Alex Maxwell and Eliana Carter enter the spacious room and make themself comfortable on the soft armchairs of the place's sitting area.
The club's staff bring some refreshments and dishes for the group and place them in the dining corner of the room. Then they left the two alone.
Eliana sits on top of Alex's lap, embracing him in her chest. The young couple profit from their alone time to flirt with each other, waiting for Lily Lambert to be back.
"You seemed to know the other two from before," Eliana carter inquired. "The southern man and the blonde," She added, pulling herself back to look at him in the eyes.
"Yes, the man, Jasir Jiwari." Alex nods. "He is just an acquaintance, but we share the same friend," Alex responds. His face darkens when mentioning this friend.
"I smell a story. What happened?" Eliana was, in contrast, excited, hearing Maxwell's explanation. "Who is this friend of yours?" She follows with curiosity.
Alex Maxwell's expression worsened, and his usual playful tone vanished. His visage reflected his distaste of this stranger.
"Someone I don't get along with," Alex says, unwilling to say more.
Eliana's jovial expression also disappears, seeing his seriousness.
"But you seemed alright with this Jasir," The beauty remarked.
"I did not have many interactions with Jiwari. I don't know him that much," Alex explained. "For now, he appears friendly. Even if he is acquainted with that eyesore," He let out an irritated sigh at the sole mention of the stranger.
Eliana wants to know more but decides not to inquire further. She notices the annoyance on his look.
She stayed pensive for a while then changed the subject.
"Lily seems to take her time," Eliana says, trying to divert the conversation and lighten the mood.
"You think Lily is going to be okay?" The young woman asks, peeking at Maxwell in her arms. "She seemed to know the other couple," She continues, referring to the earlier over-friendly woman and her partner.
"They seem to be acquainted. But, I think there is more to it than that," He answered pensively.
Alex Judged by Lily Lambert's previous reaction, she and Julie Morel were on bad terms despite the later amiable attitude.
"We should go check on them," Eliana expresses worry about her friend. "I am afraid she is in trouble,"
"Maybe you are right," Alex agrees.
Alex did not know the second couple. However, from their comportment, they forecasted problems. Moreover, Jiwari's presence meant his nemesis was not far.
"Let's hope Richmond won't interfere," He mutters to himself before standing and leaving to seek Lily Lambert. Maxwell is reluctant to interfere, suspecting his involvement would implicate many displeasing things. He hopes the brazen couple had nothing to do with this Richmond.
On the vast lobby of the private club, connecting the golf course's salon and the hallway to the private rooms, Lily Lambert is confronting a young pair.
The couple faces Lily, glued to each other. The man's arm holds the girl's waist, reaching under her clothes. They do not have any reservation in front of the young maiden.
"Who is this cutie? Your friend, Julie?" The man asks, indecently ogling Lily Lambert's figure.
"She is my friend. Isn't that right, Lily" The girl sarcastically says, dropping her previous pretense. "A friend who forced me to leave school nonetheless,"
Lambert didn't say anything back. She was not good with words. Lily disliked being in arguments with people, preferring to ignore them.
"If you have nothing to say, then I will be leaving," Lily Lambert turns back to leave.
"Hahaha!" The man laughs loudly. "Is she that bitch that caught you with that coach-dude in middle school?" He asks, holding his stomach from laughter.
"Just because this slut was on the journalism club, she blabbed on the school post," Julie Morel stated angrily, clicking her tongue. "Thanks to this bitch, I needed to transfer school and stop gymnastics," The girl looks haughtily at Lily's appearance.
Lily Lambert and Julie Morel were old classmates. Lily used to be a part of the journalism club, and Morel was a promising gymnast.
Lily appears cold and uncaring, but she possesses a great sense of justice. In their third year, Lambert published an article about the scandalous behavior of the gymnastic coach, attracting much attention.
At that time, the young woman only thought of exposing the vile character to stop him from further despicable action. However, she did not expect the small school post would blow out of proportion, broadcasted on social media and even national television.
After the incident, Julie Morel was harassed by journalists, fighting to obtain an interview from her. The media branded her as the West-Castle gymnastic scandal's victim.
The press escalated their solicitation, forcing her family to relocate, transferring her to another school. Since then, Julie begrudged Lily Lambert for her misfortune.
"Julie…I" Lambert hesitantly says, feeling sorry for Julie Morel. Back then, she only wanted to help the girl but ended harming her in another way.
"Look at this haughty bitch! I don't need your apology," Julie rebuked. "Maybe you should also feel how it is being in a scandal," She sneered.
As if hearing a signal, the man also smirked and approached the blue-eyed beauty.
Alex Maxwell left the private room, heading to the club's lobby to check on Lambert. When he saw the group of three, he noticed that Lily was indeed in trouble.
The forceful man holds Lily Lambert by her wrist, pulling the beauty toward himself. His partner, Julie Morel, looks at the scene, grinning ear to ear.
