
Shouki woke up first, after intercourse they felt exhausted and fell asleep. He looked at Katsuki who was sleeping in his arms. Katsuki's face was so adorable and looked so peaceful.

The muscular arms tightened his grip on the smooth body. A body that has been hugged by other men many times in a naked state.

"I don't care if you've been enjoyed by other alphas. You know, sometimes God awakens someone through someone else who is willing to accept their flaws. I know you're a gigolo, but what's wrong with starting a new day together? Stop chasing after Eijiro," said Shouki. He wiped Katsuki's hair that was covering Katsuki's forehead. "But, since you haven't allowed me to tag you. So I won't mark you, I want to be your mate with your approval. I'm sorry for crushing you first."

Shouki kissed Katsuki's forehead. He really liked Katsuki's scent, it had been a long time since a few years ago he couldn't sleep well. For no reason and for no apparent reason he suddenly couldn't sleep and was always feeling restless until he met Katsuki.

Starting from Shouki who wants to find peace, and from there he gets his love.

Very simple.

"Hm, why don't I just mark it?" Shouki asked. He then felt a little regretful, even though it was the right time to do so.

However, after muttering he immediately shook his head. He tried to push such ideas out of his mind. He had promised himself not to make Katsuki his mate if Katsuki didn't agree.

"Gosh, what was I thinking? What a fool." Shouki lightly thumped his head. "I'd better take a shower."






"Tsk, I'm jumping to conclusions too quickly."

Now Eijiro was sitting in his private room. He sat hunched over with his hands resting on his knees. He clucked many times, he was starting to regret that he had acted rashly. Accusing Katsuki and leaving Katsuki when Katsuki had defended himself rather than Shouki who had defended Katsuki.

"I should have been more patient. I was just about to find out about the truth of Katsuki's past. I shouldn't have been in a hurry to get carried away with emotions. Even though Katsuki wasn't making out with that guy. I don't know. Everything seems confusing."

Eijiro squeezed his hair tightly, he felt annoyed with himself. Even though it was clear that it was a feeling of jealousy, but because of the jealousy he had he actually got himself trapped in a situation that was getting more complicated with Katsuki.

He had changed too far from his old self.

Where is Eijiro who always greets Katsuki with a big smile?

Where is Eijiro who always says yes when Katsuki apologizes?

Where is Eijiro who is always worried about Katsuki's feelings and protects Katsuki?

Now, Eijiro was doing now was blaming Katsuki, blaming Katsuki for a promise that Katsuki had already broken. Promise to take care of each other and not do anything that violates their loyalty.

But surely Katsuki had a reason.

"He said it was me who did that first. But I've never done that with him until now. Wait! Could Katsuki be framed by another Werewolf?" Eijiro said in a monologue.

It would be difficult to investigate something like this. But what Eijiro was sure of was that Katsuki was raped by a werewolf who resembled him. A werewolf who has the power to change his body into someone else's.

How sly.

"If that's true, then Katsuki is indeed innocent. He's the one who doesn't know that he is… but it could also be just a lie. But, if he did lie, he definitely wouldn't dare to say out loud that the one who did it it's me. I have to do something," said Eijiro.

He then summoned the Werewolves who were his subordinates, not only his subordinates but also members of the peck he led.

Eijiro had secretly become the leader of a peck. Even though he is a mixed-blood Werewolf with humans, but because of his strength and status as an alpha he can lead a peck. And members of the peck he often assigned to an important mission related to investigation and combat.

"Find all Werewolves who have the ability to change their physique into other people. I don't want any rejection, no exceptions, but prioritize looking for male Werewolves," Eijiro ordered. "Now you can go. And don't forget to collect as much detailed information as possible about those people, what they did five years ago. Also, investigate an accident involving a car with a 469x xx license plate."

All of Eijiro's subordinates immediately carried out their master's orders. As obedient members of the peck, they don't want to go wrong in the orders they carry out.

It is indeed difficult to carry out an investigation that has occurred many years ago without having a clue that can be used as a tool to facilitate the investigation. But it's not Eijiro's name if he doesn't dismiss all of that.

Even humans who don't have more strength and are tired and have all the limitations compared to werewolves can solve complicated cases. And according to Eijiro, there is no limit for the Werewolf if he wants to do an activity that can be done by humans, so according to him what he ordered was not a complicated thing.

"I have to start now. Of course this won't change anything that has happened until now, but I will punish that person for taking the first chance I should have. Katsuki, I'm sorry." Eijiro lowered his head, he contemplated his selfishness.