First Encounter | Remnants Of Legends Arc #1

Unlike any other day in Adventurers guild, this was a truly special one. Nobody expected anything for today to happen, even Kaspian Bladeheart, newly appointed guild leader in Xyrus bench, wasn't aware of events that would occur.

The four members of the Legendary Party of adventurers will make their first debut and show their strength and potential to this continent.

Many adventurers and normal citizens were gathered in the guildhall. Some were purchasing things from the guild while others were just sitting and chatting with each other.

The carefree atmosphere changed when two individuals entered the building. They were wearing some kind of childish capes, someone might think that they were just kids playing around, but it was the complete opposite.

The aura around those two wasn't just like normal kids. Two boys leaked out an immense amount of mana deliberately.

Those adventurers who were below the light-yellow stage flinched back after trying to sense the mana-core of two boys. They realized that both of them at least had a higher stage than them.

In most situations when a kid enters guildhall, adults laugh at them and kick them out of there. Of course, this won't happen with those two.

"Looks like we are scaring them." Said a black-haired boy with silver-colored eyes.

"That makes our job easier." Replied the boy that was standing next to him.

The boys looked like brothers, but the difference was the face and eye color. Unlike the first one, the second boy had blue eyes.

"So where should we register as adventurers Fayfay?" The blue-eyed boy addressed his companion with a nickname.

"Stop calling me that, Jaron! Unless you fancy being called Jar Jar." Now a boy named Fayden yelled at Jaron from embarrassment.

The mood lightened up in the hall after seeing this interaction between two boys. Unknowingly other two people around the same age as them who were blending in the crowd warmly smiled at the two.

That other duo was Ash and Vonde. The latest dungeon incident forced them to become adventurers and now Ash and Vonde have to take a test to receive their guild cards.

After little embarrassment, Fayden dragged Jaron to the counter and asked some woman called Mary about joining the guild.

After filling a form about their magical abilities and other basic information, yes they were allowed to take the test if they are ready to become adventurers.

Both Fayden and Jaron were moved to the examination site.

The examination site looked rather simple, it was just free space and some stands around. Some people were watching those who were undergoing tests from stands. While examiners were observing and testing.

Jaron and Fayden went on the stands. They also started watching what other adventurers displayed. Two of them got disappointed when they saw how weak the people there were.

Both Fayden and Jaron in a single move could end their life, without even using much force. Maybe the reason for this was that every adventurer here were only orange-core mages?

Only examiners might be able to last a few minutes, eventually, even they will be beaten to a pulp after exhausting themselves with defensive spells.

"Next examinee! Ash Bourne, Please come down for an examination." Examiner called out for someone. (Ashborn: You guys see what I did there right?)

Meanwhile, a boy with black hair and grey eyes stood up and just walked down to the examination site calmly.

"Hm, Conjurer with the Light Yellow core stage at such an age... Monstrous talent you have brat." Examiner said while flinching back.

"Well, let's test how good you are, boy." Said examiner and took a battle stance pointing his wand at Ash.

Without any warning, the examiner cast a fire spell and launched it at Ash. The fire was enough to burn some B-Class adventurers and it seemed that it would do the same with Ash.

When the fire spell approached Ash it expanded like hitting something solid. The fire covered the place where Ash stood, but something didn't feel right.

"Attacking without any warnings." Ash wasn't already in the previous place but behind the examiner.

Examiner widened his eyes and tried to turn around to attack Ash, but when he tried to do so, he instantly felt that he couldn't move his legs. Examiner looked down and saw his legs frozen onto the earth.

Ice started expanding slowly and while the examiner tried to break out of it, it just got even bigger. He was ready to cast a fire spell just to melt ice but got interrupted.

"Before you can melt ice, your flesh will be completely frozen. Just forfeit." With seriousness in his voice, Ash scared the shit out of the examiner.

"I-I forfeit." Examiner squeaked.

Jaron and Fayden meanwhile had other thoughts. Unlike the examiner they were interested in Ash's prowess, it was unlike any other solid yellow core could possess.

"Did you notice it?" Fayden asked Jaron and he nodded.

"He augmented himself with a lot of mana and not only that. Even with mana augmentation, you won't reach such high speed. I'm sure no one other than our sight could follow him." Jaron explained and he certainly was right.

They would be able to match Ash since they have stronger bodies than normal humans. This little quirk of theirs really does give them an advantage.

Ash had physical strength and with mana augmentation, it was a frightening scene. He just avoided being noticed by others and without getting caught got to the examiner's back.

'He is strong.' Both Fayden and Jaron noted in their mind.

"Next examinee is... Vonde Bourne. Please come down for your examination." When the second examinator read out the last name of the examinee, the atmosphere became somehow heavy again.

"So they're brothers huh? Although this one is younger." Said Fayden loudly for Jaron to hear.

"If this one is as strong as his brother, then it's quite a family they have." Said Jaron and earned a chuckle from Fayden.

"We will begin the examination, you may start whenever you want." Examiner told Vonde who just nodded.

An immediately large fireball was sent towards Examiner. Fire came out from Vonde's mouth, without any chants. This shocked not only the examiner but everyone present on the examination site.

'Isn't he an augmenter?!' For the examiner, it was shocking that the augmenter cast a long-range spell, a large one at that.

"Damn, they're something." Fayden was already interested in the two brothers.

