Chapter 2: It Has Been Awhile

The food that my mother made was in fact very good, as she always liked to joke, and tell me that it was ghetto food, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that she was joking, but I did in fact know that we did live in the ghetto after all. My mother was working 2 nearly full time jobs, just to pay for the rent, as this place was a lot more expensive then the last place that we had lived at.

My mother moved here, due to the fact that she loved me of course, as there was no other reason. She knew that I wanted to take basketball seriously, and the last place that we were at, the high school some how did not even have a basketball team, which felt like it was quite a bit crazy to me, as I was not sure how even if the school was really in the ghetto, that they could not have a team at all.

She had moved me to a nice place, as it was a nice school, at least, if you could call any where in Chicago nice, as it was a hell hole if I was not going to lie to my self, as I was not all too sure as to just why it was that my mother did not want to move out of here. Of course, I knew why she did not, or at least, why she could not, as she had to much debt with the banks, and she could not leave this place.

We would never have enough money to move to any other part of the USA, and I felt bad for her for it. I wanted to be a star athlete, as I hoped that some day, I could in fact pay off all of the money that she had to pay off none the less, once it was that I was a hooper of course. I knew that no one believed in me, as I knew that I did not have any friends, and every one told me that I was too short to play basketball.

Not only that, but they all told me that I was too short to realistically play any sort of sport, sadly enough. Though, if I was going to be for real with my self, basketball was really the only sport that I even wanted to play in the very first place any ways, as I did not care for really any other sports other than that, as well.

Even if I did not get in to the NBA, which was where it was that I was going to get paid the most, I at least felt like I was good enough to play over seas at some point. I was not going to lie to my self, as I knew that I was good at basketball, it was just a matter of the fact that if any one was willing to give me a chance.

I was 13, and I was barely 5 feet tall no the less. I felt like at some point, I had to grow, surely right? I could not get my hopes up, as I knew that I simply just had to work with what it was that I had right now. Even if I was going to grow, I knew that I would never be tall enough to be classified as a player that was tall enough to hoop.

I could not wait to prove every one wrong on that, as I was so glad to have the support of my mother through thick and thin none the less, as I looked away from the chicken casserole that my mother had made for us, and I lifted my head up, and I then looked right at my mom, and I smiled at her, all at the exact same time too, as I was so happy to have such a great mother like the one that I had.

My mother was the best, as I was not going to lie to my self, as I knew that she was always going to support me through each and every single decision that I made through out my life, as I was always grateful for that never the less, as well, as I blinked my eyes a few times, and I cracked a big smile on my face as I looked her right in to her eyes at the exact same time too.

My mother tilted her head at me how ever, as it was clear that she was a little bit confused as to just what it was that I was doing right now, all at the exact same time too, as after just a little bit longer, never the less, she did in fact smile right back at me, as soon as I did in fact see her nod to me, not all too much longer after all of that, as it was clear to me that she was about to go ahead and speak to me.

I stared at my mother for just a little bit longer, as I had quite a bit of a blank look on my face, all at the exact same time too, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that was going on right now, nor was I all too sure as to just what it was that was even going on with me, right at this very moment in time, as I then all of the sudden began to breath in quite a bit softly to my self, as I then nodded right back over to her, all at the exact same time too, to let her know that I was paying attention to her, all at the exact same time too.

As my mother saw me do as such she then all of the sudden did in fact begin to start to speak to me, all at once. I looked at her with a little bit of a blank look on my face all of the sudden, as I then began to start to listen as to just what it was that she even had to say to me in the very first place any ways, as well, none the less.

"So... How was your day? Sorry I haven't been able to talk to you all too much, I just stay busy all of the time, and when I am not busy, I am sleeping, so I guess, still busy doing some thing..." She said to me, as I could tell that she had a bit of a guilty look on her face, all at the exact same time too, for some odd reason or another, as if she felt like she was not doing enough for me, all at the exact same time too, which was not the case at all, as I knew that she was working her hardest to always be able to support me, and there really was not all too much else that she could really even do, all at the exact same time as well. My mother stared at me with quite a bit of a look of some pain on her face, as I felt like I should lighten up the air in the room, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden let out a very loud burp. It took my mother by surprise at first, until she then all of the sudden began to start to laugh out loud, all at the exact same time too, quite a bit loud, never the less. I was happy the make her feel a little bit better, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, as I then all of the sudden saw her shake her head to me, as she then got a serious look on her face. "Alright... Ha ha... But you're going to have to learn some table manners at some point, if you want to be a star..."

