The Past pt.4

"Oh my, how should I contact him?" asked Katsuki.

If the distance was still within one country, there might be a possibility that Katsuki followed Eijiro to that place. But until now, Katsuki still couldn't follow Eijiro there.

"He just said that he went to the Americas. But he didn't say which country or region. How can I catch up with him if I don't know where he is."

If he uses his power as a werewolf, maybe Katsuki can come to Eijiro if he is still in the territory of one country. Because he had been holding back his curiosity for too long, Katsuki decided to keep going to America even though he didn't know where to follow Eijiro.

He's too reckless.

A man who has no knowledge of other people's countries. A man too young to explore other places alone. A man who doesn't know what to do in a place he doesn't recognize. Trying to fight for his love and longing for someone even though he knows what he is doing is quite risky.

But Katsuki did not heed the problem. He already lives in an age that relies on technology. Smartphones and various other technological devices have been able to help Katsuki. So he thought he would definitely be able to go alone to find Eijiro.

However, Eijiro was in a place far from the city and it was difficult to travel to get there. Even the connection is also difficult to reach the place.

Finally Katsuki carried out his plan, he actually followed Eijiro to the American continent. With the money he has, although not much, he will still try to meet the man he loves.

It had been almost a year after Katsuki left at that time. Indeed, some people who hear this story will definitely think that Katsuki is a weak person because he can't contain his longing. Maybe Katsuki will be labeled as excessive and do not appreciate the struggle of his partner, and other bad names for Katsuki.

But Katsuki just wants to fight for his love in his own way. He doesn't like it when he just sits and waits uncertainly. Katsuki has a strong determination to meet his lover.

He will also use his powers as a werewolf to search for Eijiro's whereabouts. He didn't want to be separated from Eijiro for too long.

It's a very sincere sincerity of love.

For days Katsuki kept looking for Eijiro without stopping, he also asked everyone he met on the city streets about Eijiro. He also distributed leaflets that read 'Find him' with an ID along with a photo of Eijiro printed on the leaflet.

But everyone just shook their heads and said they didn't know when they were asked by Katsuki about Eijiro. Katsuki is already like a fool looking for

Katsuki is tireless in searching for Eijiro's whereabouts. Although he didn't get anything during the quest.

"Where else should I look for you? The more I look for you, the more distant I feel from you. I've also used my ability to detect where you are, but I couldn't find you either. Sob sob, I can't go on like this," complained Katsuki while monologue.

Katsuki lives in a small rented house. He deliberately chose the cheapest in order to save costs. Because he intended to stay there longer while looking for Eijiro's whereabouts.

However, because the economic conditions are far more different. The exact price of a small and rundown residence is also quite expensive. Katsuki only works as a waiters in a restaurant and only earns a small salary.

At that time, Katsuki remembered an invitation from an acquaintance to become a model. But his friend was in Japan and now Katsuki is in America. There's no way he'd go back there again and spend more fare.

In the area where he lives now there is also a fashion company, he was about to apply for a job as a model there. But it seems that there are too many beautiful and sexy models out there. And Katsuki didn't get a chance to work in these companies.

His life is really uncertain. He also had no guarantee that he would be able to meet Eijiro.

One night, Katsuki sleeps in his small house hugging Eijiro's photo. The house did not have heating like the other houses. He was cold and also had trouble sleeping. Even the house also has problems related to the roof that often leaks when it rains. There was also a sewer rat that often passed by near the house. Katsuki really had to be careful not to let the rat enter his house.

While sleeping, Katsuki heard his cell phone ringing. And the cellphone shows the words 'My Love'.

Yes, it was a phone call from Eijiro. No more mistake.

Katsuki hurriedly picked up his phone. He was so happy after so long without being contacted by Eijiro.

"Honey, where have you been? I've been looking for you all the way to America," Katsuki asked. He looks so happy.

'Can you see me right now?' asked the figure.

Of course Katsuki immediately agreed to the man's invitation. Without thinking and not suspicious at all. They immediately made an appointment to meet tomorrow afternoon in a park near the inn area. On the phone, Eijiro said he wanted Katsuki to sleep in a more decent place. Of course Katsuki was overjoyed.

The next day.

Katsuki and Eijiro met something of their promise. And that figure really was Eijiro. His face, hair, and voice were exactly the same as Eijiro's. There was no sign that the figure was not Eijiro's. And Katsuki was really happy to meet the figure of his lover.

"Finally we meet, Eijiro. I really miss you," said Katsuki.

"Yeah, I really miss you too. Sorry we only met now. I've been very busy all this time," replied Eijiro. "Let's go straight to the hotel. I've prepared a special room for the two of us."

Arriving there, Katsuki and Eijiro shared affection for each other. They hug and say love words to each other from their day. Eijiro looked more aggressive, and he kissed Katsuki's lips and left many kiss marks on Katsuki's neck, chest, and stomach.

Katsuki thought that Eijiro really missed him and wanted to express his longing through his touch to Katsuki's body. Katsuki didn't refuse at all when Eijiro did all of that.

However, this is a little different. Normally, Eijiro would refuse if Katsuki showed off his sensitive area. But, now Eijiro had even bitten off Katsuki's testicle pouch. It made Katsuki moan with pleasure.

"What's the matter with you, Eijiro? are you having horny with me?" asked Katsuki.

"I'll fuck you," replied Eijiro with a grin.