I'd kick you out if you do it again

"Income taxation is defined as the inherent power of the sovereign, exercised through the legislative process...to impose burdens upon the subject and objects within its jurisdiction..." Professor Johans started his lectures the moment the two settled down. During his class, Miru was nothing but uncomfortable.



Miru avoided his eyes from a certain someone's piercing gazes and tried to focus his attention on his notes.


"... for the purpose of raising revenues to carry out the legitimate objectives of the government..."



The sound of a pen scribbling on a piece of paper was not enough to distract Miru from his current dilemma. His eyes took a peek at his side and confirmed that the odd guy, named Rio, was still oggling him like he was some kind of a specimen.



'Seriously? Why is he staring at me?' Miru wanted to hide his head on the table, but that would mean angering Professor Johans. He was seated right in front. He had always picked this spot amongst all of the rows, since other people rarely chose this spot. That means he would be able to concentrate more on the lectures, and at the same time, he'd be able to avoid people's unwanted chatters.



Unfortunately, this Rio man decided to sit beside him when there were literally dozens of seats available everywhere. 



'He could have chosen a seat away from me? Why here?' Miru took a blank piece of paper and drew scribbles on it roughly. It wasn't a problem if this Rio guy just sat there and had minded his own business, but he was staring at him! He was oddly staring at him! For unknown reason!

'If he wants to say something then start talking!'


Miru sighed and tried to let off some steam. His rough scratching ripped the paper in two.


'Ah, just my luck'


Rio stared at the man with his chin prompted up. He was confused as to why the white guy was in the same class as him. He was deep in his thoughts, so deep that he did not realize that he was staring at the subject of his confusion.



'Is he a genius?' Rio thought.

As far as he knows, this guy was younger than him. When the video went viral, netizens said that this guy was 16. Several claims and theories about his identity were said to be proven, and since there was no other information, Rio had no choice but to believe their words. 


But with that fair and petite build, it didn't take long for him to be convinced that he had to be around 16 years old. There was just no way he was the same age as Rio. With that being said, the only possible answer left was that he's a genius. 


Rio tilted his head sideways, still deep in his thoughts.

Genius students often graduate from secondary levels earlier than normal people. He must have been one of those cases.

After he came up with that conclusion, Rio subconsciously glared. 

'Ah, I'm so jealous... people like him have it easy.' 


Miru glanced at the man again and saw that Rio was glaring at him. This caused him to avoid his eyes with a crumpled expression.


'What's this? He's the one staring and now he's mad?' Miru couldn't believe what he had seen. The Rio guy was glaring at him as if he had committed a grave sin. When all he had, literally, ever done was to remain seated in his spot like a statue. He did move a little--but was writing notes enough of a reason to receive these glares? 

The two guys who had the exact opposite thoughts from one another failed to notice their Professor's constant calls, and when they finally did, it was already too late.

"Retherson and Pierre! Where's your head? In outer space?"

"Answer my question!" Professor Johans' shout made the two people snap out of their reverie. The grumpy professor smashed his book against the stand on his platform. 

"Eek" Some girls in the same class flinched from fright, while some had different reactions.

Some were terrified after they saw how obviously displeased Professor Johans was. The professor was notorious for his nasty temper. He was nicknamed Professor 4, after he gave a shitload of students a 4 on their grades. The way he mercilessly gave out grades was no different than giving out flyers. 


While some were terrified, some were quite pleased with this, specifically those boys who despise the popular Miru, and with the addition of the other handsome transfer student Rio, because of their looks.

The said two, who were placed in a tight spot, glanced at the Professor. Miru chuckled to ease the awkwardness. He tried to remember the professor's question but it was impossible since he wasn't listening at all. Rio on the other hand, wasn't that interested in finding out.

Was he afraid of getting kicked out on his very first day? Definitely not. 


He was once expelled. The experience made him invulnerable to getting nervous about this stuff.


When Miru realized that there was no way out of this predicament, he started to sweat buckets. He looked around for help, but most of the students he'd locked eyes with would instantly avoid their eyes. Nobody wanted to help for the obvious reason; they didn't want to get involved.


He then glanced at Rio, who was in the same boat as him, his last strand of hope, but felt as if he was smash by a hammer of hopelessness when he saw what Rio was doing. The man was picking on his ears and he doesn't look like he cares about world matters.


'Ah... I hate him', Miru felt like crying. What a bad way to start his second semester.

Rio noticed Miru's slumped back and stopped what he was doing. He internally debated whether to help him  or not, and in the end, he decided to be a good person.

"What's the question, sir?" Before Miru could succumb to despair, Rio sat straight and asked the Professor. Miru instantly glanced his way and saw him in a different light.

'Thank God he helped, I thought he was a waste' Miru was so grateful he almost offered Rio to be his best bud.


"Haaa! I can't believe studen--haaa!" Professor Johans felt exhilarated by the boys. He placed his hands on his waist and sighed two consecutive times. When all was said and done, and he had finally calmed down, he repeated the question he had asked earlier. 


"As I have discussed, what is the purpose of income taxation?"

 When Miru had thought of Rio as a good person, said good person glanced at him with a look that says 'Here, I've done my job, now you know the question, answer it chop chop'. 




"So? Are you listening to my lectures? Or were you so busy with your staring contest that you weren't able to? " Professor Johans snapped his fingers to attract the two's attention. 


Miru was so frustrated he just wanted to kick something that would break. Kick something round until its no longer functioning. He made a face at Rio before he glanced at the professor. He stood up and bowed his head.

'I guess there's no way out of this bad first impresssion'


He found out what the question was indeed, but he wasn't really listening earlier, so what was the point? And when he thought someone would help, it turned out he was mistaken.

So what else can he do?

'Better come clean'

"I apologize Professor, I wasn't listening. I promise to never do it again'


Professor Johans sighed and massaged his head. He then waved his head to dismiss Miru.


"If you do it again next time, I'm kicking you out of my lectures."