I blinked my eyes a few times at her, as if I was not going to lie to my self, I was not all too sure as to just why it was that my mother had said as such a thing, as I knew that I was not a star yet for one thing, as I had not even gotten on to the high school basketball team just yet, all at the exact same time too. I had to take it one step at a time, and I knew that I was still 13, so there really was not all too much that it felt like I should be worried about right now.

I rolled my eyes at me mother, as I let out quite a bit of a heavy sigh out towards her, all at the exact same time too, as I felt like she always had too much stress, as I kind of wished that she would just take life one step at a time, as that was some thing that my grand mother had always tried to tell her, but it seemed like she could never get it through her head, as to the advice that my grandma was trying to tell her in the very first place any ways.

I blinked my eyes a few times, as I got my focus off of the thoughts of my grandma, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that it hurt me to think of her, none the less, as I knew that I had loved her so much, and that it had hurt me the day that she had died, just a few years ago none the less. She was such a big inspiration in my life, as I knew that she was the one that told me that I could do what ever it was that I put my mind to.

Normally when some one told me as such a thing like that, and I told them that I wanted to be a basketball player, they would wince at me, or they would take it as a joke, as it was clear that no one would ever take me seriously, as to just what it was that I had said, when ever it was that I said such a thing like that, as they usually said some thing such as the fact like, 'well start small... Baby steps...'

Those people would always upset me, as I hated to be around fake people like that, as it seemed like they only said some things to try to make them selves look good, as it never really seemed like they meant what it was that they said rarely, most of the time, none the less, as I blinked my eyes a few times. I then got my focus off of those thoughts, as I went back on to the thoughts of my grandma that had died a few years ago none the less.

To this day, I kind of felt like I took a lot of the blame for her death never the less, as I knew that if she had not been coming to pick me up from a simple basketball practice that day, than she would not have got in to a car crash, from that drunk driver as well, as it made me angry who ever it was that the drunk driver could be, as no one ever found him, as he had been in a stolen vehicle.

I hoped one day that they would get what it was that was coming for them. I got my focus off of that person though, as I knew that it was besides the point in my story, as I knew that the main point, was the fact that my grandma had died whilst going to pick me up from basketball practice, as I knew that the day that it had happened, I did not have a single clue that she was already dead, as I was kind of upset at her, due to the fact that I was just sitting at the gym alone, waiting.

I sat there for nearly 5 hours, until it was nearly mid night, all at the exact same time too, as my mother had come to pick me up, to tell me the news as to just what it was that had happened earlier in the day, as I remembered hearing the news, and how it had just made my heart stop. It all made me feel sick, just thinking back on all of it, if I was going to be for real with my self, as I knew why I took the blame for it.

I knew that, if I had not been going to practice that day, or hell, if I had just not been playing basketball at all right now, than she would still be alive, and she would still be with us. At the exact same time too, I knew that I could not think that way how ever, as I knew that if she was still alive, and I had decided not to play basketball, than it meant that my life would have no meaning. I knew that she was the only thing that kept me going, which was the memory of her, and the love of my mother.

I sighed another bit of a soft sigh to my self, all at once, as I did my best to get my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once instead, as I got my focus on some much different thoughts, which had to deal with the fact that I heard talking from the TV in the other room right now, letting me know that they had just got off of a commercial break, all at the exact same time too, as I knew that, due to the fact that I heard the familiar voice of the local Chicago announcer, he called the DePaul games, none the less.

I nodded a bit to my self, all at once, as I then all of the sudden lifted my self up from off of the table, all at the exact same time as well, as I knew that I wanted to go back in to the other room, and I wanted to hear what it was that they had to say about the draft so far, and what it was that was going to go on ahead and happen in the 2nd round, which really did not matter all too much to me, due to the fact that I knew that my favorite player had been drafted to the worst possible team in the league none the less.

I felt a bit bad for him, though he seemed to be fine with it some how, even though he knew that they had no draft picks for the next 4 seasons, due to the awful Ben Simmons trade that they had made with the Spurs for some reason, who it turns out, the Spurs ended up becoming the champions, after the trade had occurred, as they had given away Collin Sexton, and 4 1st round picks, for one 1st round pick in return when all was said and done.