There weren't many in their age range who could perform on the same level as them.

"They are just like us... Duet of two brothers." Jaron noted.

"Heh, what are the odds right?" Fayden commented.

Meanwhile, Vonde attacked the examiner in melee. The examiner, thinking that he could at least overpower Vonde in melee, swung his fist at him, but Vonde quickly ducked under it, and with a swift motion of legs he kicked the legs of the examiner.

Examiner lost his balance and landed on his back. Before he could stand up someone's leg landed next to his head with a loud thud. With that said Vonde also defeated his examiner and both, he and his brother were asked to stay and wait to receive their guild cards.

"It will be our turn soon." Said Fayden.

Jaron nodded, "Yes, we should get ready."

"Next examinee Jaron, Light Yellow stage augmenter with dual specialization in fire and wind. We have a lot of child prodigies here today."

Jaron stood to head towards the training floor when Fayden called out to him.

"Show them that those 2 aren't the only strong ones here." Jaron turned back to look at Fayden with his usual neutral face.

"I'm not a show-off, I'll leave that for you." With that, he returned to descent and took his position across from the new examiner. At this rate, the guild would run out of examiners for the later participants. A late orange stage augmenter was Jaron's examiner and a complicated look spread across him as Jaron sized up the man, eventually frowning.

"Are you sure you want to be the one to test my strength? Is there anyone stronger?" Jaron said with a neutral tone that had it been with any other words wouldn't have angered the man, but the casual dismissal of his skills and abilities had brought his blood to a boil as he looked at the kid across from him.

"Now listen here you little brat. You may have a lot of mana, but I have years of dunge-.." Jaron held up a hand and this caused the man to pause and look at him with an annoyed expression.

"Very well, just start the fight already. I'd rather not hear about your exploits." The man's face began to grow as red as the flames coming off his fists when Jaron's words finished. Again Jaron had spoken with the tone of someone wholly checked out of the current situation and this served to further enrage the man. Meanwhile, Jaron thought to himself.

'Why is this man so angry? I just tried to prevent him from getting injured like his colleagues, as well as saving him the breath of recounting a story no one wanted to hear. Sigh.'

Meanwhile up in the stand, Fayden could be seen desperately trying to hold in his laughter at the entire exchange. He knew that Jaron had no ill will to the examiner, but his bluntness and overall apathy are not suited for small talk.

Back to the floor Jaron casually dodged the flaming sword swings that came from the man. The ever bored and neutral face continued to anger the man, making his swings become more erratic and leaking more and more mana wastefully. He pulled back and then stabbed with all his might with large gouts of flame pouring off his blade as it traveled towards Jaron's stomach.

Jaron turned his body and stepped back out of the way and then grabbed the sword with his right and extinguished the flames. The man's eyes widened and when he tried to pull it back he found he couldn't nudge it even an inch, as his eyes flicked back up to Jaron he saw a fist connecting with his face that sent him flying back.

Jaron released the sword but to everyone's surprise except for a select few it floated. To the keener eyes in the audience, they could see translucent strings holding the sword aloft before they carried the sword and laid it across the examiner's unconscious body.

Another Examiner from the side ran onto the field and called.

"Jaron has passed."

Jaron simply nods and goes back.

In the gallery, Fayden spoke, "For someone claiming not to be a showoff that was pretty darn good."

"I did what was necessary to win, if I came off as boastful it was unintentional." was his blunt reply.

Fayden shook his head as he began to move towards the edge, "Learn to take a joke, geez."

"Next examinee, Fayden you may come down."

Cracking his neck, Fayden jumped down, landing perfectly on his knees.

Getting up he dusted off his clothes.

"Light yellow core Conjurer with a double specialization in fire and water. How many monsters do we have today?" The examiner pondered out loud.

"Shall we begin?" Fayden spoke, water elemental mana already coalescing in his right hand.

"Let's begin!" The examiner announced.

With lightning speed, Faydens hand shot up.

Expecting an attack the man tensed and prepared to move, but when none came, he looked at Fayden, confused.

Fayden's hand was not facing the man, it was facing the sky, the now overcast sky.

Black clouds gravitated towards the stadium, and a downpour began.

Shaking his head, the examiner prepared himself for anything.

Yet he wasn't prepared for a literal bolt of lightning to strike the boy.

For a moment he thought maybe he should check upon him.

That thought was quickly discarded though when Fayden tore through the debris, lightning coating his body and lashing out in seemingly random directions.

And as he reached the man, he extended his arm, and arcs of pure lightning flew off of it heading straight for the man's heart.

The examiner moved purely by instinct, even then he had to sacrifice the use of one arm as it got caught in the attack.

Now handicapped the examiner stood no chance, not like he ever did in the first place.

To create some distance between them, the examiner jumped away.

Fayden meanwhile had formed a sword out of thunder in his arms and swung it in an upwards strike.

A huge bolt of lightning followed in its wake, and the earth itself trembled.

When it seemed collision was imminent, and by extension death for this spell was overkill, the spell exploded with the radiance of a thousand suns.

Everyone who had not averted their eyes suffered from momentary blindness.

That included the examiner, as he was the closest to the blast and had no time to react.

When he could see again, he wished he was hallucinating.

The boy had appeared in front of him in the span of a second and was now holding a yellow thunder sword to his throat.

Suddenly the boy's face cracked into a grin, "So, did I pass?"