Maxwell did not need to see the whole picture to understand the situation. He did not think long and rushed to rescue the young lady.
But before he can get close, he witnesses the slender and delicate young woman lifting the man twice her size into the air and then crashing him on the ground like a sack of potatoes.
"Argh!.." The man groans in pain.
At the same time, Maxwell arrives at the side of the young woman. He looks at her with amazement, wondering what else is this graceful flower able to do.
"You alright?... I guess you are," Alex says, smiling with astonishment, she smiles back, and both exchange small giggling.
The man tries to stand back, helped by his companion. He thought about attacking again, and Alex moved to shield the young lady, but Jasir Jiwari appeared from the other side.
"What are you doing, Talon?" He shouts, calling the young man. Jasir appeared angry. The moment the couple sees Jiwari's tall figure, they calm down and remain still.
"Sir Jasir!" The woman says apologetically. Her companion also looks down, not daring to lift his eyes, similar to a beaten pup.
"I'm so sorry, Maxwell, miss Lambert!" Jasir addresses Alex and Lily. "I don't know what happened. But knowing these two, they must have caused some disturbance,"
Lily stays silent and moves behind Maxwell, noticing Julie's hateful glares.
"Well, everything must be a misunderstanding, I am sure," Alex replies, beaming a carefree smile.
"Please, tell me if anything is the matter," Jiwari insisted. "My friends have drunk a bit, so I hope you forgive them."
Alex is not sure about the situation. He peeks at Lily Lambert behind to see her reaction, but her sapphire blue eyes are calm as still water. He couldn't read anything from her expression.
"It's okay, Jiwari. It's sunny today, so your friends must have taken one glass too many," Alex smiled, trying to dismiss the incident.
After a small exchange, the two groups separated. Jasir and his friends go toward the exit, while Alex and Lily go back to their room.
"Oh! Maxwell!" Jasir called Maxwell before exiting the door. "Richmond sends his regards," Jasir said, and then he disappeared with the rogue couple.
Alex Maxwell just smiled, trying to hide the extreme annoyance he felt about the news.
Lily Lambert and Alex Maxwell were quiet on their way back. Before returning to the private room and joining Eliana Carter, Lily suddenly goes to the back garden of the building. Her calm and collected expression contrasted her worked-up inside.
Alex followed the young lady, a few steps behind, without uttering a word. He sensed the young lady needed to cool off her head. Her aloofness surprisingly hid a hot-heated young woman.
"Sorry, you get to see that," Lily said, leaning on the garden guardrail.
"I didn't know you practiced martial art. I was surprised," Alex said, sitting on her side. "You send him flying," He followed, laughing to cheer the beauty.
However, the young lady just chuckled briefly.
Lily was hesitant to share her thoughts. She had the feeling Alex would honestly listen to her story. But it was not simple to share one's past with someone. Alex understood her reluctance, so he waited for her to open up.
"...Julie and I were best friends in middle school," Lily said after a long silence. "We used to be inseparable. I used to interview her on her gymnastic performance. And she was the biggest fan of my articles." The young lady added, her blue eyes looking far away.
"She was talented. Better than her seniors," Lily continued while Maxwell listened carefully.
"But one day, I saw her and their coach in a compromising situation. She told me their coach blackmailed her about her position in the national competition."
"She said he forced her." The young lady said, frowning her brows.
"I believed her. So I gathered evidence to help her out, but at the same time, evidence exposed Julie's shame," Lily explained, mocking her naivety.
"During that time, I omitted anything that could involve Julie," Lily admitted. "It sounds like excuses, but someone added all the evidence back in the published article." She adds, feeling guilty about her past slip.
"So it is reasonable she thinks it's me," She bitterly smiles.
"You know who did it?" Alex asks.
" I know it's someone from my club. After that, I fought with the members and left," Lily reminisces about the event.
"I tried to explain everything to Julie, but she didn't even want to see me." She concluded.
"Sorry about my incessant rambling," The young woman tries to hide her forming tears, laughing awkwardly.
"It's okay. Sometimes, it's better to let it out," Alex notices her moist eyes. He pats the young lady's head and gives a gentle smile.
Upon feeling Alex's warm hand caressing her head, Lily's tears fall on her cheeks, without any change on her expressionless visage.
"I'm sorry," She hurried to wipe her eyes, noticing the tears, and gave a bright smile. "Let's go back. Eliana must be waiting," She stands back from the guard rail.
Alex Maxwell noticed she forced herself to be strong. She was pained, losing a friend.
Deep down, Maxwell sympathizes with the young woman.
But for now, he discreetly grins, knowing that the beauty has opened up to him. He concludes that unraveling the whole story would pave the way to conquer the blue-eyed belle.
Alex knew he was ahead of Doyle, and he rejoiced in his mind.
____ End of Chapter 12 ____