
"How? do you accept? Couldn't this be a way for you to carry out your plan? You want to look like you don't love Eijiro anymore, right?"

The offer looks very promising and fits perfectly for Katsuki's current situation.

"How?" Shouki asked, again. He even put on a nosy expression. His eyebrows rose and fell a few times with a big smile like an MLM agent about to recruit new members.

"Don't make such a stupid face! Give me some time to think!" Katsuki replied curtly. He kicked Shouki's calf until Shouki felt pain.

"I've given you weeks, I've been waiting a very long time for an answer from you. Give me an answer right now."

Shouki in the blink of an eye immediately pulled Katsuki's body into his arms, he then locked Katsuki with his hands and pinned Katsuki and made Katsuki squeezed between Shouki and the car.

Katsuki's face immediately turned red, he could feel his body being squeezed by Shouki's muscular body. And with Shouki slyly rubbing his intimate organs with Katsuki's intimate organs, Katsuki immediately gasped and felt short of breath.

Katsuki's body trembled slightly, his legs felt weak, even Katsuki's hands also trembled at that moment.

Even though he already knew what Shouki's curves looked like, but he still argued when Shouki's body was pressed against his, even though their bodies were blocked by their respective clothes.

A fact about Katsuki that Shouki should know is that....

Katsuki is easy to become lustful.

Katsuki wanted to fight, but Shouki had already held Katsuki's body stronger. Katsuki couldn't move he and Shouki were staring at each other in a very close range. Katsuki can smell the scent of Shouki's body which is so masculine, the smell of Shouki's breath is also very fragrant, there is a calming mint smell that makes Katsuki even more melted.

A very handsome face, Shouki is a mulatto between Korea and Japan, his skin is pale white and so clean. His body felt hard with large muscles all over his body.

His chest is so broad, his abdominal muscles are perfectly formed. Even Katsuki felt that Shouki's body was getting better than when Shouki showed it at that time.

You must have known by then what Katsuki meant.

But there is one part of Shouki's body that also enlarges but makes Katsuki's legs limp when he finds out.

Of course the size of Shouki's dick.

Don't laugh, it's honesty. Katsuki admits that Shouki's body is getting more and more charming every day. Shouki always keeps his body shape. Behind that flat expression with a handsome but adorable innocent face, there is a burly body that is very mighty. A body that can make all women and all omega men fall unconscious at that very moment.

Truly God's creation that is close to perfect.

"Can you put away all your silver accessories? You scare me," said Katsuki.

Yes, we almost forgot about the fact that Shouki always wears accessories made of silver.

"Sorry, but this thing won't hurt you. I promise," Shouki said. Instead of letting go of Katsuki, he tightened his grip even more and held his hand on both of Katsuki's hands.

This is in a public place, on the side of the road and the two of them are doing poses that are sure to make people smile when they see the two of them.

And Shouki is getting excited to rub his dick on Katsuki, Katsuki is now so red. Not only on his face, but up to his ears and neck, he was like a ripe tomato.

"Katsuki, you are so cute. May I be the father of your children?"

Katsuki was still choking, even though his mouth was open but he couldn't say anything, he was very nervous. This very ambiguous situation must end immediately, there are mothers who close their children's eyes when passing through that place, Katsuki doesn't want to be the center of attention in a public place like this.

"Get away from me, you pervert!" Katsuki pushed Shouki's body with all his might. It is undeniable that Shouki's physical strength without the help of his magical power alone is very strong, especially if Shouki uses his magical power as well.

No wonder the apartment where Katsuki lived fell apart after Eijiro and Shouki fought at that time.

"What does my cute face have to do with you wanting to be the father of my children?! you crazy! I just want Eijiro---"

"Haven't you decided to stay away from him? Do you want to snatch Eijiro who has impregnated another omega? How cruel."

Shouki can also sometimes take advantage of the situation, he wants to instill guilt in Katsuki's heart so that Katsuki does not want to approach Eijiro. It just so happened that Green came at the right time and put some distance between Eijiro and Katsuki.

"That's none of your business! After all, if it wasn't with Eijiro I could still find another alpha," Katsuki argued, he immediately let go of Shouki's hand from his hand.

"Okay, but I will also keep trying to make you want to be my mate. Hm, speaking of that, what is your answer about my offer? Do you agree if we cooperate?" Shouki asked.

Katsuki then calmed down after shouting angrily at Shouki. He began to think that he should put aside his selfishness a bit and began to cooperate with Shouki so that he could carry out his plan.

"There's no more time, I've waited enough---"

"Okay, I accept. But remember! You and I are just pretending about our relationship as lovers. If we're alone like this, just act as usual, don't expect you to be making out with me using our agreement," said Katsuki half threatening.

"Yes I know it." Shouki smiled. "Come with me, we have to do something."

Katsuki frowned, he wanted to refuse but Shouki had already put him in Shouki's sports car. The Lamborghini Aventador sped up in the middle of the not-so-crowded streets of the East Village. I don't know where Katsuki is going, he still doesn't know.

Katsuki had to get used to Shouki's euphoria when he was with him

'Hhh, this is going to be a tiring day for me.' Katsuki thought as he sighed tiredly.