Safe to say, the GM got fired shortly after that, but it was too late for the Cavs, as it was already over at that point. I sighed a bit to my self, as I knew at the very least, they were in fact going to have the first pick in the 2nd round, so he would at least have some rookie to work with.

I blinked my eyes a few times, as I then all of the sudden grabbed on to the bowl that I had eaten off of, at the table, as I did in fact remember that my mother did not like it when ever it was that I left stuff on the table, as I then all of the sudden nodded to my self, as I knew that I was in a hurry to go ahead and get in to the other room, so that I could hear what it was that was going on in there.

As I picked my bowl up, I then all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, then began to start to head over to the sink, but just before I did in fact do as such a thing, to wash off my bowl, I stopped my self just short, as I went and headed over to my mother, as I gave her a big smooch on the cheek, all at the exact same time too, to her know that I did in fact love her, never the less.

I stared at her for just a few more moments, as I then all of the sudden nodded to her, at the exact same time too, to let her know that I was about to go ahead and speak to her none the less. My mother stared at me with quite a bit of a blank look on her face at first, as if she did not have a single clue as to just what it was that I was doing, but in the end, she did in fact nod back to me, all at the exact same time too, to let me know that she was paying attention to just what it was that I even had to say in the very first place any ways, none the less.

Of course, I always knew that she was listening to me, even when she was very busy, and she was doing some thing important, she still some how always managed to listen as to just what it was that I had to say to her. But the fact that she had nodded to me did in fact make me feel a little bit better, as I then let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, all at the exact same time too, as I then did in fact begin to start to speak to her, now that I knew that she was listening as to just what it was that I even had to say to her at the exact same time as well.

"Thank you for dinner mom... I love you so much... I'm going to go in to the other room and watch the rest of the draft... My favorite player got drafted by the worst team of course, so I want to hear what they have to say about him..." I said to her, as I looked at her with a fairly serious look on my face, to let her know that I was in fact serious about it, as I knew that there was nothing else that I really needed to say besides that, at the exact same time too.

She knew just who it was that I was talking about, as I knew that she often came home late nights after work, to see that I was watching the game, and I was watching him play in it, all at the exact same time as well. The Cavaliars might not know it yet, but they had in fact gotten a real steal out of that pick, though I felt like their new GM knew what it was that he was doing, as he seemed to be a fairly smart business man.

I sighed a bit to my self, as I got my focus off of all of that, as I saw that my mother was now scrolling through her phone, now that it seemed like she had got her attention off of me, which I was fine with none the less, as I then all of the sudden nodded to my self, as I knew that I was wasting a lot of time right now, as I could hear his name being called in the other room, and I was sure that I was missing out on a lot that was going on right now.

I blinked my eyes a few times, as I then all of the sudden began to start to hurry over to the sink, that way I could go ahead and wash out my plate, and put it in the dish washer, so that I could go ahead and start to head over to the TV, and I could see what it was that was going to happen next. I then did in fact begin to wash my plate off, as I opened to dish washer, and I put the plate in to it, at the exact same time too.

After all was said and done there, I then all of the sudden began to start to head in to the living room, to get back to the TV. It was not due to the fact that I was addicted to watching TV at all, as I really did not like television at all, if I was not going to lie to my self. I rarely watched any kind of shows, for that matter either, unless my mother kind of forced me to when ever it was a rare night that she had off, as she worked 7 days a week.

I simply only watched it, just to spend time with my mother, as I really was not a big fan of watching TV shows if I was not going to lie to my self. The only time that I watched TV really, was when ever it was that there was some thing cool that I knew was going to happen on ESPN, or SportsCenter, or if some thing cool was going to happen on a sports game that I was going to watch, all at the exact same time too.

I was not sure how it was that I was going to watch the Cavs game this year, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I knew that we did not have actual Cable, as my mother had a simple antenna that came with all of the main TV channels, that I was able to watch DePaul and Loyala games on, though I did not care for Loyala all too much how ever, as DePaul was the main school that was big for me.

