Rejection Again

"Looking for who, sir?"

"You again? Are you looking for customers outside the Bar too? You're really hardworking, and at the same time lowly."

Katsuki wore a smile, on a city park bench, he and Eijiro sat opposite each other. Look at each other and smile at each other.

A warm smile, and a sinister smile.

Oh no, compared to a warm smile, Katsuki's smile is more suitable to be called a mischievous smile.

"I'm asking nicely to you. Why do you always dislike me? Even though we just know each other," said Katsuki. His chin rested on his hands, as he sat down in front of Eijiro.

Eijiro, who smiled sarcastically, now changed his expression to a cold one. There was no friendly impression at all from his gaze. It was as if Eijiro was shooing Katsuki away with that gaze.

"You don't deserve my likes, you bitch."

For the umpteenth time, Katsuki felt tickled by the insult he got from Eijiro. Even he was laughing now. Eijiro thought that Katsuki had been mentally disturbed. He immediately stood up and walked away from the place.

"Hey, where are you going? Don't go," said Katsuki. He immediately grabbed Eijiro's hand and held it. "Can't you wait here? listen to me, and we get to know each other well."

"I'm busy," replied Eijiro curtly.

"Busy why? Oh, are you preparing for our wedding? Gosh, you are a very romantic man. An alpha who is attentive, but prestige to express his feelings," said Katsuki teasing Eijiro.

"I really don't like you, I don't even know you. Since when have we known each other?" asked Eijiro.

"Since before we were born into the world," Katsuki replied. He smiled meaningfully.

"Are you crazy?" asked Eijiro. "You better get out of my sight. I'm enjoying my break, don't let me shoot a bullet from my gun into your head. I'm lazy to tear your face with my sharp nails."

Eijiro's terrifying threat could not make the smile on Katsuki's face disappear. In fact, Katsuki felt very comforted by Eijiro's words.

Katsuki could tell the difference between someone who was really angry and someone who was only threatening. Living in a harsh and troubled world makes Katsuki accustomed to hearing threats and insults from other people. Eijiro's words could not make him flinch.

"Gosh, you are so rude. Even though I am your prospective mate," Katsuki replied. "If you want to shoot me right now can you? Why? What makes you hesitate? Do you know why you hesitate?"

Eijiro clenched his fists. His lips pursed in annoyance, he took a deep breath and tried to be more patient. But Katsuki's words made Eijiro's heart slightly touched. Touched, in the sense that he realized that Katsuki's words were true.

As an alpha who has a stubborn and violent character, he shouldn't have hesitated to hurt Katsuki. Plus, during this time he had killed countless people, it was nothing new for him to stab and dismember other people's bodies.

Well, although it's a little difficult to do it in public. Possibly, his reputation among his business partners could turn into a bad one.

But is it really just because of that?

'Come on Eijiro, you have to make this impudent person stop bothering you,' said Eijiro inwardly.

Katsuki sat down leisurely. He folded his arms in front of his chest. "You don't know, do you? Fine, I'll explain to you. So, you're actually interested in me. But because your ego is too big, you're prestige and act like you don't like me."

Eijiro immediately gave Katsuki a disapproving look. Eijiro admits that Katsuki is a person who really can't keep his words well.

And also too brave. How desperate. It could be, Katsuki is not afraid to die.

"What do you want? Even though I've kicked you out of my sight. But you're even more ignorant and keep bothering me. Tell me, what do you want?" asked Eijiro.

"Hm, I should be the one asking like that," said Katsuki. "In fact, you're the one who wants to find a friend to make love to you? But why are you also the one who rejects the prostitutes who approach you? Do you doubt that you don't have enough money to prove your words?"

Eijiro who had started to listen to Katsuki's words was now angry again. Even though he was able to suppress his emotions. But his anger was provoked again by Katsuki. What exactly is the desire of the beautiful teenager?

Eijiro narrowed his eyes, he couldn't understand Katsuki's behavior. His hand then reached into his coat pocket, there was a check. He wrote something on the checkbook, then tore off the check sheet, and then threw it at Katsuki's face.

"You want money right? That, take it. 520 million, as I promised. You can withdraw the money right now. I don't need to taste the body of a prostitute who has sexual disorders. I can still find other prostitutes," snapped Eijiro. He made Katsuki feel much more humiliated than when he was humiliated last night.

Katsuki was silent, his face changed expression. He picked up the paper, read the face. He then laughed loudly.

"I really want to take this money, but I have a motto. You want to know?" asked Katsuki. While looking up and staring at Eijiro. "I'll work first, then earn money. So just keep your money for now. Six months from now, I'll take the money. After I make you satisfied make me your love partner."

Eijiro glared, Katsuki refused the money he just gave. Indirectly, it meant that the money had no value for Katsuki.

"I don't want to have a sex contract with you. You're not a person to my taste. You lowly whore, I'm not at all tempted by you," Eijiro rebuked. He immediately left from there.

Katsuki who had looked so excited, with a warm smile, and also a mischievous look, now turned into a sad one. His face looks sad.

"Are you really that person?" Katsuki asked in a monologue. He crumpled the check paper that was in his lap, then tore it apart until there was nothing left. "If you really are that person, then I will make you realize the mistake you made five years ago."

Katsuki then turned away from that place. He looked relaxed, even though he actually felt hurt. Not physically, but emotionally.






"Finally, you came too. Ehh? wait, why aren't you excited? Are you sick?" asked Melia.

"No, just feeling a little bloated," Katsuki said. Of course he was lying.

"Pffft." Melia let out a laugh. "Bloated? Are you bloated from swallowing too much sperm from your customer?"

Katsuki smiled, his eyes staring intently. His gaze looked like a mischievous look, he was slightly amused by the joke made by his friend.

For people like Katsuki and Melia, vulgar jokes were not something that should be made sensitive. Their lives, which are often in contact with sex, make them individuals who do not become sensitive when they make sex as a joke for their fellow human beings.

But even though he was smiling, actually Katsuki was still carried away when he was with Eijiro earlier. The feeling of seeing that face, the feeling of being able to talk to that man. Everything made Katsuki tickle, his heart felt happy but also sad at the same time.

"You were waiting for him, hm?" asked Melia. "Are you sure? You're the best Star out of all the Stars here. Collecting that much money isn't that hard for you, is it? What are you looking for? I'm sure money isn't your goal."