Chapter 4

The following day, I found myself sitting in the library again with Seth studying when my phone started ringing loudly. Quickly muting the sound, I lifted my gaze from my book towards librarian's desk to see whether Mrs Willow had heard. I sighed a breath of relief as Seth told me she was home sick with the flu.

"You seem worried," Seth said without looking up at me.

I turn the alarm off I had set the previous night reminding myself about the meeting today at the Hunter's Society, and ignored Seth's comment.

"Ignore me all you want. I can always tell when something's up with you, and I promise you that I won't stop bothering you until I know that you're okay."

Rolling my eyes, I recount to Seth the phone call from Kenji and the stalker. Of course, I left out the details about how I used to be a hunter and that monsters were real.

"So this secret company you worked for years ago kicked you, and now they're calling you back because they said they need your skills for something super secretive and important. And Mr. Stalker. This is very mysterious indeed."

"I've decided that I'm not going to the meeting. We've got finals next week."

"Look, It won't hurt to go to the meeting to hear them out. If you don't like what they say, just tell them no. Plus, you've always been an A+ student, you'll ace finals!"

Taking a deep sigh, I stretch out my back from sitting on the wooden library chairs for too long and consider my options. It wouldn't hurt just to listen, right? I can always say no.

"You're right. Worst comes to worse, I can say no. With that in mind, I think I should head off. I'll catch up with you tomorrow."

Quickly packing away my belongings, I lift my chair up slightly and push it in whilst trying to avoid the screeching of the chair legs against the floor. As I am about to leave, to my surprise, Seth grabbed my arm and muttered, "Call me if anything happens, and I'll be there in a sec. J-just be careful, Thana. Promise me that."

Seth's eyes glistened and his voice sounded so calming yet worried at the same time. I returned with a smile, and whispered, "Promise."

About an hour later, I found myself trying to pry the gate leading into the Hunter's Society estate open when I heard someone yell at me from afar. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing, missy?!"

About a meter a way, a male security guard, approximately in his early twenties, walked towards me angrily whilst placing his right hand calmly on his holster.

"I was invited to a meeting with Kenji. What's with these maximum security gates and increased number of guards patrolling around Headquarters?"

Before the security guard could reply, the gate swung open and I was greeted with a familiar face.A man of half-Asian background, with deep black hair, and a clearly defined face and body walked over to gates and swung me into a hug.

"Little one. It's been way to long. Oh gosh, look how much you've grown!"

"Excuse me Mr. Ushikawa, do you know this lady? She nearly tore the gate down just moments ago whilst attempting to break into Headquarters."

"Hold your tongue, Alex, this is Thana. Thana De Souza."

The security guard, named Alex gasped and started at me with his mouth opened in complete disbelief.

"I'm so sorry about before Ms De Souza, I had thought you were just some random girl trying to break in. But, oh my, it's great to finally be able to meet you. I've heard so much of the things you have done -."

"Oh yeah," I butt in, "I'm sure you've heard lots. People saying that I'm a loose cannon I suppose."

"I actually wanted to say that you're an amazing hunter. You took out an entire pack of ogres in 2013 by yourself. You're amazing!"

Staring at Alex with a bemused look I didn't know how to respond.

"You can chat to her later, Alex. Now, return to your post."

"Right on it. Good day to you two." Alex gave Kenji and I a nod before he returned to his post.

"Let's head on in, Thana."

Leading me across the grass field to Headquarters, Kenji and engaged in small awkward conversations. Before I got booted out of the Hunter's Society, Kenji and I shared a father-daughter relationship. But when I left, I cut all contact with everyone as the memories pained me too much.

Entering the house we walked straight to the Director of the Hunter's Society room. As Kenji was about to knock on the door, I quickly grabbed his arm and halted him.

"Wait. Director Harold and I didn't leave on the best of terms three years ago when he booted me out the Society. I need to mentally prepare myself," I said whilst taking deep breaths in and out.

"Harold's old news. Just wait till you see who the Director is now." Kenji winked at me and then knocked loudly on the door.

Moments later the door opened wide and I was met with a stylish man in his thirties who was dressed head to toes in designer clothes.

"Thana, Kenji, please come in and take a seat."

Kenji and I walked into the room and sat ourselves behind the oversized desk with nothing but a desktop, diary, and two pens placed neatly alongside each other.

"Xavier, y-you're the new Director!?" My mouth dropped to the floor as the timid hunter I met years ago was now the Director and man in charge of the entire Hunter's Society. I nudged Kenji sitting next to me, and he let out a low chuckle.

"Long story short, Harold was booted out. But, that's a story for another day." He winked at me before continuing. "I hope you've been well these past three years. I really appreciate and thank you for coming today. Now, onto the reason why you are here today."

I nodded a little too enthusiastically at Xave, to which he returned with a look of seriousness on his face.

"After your departure from the Society, we were visited by a seer who predicted a terror that would burn the world into ashes. Because seers are seen as false prophets in modern days, she was shunned by Harold and some others. But, what was prophesized became reality. Archanol and the rest of the Supernatural Kingdom became victims of some evil being."

"I didn't hear about this," I interrupted.

"Fortunately for us, the threat barely passed through the border and into our world."

Xave studied my face, I nodded in return, and he continued.

"Moral panic was stirred in the entire Supernatural Kingdom. But, the terror was defeated very quickly and everyone believed that the evil was defeated. Recently though, people have been disappearing, demon portals opening all over the North Coast and unexplainable murders in the Supernatural Kingdom and our world. There is also a rumour of another prophecy – the same monster has risen again, and its powers are stronger than before."

"Surely you don't believe that?"

Kenji and Xave looked at me with their eyebrows raised.

"I don't think you understand the horrors of what this threat this before. It's nothing like we'd ever seen before," Kenji's voice shook.

"We sent our best hunters to the border to stop the monsters from crossing over to our world. But more than half the Hunters Society were wiped out including thousands of innocent civilians."

"Why are you telling me all this? What's my role in this?"

Kenji nodded at Xave and he took a deep breath.

"You've been the best hunter we've seen in our years. We need your help in locating this seer, find out what this prophecy is, and hopefully bring an end to this chaos. If you don't, I'm afraid of what will happen to both the human and supernatural community..."

"So you're basically sending me out on a suicide mission," I said raising my eyebrows at them both.

Xave and Kenji opened their mouths but then closed it.

My feet were tapping away under the chair as I sat silently in my chair contemplating Xave's request. During my three years of being 'normal,' I wanted to become a hunter again. But now that I've been given this opportunity, I want to continue living life free from monsters. Could I really give up these past three years of normal to relive again the horrible memories of being a hunter? I honestly didn't know.

"Before I forget, we've agreed to a meeting with the Supernatural Committee."

"Why would we need to meet with them?" I frowned whilst I questioned Xave.

"Thana, you have to put aside your differences for this one time because we're going to have to work with the supernaturals."