That was where it was that my father had gone to school, as I tried to always watch every minute of every game that he had ever played in, by watching old clips of their games, no matter how bad quality they were. I did not tell my mother about it, due to the fact that she seemed to tense up when ever my father was brought up. It seemed like they might not have actually been in love, as she never told me all too much about him.

I sighed a bit to my self, as I then shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I got my focus on the fact that I needed to go ahead in to the living room and hear what it was that the big name sports analytics were going to say about DeShawn, as I knew that the local announcers were going to be biased no matter what. I hoped that these announcers could make me feel better about what it was that I felt about the potential that DeShawn had.

I sighed, as I then all of the sudden sat down at the TV, and I began to turn up the volume, so that I could hear a little bit better, as I could hear that my mother was cleaning the dishes in the kitchen right now, that she had used to make supper with, all at the exact same time too, as it was kind of loud if I was not going to lie to my self, as it did in fact annoy me quite a bit never the less, even though I knew that she was just cleaning up the mess that she had made whilst making dinner.

I wanted to say some thing to her, but I did not, as I felt it best for me to just stay silent right now, as she did not need that kind of stress right now, as I got my focus back on to the TV as best as I could, as I listened to what it was that they were saying about DeShawn, as I could see his name, and I could see his picture on the screen right at this very moment in time as well.

I pushed my head a little bit close to the TV, as this felt like it was very important to me what it was that they were going to say about them, as I knew that I had missed the first part, but I just wanted to hear what it was that they wrapped it up with, as I saw that Max Kellerman was talking about his name right now, as I listened in closely as to just what it was that he had to say in the very first place any ways.

"DeShawn Glass... I am not sure what it was that the Cavs we're thinking on this one... Some one needs to fire this GM! This organization is a mess! They need a rebrand! DeShawn Glass had 2 decent games against below average teams... There is nothing to talk about here! On to the next pick!" He said to the world that was listening to what ever it was that he was saying right at this very moment in time as well.

I squinted my eyes at the guy, as I had never really liked him all too much in the very first place any ways, if I was not going to lie to my self, but what it was that he had just said seemed to annoy me even more. Of course, I really doubt that the guy was watching each and every DePaul game through out the season, to see the true potential that DeShawn had how ever, so I really could not blame the poor guy.

DeShawn had been a simple 2 star athlete and he had been coming off the bench for most of his freshman season. But when ever it was that our rookie PG had gotten injured, DeShawn came in, and he scored a solid double double in his first game, whilst shooting 50% which was fairly good for a college athlete none the less.

But he kept putting up very good numbers for most of the season, and he when it came to the conference tourney none the less, he played out of his mind, putting up 40 points in all 4 games, and putting up over 10 assists and over 3 steals in all of those games, all at the exact same time too. It kind of annoyed my, as to just what it was that he had said, but very soon from now, I knew that DeShawn would prove the world wrong, as I knew that they had booed him when he had gone on stage never the less.

No one cared about a weak school like DePaul, so it made sense, all at the exact same time too, as we had never really been the big name in our division, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes, and I then shook my head, doing my best to try to get my focus off of all of those thoughts, all at once, as I then got my focus on the fact that I then all of the sudden heard a loud beep on the screen, as I got my eyes on just what it was that was even going on, on the TV screen right at this very moment in time any ways.

I then began to realize what it was that was happening right at this very moment in time, as every one was hitting the red button, as it was clear that they all agreed with what it was that Max Kellerman had said, all at the exact same time too, as they were pressing on the button that said 'bust' as if the 30th pick in the draft was some thing to be excited for in the very first place any ways.

I sighed a bit of a heavy sigh to my self, as I still felt like I could not help but to be a little bit disappointed by just what it was that he had even said in the very first place any ways, as I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, and I then all of the sudden began to start to reach my hand over to the controller, to turn the TV off, as I felt like I should in fact be quite a bit disappointed by all of this all at the exact same time too, as I knew that I would hardly be able to pick up any of the Cavs games any ways.

Oh well... I suppose that I should just move on with my life, and that I should keep on going on, and keep on doing what it was that I was even good at doing in the very first place any ways, which was of course the fact that I was good at playing basketball, and I knew that I just had to keep up my grind, and make sure that it was always non stop for me, none the less, as I then looked over to the TV, and just as I was about to hit the button, I then all of the sudden stopped my self, all at once.

