Love From Shouki pt.2

"You're a Werewolf but on your body a lot of things made of silver?"

Shouki turned his head, he found Katsuki who was looking at him with a curious look. Shouki then glanced at his hand which contained a silver bracelet, a silver watch. Even Shouki also has rings and necklaces made of silver.

"Yes, I like silver. After all, we won't die if we only come into contact with silver outside our bodies," said Shouki. "Silver has a beautiful color and is also neutral, so I think it would be good if we use silver as decoration."

"The only one who doesn't die is you," sneered Katsuki. "You're a strange person."

"But, I am your future mate. So get used to being close to strange people like myself," said Shouki. The meaning of his words sounded like a joke. However, because Shouki's words were too flat in tone, Katsuki had a hard time interpreting Shouki's words.

Shouki sat down and brought the food he had finished cooking. Although basically they do not need human food as their main need. But they can also feel hunger and thirst. Living as living beings does indeed encourage them to do things that are done by living things in general.

Move on from that. Now Katsuki glanced at the food that was served in front of Katsuki. For some reason this time Katsuki felt a hunger that really forced himself to eat. Moreover, the food served by Shouki looked very delicious and appetizing. The smell alone makes drooling. Especially when the food is tasted by the mouth, it must be very delicious.

"I can't wait to live life as your mate. We are together all day long. And when you are pregnant with my child, I will cook food for both of us. It was very fun," said Shouki.

Katsuki was blushing again, but he covered his feelings with a disapproving expression and glared at Shouki. "That won't happen, as long as you know."

Shouki tilted his head. He looks cute with such an innocent expression. "Why? Aren't you an omega? You can definitely get pregnant, because you have a uterus. Don't worry, I have fertile sperm, because I always exercise and eat nutritious food."

Katsuki was dumbfounded, he who was chewing food suddenly choked after hearing Shouki's words. He wanted to throw the plate in his hand at Shouki's face, but he still needed the food on the plate.

Katsuki coughed a few times, Shouki immediately got a drink for the person he loved. He felt guilty because his words had made Katsuki choke. But on the other hand, Shouki was happy that Katsuki reacted after hearing those words.

"I didn't mean it like that, you idiot! You're annoying! I mean that, it won't happen because we'll never be mates. You and I will never get married!" Katsuki snapped. He was clumsy and made a lot of mistakes over and over again. It even showed that he was blushing embarrassed by Shouki's attitude.

Really soulful. Unique relationship.

Wait, are these two werewolves already lovers?

Not now, maybe later.

"But you have a hole, don't you?"

Katsuki gaped, that question shouldn't be asked by Shouki now. Why would he ask about Katsuki's pit?

"You're really crazy," Katsuki said in a low voice. "Up to you!"

"Okay, then. Then we have to get married right now," said Shouki giving a decision.

Katsuki's head ached. A day with Shouki felt like ten years. Katsuki found a situation that made him dizzy. According to Katsuki, all the words that came out of Shouki's mouth only contained unimportant and sickening things. But for some reason Katsuki's face has been constantly red.

"I will not agree with your decision. Just marry another omega," said Katsuki.

"No, I won't marry another omega. Other omegas don't have what you have. Besides, I have made up my mind to be your mate," Shouki said.

Katsuki scooped up the rice that was on his plate. He ate with annoyance. Luckily the food he ate was delicious, otherwise he would have thrown it in Shouki's face.

Katsuki chose to remain silent, the more he replied to Shouki's words, the more Shouki acted and provoked Katsuki's emotions. Katsuki suspects that Shouki is actually an ignorant person and likes to prank others. It's just that, all of that is not visible because of Shouki's calm and innocent face.

Katsuki pondered for a moment. When he turned his back on Shouki, he remembered his past with Eijiro.

In the past, Eijiro was a talkative person. Similar to Shouki. Eijiro also likes to make jokes that make Katsuki laugh. Katsuki is also often tickled when joking with Eijiro. In essence, Eijiro was a very friendly and warm man before he disappeared and appeared now.

Katsuki wonders, what makes a very friendly and friendly person like Eijiro turn into a cold and introverted person. Did Eijiro have bad days while he was gone?

That was the question that Katsuki was always thinking about. And that made Katsuki feel guilty. He kept feeling guilty. He always blamed himself for the changes that happened to Eijiro. Whether it happened because of Katsuki or not, Katsuki still blamed himself.

Silence, Katsuki didn't realize that it had been a few minutes of silence. There was no rambling from Shouki. Katsuki wonders if Shouki stopped talking because he left Katsuki? or indeed because he was busy eating his food.

"Eh? is he sleeping?" said Katsuki. He turned around and saw Shouki who had fallen asleep leaning on Katsuki's back. "Gosh, he's so heavy. Are the muscles on his body too big?"

Katsuki pulled Shouki away from his body, but in just a moment Shouki had re-attached to Katsuki. Katsuki who felt that he could only let Shouki sleep leaned against his body. He looks very restful.

"If you are more silent than bragging, I will definitely accept your presence here. But your mouth irritates me," said Katsuki.