my broken humour.'

(You will not get why he laughed for a long while. So just skip this part from your memories as well)

(And never in this book or the rest of the Blue Silver Grass series)

Ten minutes later.

Fan Lin slowly propelled himself from the ground he had fallen while laughing and looked at the four women who were kneeling on the ground, their bodies drenched with sweat as they were shivering from fear.

His sudden bout of laughter seem to have caused a grave confusion among them.

"Sorry, it was just too long since I finally felt free. I forgot to control myself."

The four of them still continued to kneel on the ground though, not daring to lift their heads. They seriously thought they were going to die that day, now that their use had ended as well.


He shook his head and took one last look towards the four before leaving the shop.

With that flashback, the last strain that was keeping him back had broken(third time). Now he was free as his old self, although it will take some time before the change began to fully show.

'All these will take too much time.'

He thought as he hailed a cab and left for the Spirit Pagoda Headquarters.

'Now that I think about it, this whole plan would take a long while. A long while. A long while.'

'A long while.'

Toot toot toot.

{What do you need kid?}

"You have blocked Gu Yue as well."

{I haven't. Gu Yue has my personal number, this is the private one. I just don't pick her call that often. Now what does the star of the show need from me? Is it something related to her?}

"Your cooperation Leng Yaozhu."

{Leng Yaozhu? I don't sense any respect in your words. Are you getting on the high horse just cause of a small victory?}

"Qiangu Dongfeng promised to make me the new Vice President if I don't stand against his grandson, guess whose position I was gonna take?"

{If you think that you can talk to me like this just because Qiangu Dongfeng is behind you then you are severely mistaken kid. Talk like this again and I will rip your mouth from your face.}

"Qiangu Dongfeng is thinking about the future. Now he has no need to curry favour to you when he can just replace you. You are getting... no, you are old anyways."

"With your new disciple becoming a challenge for his grandson, you are obviously the thorn on his side at that"

"And if you think that I need someone's backing to talk to you like that than you are severely mistaken. I will continue to talk like this. This is who I am."

{Hmph! Are you trying to amuse me kid? Do you even know who you are speaking too? I am the Vice President of the Spirit Pagoda and I didn't gain my title through fancy ways or through anyone's charity-}

"Then why lose it because someone wants you to? I am not your enemy Leng Yaozhu, just think of me as the bad guy who is using a helpless person like you for my own benefit."

{Then you and Qiangu Dongfeng have no difference.}

"Leng Yaozhu, don't insult me like that. He isn't someone you could compare me too. You shouldn't compare an mere disgrace to a God like me, you shouldn't."

{Are you fine? You are acting weird.}

"I am good. Better that I ever could be. Now onto what I previously said. Would you like to collaborate with me? We can both use each other to gain what we want and I assure you that our desires can never be the same."


{One - You don't possess the strength or capability to make a deal with me. Come again when you have at least achieved the Hyper Douluo rank}

(Two - There's nothing that you can offer me that I can't get myself. My position and age does have benefits that you couldn't even imagine.}

{Lastly - You really think that I would trust you? Haven't you realised from your situation till now? Nobody cares for you, be it Shrek who were happy that they get rid of you, or Qiangu Dongfeng, who wants to make you his family dog.}

{The only reason why the Spirit Pagoda had even kept you was because of your usability and skill, not because you are you. So remember this, you are in no position to order or even request anything from me.}

{I may not like to end you but I can.}

"Fair points. I don't even have any denial to your words because they are true. Undeniably true."

"But do you know one thing, I am young and could and would live for the next 200 or 300 years, unlike the one I am talking with."

"And do you know, I possess extremely fast cultivation speed, a Three Word Battle Armour, terrifying strength, lots of feats and achievements and a nice character. I also can rise to the title of the Vice President just on my own, without the need of some middle aged oldy."

{If you can survive.}

"But I don't have any desire for these kinds of things. What I want differs from you and it will continue to do so. We are not the same. We never will be."

{You have offered me nothing except words till now.}

"I can keep your position safe, help you against Qiangu Dongfeng, assist you in your fight for the President's position-"

{I can achieve all that through my own means. I told you, you are unable to offer me something I can't get.}

"Then what about the safety of your beloved?"

{My family's dead.}

"I wasn't talking about them. I am talking about him."

{... What rubbish are you spouting?}

"You have first draft of the Resurgence file that I gave you, check the third last page, second paragraph. I would wait for your call."

*It's a digital file*


'The passing by streets are full of people.'

'I wonder when I can empty it.'

He closed his eyes and waited for the call. The taxi ride was going to be long anyways.

Sometime later.

Toot toot.

