How They Meet pt.2

Katsuki looked at Melia with an unusual look. It's like being a witness to a heinous murder.

But Melia was not surprised when she was stared at like that. Because she understood why Katsuki reacted that way.

"I'm guessing, you must have had sex with your lover, right? That's the nature of a jerk alpha. They will look for omega or Luna that they can fuck without them marking. They get pleasure for free," said Melia.

"Don't say such things about my lover!" snapped katsuki. He suddenly looks angry when Melia describes Eijiro as an alpha jerk. "My boyfriend is not an alpha like you think! wait, how did you know I was an omega?"

Katsuki began to suspect, because this was the first time he met Melia, but Melia was sure that Katsuki was an omega.

It was implied from Melia's words earlier. Because she didn't mention Katsuki as a werewolf who wanted an omega, but immediately called Katsuki's lover an alpha.

"Of course I can predict it," said Melia casually. "I'm a pimp, I've had a lot of bottoms either from werewolves or humans who have become my subordinates. I happen to only recruit men who serve lust from gay or bisexual men. So I really know how the stature and smell of pheromones are from an omega man."

Katsuki blinked a few times, trying to understand the meaning of Melia's explanation.

Quite reasonable, although still not able to fully convince Katsuki that Melia really wasn't a stalker who watched Katsuki in from long ago.

"Whatever your reasons, I still will not agree with it. I don't want to be a prostitute, because I just want to be loyal to my lover," said Katsuki. He seemed to really feel his feelings when he remembered things about Eijiro.

"Faithful after being fucked and dumped? I thought you came here alone and lived a life of poverty. You never even met him again, did you?" asked Melia.

"How do you know? Who are you? Maybe you are the one who deliberately followed me," said Katsuki.

Magical energy began to be felt in the room. The dimly lit room began to be illuminated by the light from Katsuki's magical power.

The orange and red light was getting brighter and brighter. At first it was just like a light streak of wind, then it got brighter and made the room really bright.

"Hm? why? why the sudden silence? are you hesitating to fight me---"




"I'm not the type of close-range fighter, although werewolves are basically equipped with skills to fight at close range," said Katsuki. He gripped his shape-shifting hand. His eyes flashed a bright orange and red glow.

"Hahahaha, I admit you are quite a strong omega."

Katsuki flinched, even though the explosion he made from his magical energy wasn't weak. Even enough to make a car completely destroyed.

Even the house was in complete disarray and shattered after the explosion.

But Melia is still standing upright with a slightly bruised body, but she still looks fit without showing the slightest pain.

A second later the blisters on her body and face disappeared instantly.

Amazing regeneration ability.

"Never doubt an alpha, even if the alpha is a woman," said Melia, continuing her words.



Katsuki backed away, in one leap he immediately got out of the shabby house that had been badly damaged. He can jump and dart even in a state with his back to the place where he stands.

"You're crazy, even though the one who caused trouble first was you. But instead you fought me and forced me to be your subordinate," Katsuki sneered.

"I'm not going to give up, I've found a coworker who has the potential to make me profit. Don't worry, I'll share the results of your work with 30 percent for me and 70 percent for you. How about it? Silence means yes and if----"



"And if I fight that means I refuse," Katsuki replied before Melia could finish her sentence.

Katsuki intends to injure Melia's body with the claws from his hand which has been strengthened using magical energy. Now not only from hands to elbows, but now all parts of Katsuki's arms to his shoulders are covered with shiny and soft wolf fur.

He's ready to fight.

This is quite strange and happened too fast. Considering they were just people who had just met by accident, but now they were already fighting over work matters.

Or rather because of the crazy idea that was conveyed by Melia.

Melia smiled, a wide grin on her face made Katsuki's expression that showed a sense of victory now turn into an unexpected expression.

Melia blocked Katsuki's attack with one hand. She's quite strong, it's hard to fight.

Moreover, Katsuki was not a trained werewolf type. He was a werewolf who did not undertake physical training like other werewolves did. Moreover, he is an omega. His strength is definitely weaker than the alphas.

"You'd better give up, I'm very excited to recruit new colleagues. I will provide more facilities than my other colleagues. I'm sure you will be offered a high price---"



Katsuki again attacked Melia. He was sick of hearing the offer.

"Keep attacking, you'll know in the end your attacks will only waste energy. Because, you're just waiting for someone who hasn't even asked how you're doing until this moment. Did he leave money for your living expenses? not you."

Katsuki believes that Melia has the ability to read other people's memories. But there must be a condition for that ability to be used.

Katsuki could see things at a great distance or be blocked by something, on the condition that he had to concentrate all his magical energy in his eyes for a few seconds. And at that time, Katsuki was at his weakest point to fight.

'Tch, this sucks. Even though I've helped her, but she's even troubled me. If I knew it was going to be like this, I'd have rather let her pass out in the middle of the road.'