I got my eyes, and my ears on just what it was that was going on with the TV right at this very moment in time, as I was listening to the local reporters talking about some thing, that had nothing to do with DeShawn at all, all at the exact same time as well, as it had some thing to do with some thing a lot different than all of that, all together, all at the exact same time as well.

I blinked my eyes a few times, as I let out another heavy sigh, once again, as I then began to start to get my focus on just what it was that the local announcer was even saying right at this very moment in time any ways, which for some reason got my attention, even though I knew that they talked about this on draft night every single season, all at the exact same time too, I listened to it any ways.

"Today we mourn the death of a long lost player that we lost 10 years ago to this day... He was one of the best DePaul players that I had ever seen... As he was murdered in a gang shooting... We commemorate this day to him, as he is the reason that DePaul made it to the NCAA tournament in the last 20 years... Here are some photos of his youth... We hope that his family is still okay, and still making it without their child..." He said, as I could tell that it seemed to be quite a bit repetitive to him, as he did not seem to care all too much about it at this point, as it was clear he was tired of talking about it every year.

I did not blame him for it either, as there really felt like there was no reason to talk about it every season, even if it was sad and all, all at the exact same time too, as I blinked my eyes a few times, not all too sure as to just why it was that I felt like I should even listen as to just what it was that he had said in the very first place any ways, all at the exact same time as well, none the less.

I shook my head, as again, I was about to hit the button to turn off the TV, and head in to the bedroom for the night, but I stopped my self once again, just before I did such a thing, all at the exact same time too, as I spotted some thing that seemed to stand out to me quite a bit, all at the exact same time too, that I saw on the TV screen right at this very moment in time too.

I blinked my eyes, as I was a little bit lost, as to just what it was that was so important to me, all at the exact same time too, as it seemed to be a normal picture of the player, and his little brother, as it was clear that his little brother had done some thing important none the less, as he had a trophy in his hand, which I had to guess meant that they had won some thing, none the less, based off of the big smiles on their faces, all at the exact same time too.

I still was not all too sure as to just what it was that was so important to me about all of that, all at the exact same time too, as I squinted my eyes at the screen, as I felt like I wanted to turn off the TV once again, but I once again, stopped my self before I did as such a thing, as I saw that some thing seemed to be a little bit off to me, about the face of the dudes little brother, all at the exact same time too, as it seemed to be familiar to me.

I tilted my head, as I still was not all too sure about all of it, as I then all of the sudden just shook my head once again, as I felt like it was not all too important to me, as I was sure that it was nothing at all, and it was simply the fact that my mind was playing tricks on me right at this very moment in time too, as I then began to start to lift my self up from off of the couch, until I then once again saw some thing on the screen that stopped me, as it had me in quite a bit of some shock, and some dismay, all at the exact same time too.

It was another picture of the player, but this time, I saw that he was with a friend, all at the exact same time as well, as it was clear that the both of them were good friends, just based off of the big smiles that I saw on their faces, all at the exact same time too. That was besides the point, and that was not what it was that had got my attention on the screen, all at the exact same time too, as it was some thing altogether different than all of that, that seemed to get my attention, all at the exact same time too.

It was the fact that the players friend, was clearly my father, as I was quite a bit shocked, as I was not all too sure as to how it was that I had not noticed that before, all at the exact same time too, as I felt like they would have showed the picture at some point. I gulped, as I felt quite a bit stuck on my head, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I should do right now, nor was I too sure as to just what it was that I should think at all either, as I stared at the TV screen for a little bit longer, until the picture went away.

The player, had to have been friends with my father, and now that I come to think of it, I knew that my grandma had told me that my father had been a basketball player such as I. I had never really thought too much on it, until I now all of the sudden saw the picture that was on the screen. It was clear to me that they were team mates... I looked over to the kitchen, as I wanted to be upset with my mother for not telling me as to such a thing, but I did not get upset.

I just breathed in quite a bit to my self, all at the exact same time too, as I then all of the sudden, all at the exact same time as well, turned off the TV, as I felt like I could not watch, nor could I listen to it any longer. I felt a bit upset, and I was not all too sure as to just why it was that I was even upset in the very first place any ways. I shook my head, as I then began to head down the hall way to my bed room, as I spoke a bit quietly to my self, all at the exact same time as well.

"Damn... It really has been awhile..."