{Where are you? You aren't at the shop.}

"Just leave the stuff there and leave. Throw the vials whenever you are free in the upcoming month. I will take care of the rest after my work is done." [Fan Lin]


He cut the call and began to patiently wait again.

Half an hour later.

Toot toot toot.

{How can I trust you?}

"You are the Vice President. Check it yourself."

{I still don't trust you.}

"You don't need to. I just told you what would happen. Your choice on how you plan to proceed. You are a smart person, you can find it out anyways or your position might have not come from your capability after all."

{This is baseless and absurd. You can't expect me to believe anything you write.}

"Then allow me to give you the proof but before that, help me with the favour that I want right now."

{The credibility of your words first.}

"Page 6639, second paragraph, last line. That's my credibility."

*some seconds of silence*

{You have a death wish?}

"Same file, 13th page by the end, 3rd paragraph 4th line."

"You never read the file seriously. That's some dedication to your work I presume."


{The dates don't match.}

"Of course it wouldn't, I had to push forward my plan because I have to do some other things."

{Like the replantion.}

"Yeah but other important things as well."

"Now that we have come to this, just read the whole file seriously from the middle and you will have a clear answer to my credibility because I can't change the past, can I?."

{I am reading it, although from the beginning. You just made the biggest mistake of your life.}

"11734 pages in total, you sure you would be finished by the time I reach the Spirit Pagoda."

{I don't need to read it all. I will just skim through the important bits and get to you.}

"You should read carefully. Take your time, I will wait."

{You have no other choice.}

"I do."


The call was cut. The driver heard nothing.

'Spiritual power has its uses as well.'

Time slowly passed and the taxi reached the Spirit Pagoda Headquarters.

Fan Lin went towards his destination calmy.

Toot toot toot.

{Why were you sure that I would do nothing to you after reading this?}

"I am a charismatic person with years of experience in this field."

{Is it the truth?}

"It is."

{What do you want?}

"Guess where I am going?"

{To the office of Elder Yang. I can see you in the feeds.}

'So there were unknown hidden cameras in the upper floors. Have to take care of them soon.'

"Just help me acquire the second spirit soul that I left. Surely the words of the almighty Vice President would work wonders."

{Unfortunately yes, I can easily grant you the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul with my authority and your current contribution level. You really planned this well.}

"I didn't. I am just doing what I want."


The gates to the office of Elder Yang opened.

"Why are you here again Fan Lin?" [Elder Yang]

"I am here for the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul. Did the Vice President not inform you?" [Fan Lin]

"Huh?" [Elder Yang]

"I was going to Bright City when I got the call of Vice President Leng Yaozhu and after congratulating me about my win, she asked my next plans. I debriefed them to her and she told me to increase my strength due to the recent upsurging of the mysterious death." [Fan Lin]

"I told her that I am planning on getting a different spirit soul for my rank 70 breakthrough so she told me to take the other one you offered me, saying that I do possess the cultivation and am returning to replantion work, saying I was worth it." [Fan Lin]

"So here am I." [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin nonchalantly explained the situation with a dead voice and equally dead face.

Elder Yang looked at Fan Lin quietly. Just as he was going to speak, his soul communicator rang and it was Vice President Leng Yaozhu.

"Can you wait outside for sometime. You know, confidentiality." [Elder Yang]

"I know." [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin left the office after saying that and a few minutes later, Elder Yang called Fan Lin in while gazing at him with a weird gaze.

*Awkward silence*

"Shall we go?" [Fan Lin]

"We don't need to. My secretary has gone to fetch it." [Elder Yang]

"Then can I borrow your office to absorb the Ice Jade Scorpion spirit soul in the meantime. It won't take much time." [Fan Lin]

"You sure?" [Elder Yang]

"I am." [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin said and moved to a corner of the room. He took out his Ice Jade Scorpion spirit soul and quietly sat down to absorb it without wasting any moment.

5 minutes later.

A new red colour spirit ring floated beside the Boundless Ring.

He looked at the Ice Jade Scorpion spirit soul and then at Elder Yang.

"Pass it to him." [Elder Yang]

The secretary gave Fan Lin the Darkgold Dreadclaw Bear spirit soul and Fan Lin quietly began to absorb it as well.

Two minutes later.

Fan Lin got up, now three spirit rings floating around him.

"Bye." [Fan Lin]

He left after saying that.

"Where are you going?" [Elder Yang]

Elder Yang asked Fan Lin before he got on the elevator.

"Bright City. What about President? Where is he?" [Fan Lin]

Fan Lin picked the floor he wanted to go and asked a question of his own.

"That's confidential." [Elder Yang]

"Oh." [Fan Lin]

The Elevator door closed to the monotone voice of the disinterested Fan Lin while Elder Yang watched from the door. His emotions known to only him.