Help Him pt.2

Shouki turned his head, he looked at Eijiro with a murderous look. "I protected my lover. So it's only natural that I beat you."

Shouki stepped forward, bent down and immediately grabbed Eijiro's collar and grabbed Eijiro's collar roughly. "I warn you not to interfere with my relationship with Katsuki again. Katsuki just wants to live a quiet life, and never disturb him again. He will be very happy without you."

"You should have left his life! I was the one who knew Katsuki first! You only came when you were lucky. I'm sure you will disappoint him. Moreover, more people are making bad news about Katsuki after he is close to you," replied Eijiro fiercely. He immediately removed Shouki's hand from his collar.

"Oh yeah? hm, in this life full of challenges it doesn't matter who comes first or finds out, but more importantly who can be together until the end. I will prove that Katsuki will be happier with me. All useless bad news I will get rid of it. I will also always be there for him and never leave him."

Yes, it doesn't matter who comes first. Because the most important thing is who can survive and have until the end.

Eijiro stood up and fixed his slightly messy suit. He glanced at Katsuki who was downcast and didn't want to look at Eijiro. Eijiro sighed and walked out of Katsuki's apartment.

But before Eijiro left Katsuki's apartment, he had time to say something.

"Is it because of Cellina? You don't need to hold yourself back. I won't be tormented just because of that pathetic family, they absolutely can't bother me right now. You don't have to sacrifice our love," said Eijiro, then he left the place. that.

Shouki closed the apartment door, he then fetched warm water for Katsuki.

"Calm yourself. You must have pushed yourself so hard, you look tired." Shouki stroked Katsuki's back. "It's not easy to say farewell to the people we love. But your decision was the right decision. You'd better rest first, you said after this you were going to my office, right?" Shouki said.

"Yes you're right." Katsuki placed the glass on the table. "But this room is a complete mess."

Shouki smiled awkwardly, he scratched his non-itchy head while glancing at Katsuki who was looking at him with a sneer. But after that Katsuki sighed and returned a gentle expression. "But because of you, I survived. Yes, if you didn't stop Eijiro he would have marked my body by now. I don't want to be the mate of the alpha who will soon have a child with another omega."

Shouki smiled faintly. He rested his head on Katsuki's shoulder. "So you want to be my mate? I don't have children with other omega, so I can be your mate, right?"

Katsuki pushed Shouki's body away from him. He had a little trouble doing that because Shouki's body was heavy. "Don't expect it! I don't want to be the mate of a silly alpha like you."

Katsuki then looks listless. "Besides, I also have no intention of looking for a life partner. You should think about finding another omega that can be your mate."

"No, I don't want to find a life partner either."

Katsuki turned around. "Why are you being so stubborn, huh?! Stop thinking something troublesome like that. If I don't want to have a partner, you don't have to follow me either. Lots of omegas with seductive ass and pretty faces."

"It's not about one's physique and appearance," said Shouki. "But my love is already yours. I don't have any feelings for other people. Even though I try to like other people, I still only love you."

"So you've been trying to leave me before?" asked Katsuki.

Shouki spontaneously shook his head. "No, not at all. I'm not thinking about leaving you or looking for another omega. Even if you told me to, I'd rather live alone than be with another omega."

"Tsk, you're exaggerating. Okay, I'm going to clean this room." Katsuki stood up to pick up the vacuum cleaner and duster.

"Wait, you don't have to bother." Shouki held Katsuki by holding Katsuki's hand. "You'd better come with me."

"What else? I don't want to linger. I don't have much time," said Katsuki.

"Let my employees clean your apartment. You can come with me to my place. Besides, there's something I want to show you," Shouki said.

Katsuki noticed the look on Shouki's face, trying to find anything suspicious through Shouki's expression and eyes. However everything looks fine, it seems Shouki is not lying.

"What do you want to show---"

"Something important for sure," answered Shouki cutting Katsuki off.

"If you lie, I will kick you," Katsuki replied sarcastically. But Shouki was used to the threats Katsuki gave him every day. "Why suddenly like this? Why not earlier?"

"I'm really not lying, come with me. I just found out about this too, so I want you to take a look now." Shouki kept trying to persuade Katsuki.

Katsuki relented with Shouki, he nodded and changed his clothes to the room. After that he immediately approached Shouki who was waiting for him while sitting on the sofa.

"Come on, don't you want us to get there quickly?" asked Katsuki.

During the trip, Shouki was silent. He didn't invite Katsuki to talk. Even though usually Shouki always talks a lot and is never silent when he is alone with Katsuki. Seeing that made Katsuki believe that something Shouki wanted to show was important.

"Sorry to bother you, but you should be resting by now," said Shouki.

Katsuki who was leaning his head on his hand that was resting on the door then slightly turned to Shouki. "It's no problem, you've helped me a lot after all. I didn't do anything, and don't think too much about me. I don't feel bothered at all."

"Thank you very much, Katsuki. I'm so glad you have time for me," said Shouki. There was a happy smile on his face, it made Katsuki just shake his head.

Katsuki was curious about the place they would go after this. Seeing in the back seat of Shouki's car there were lots of shopping bags full, Katsuki thought that Shouki would take Katsuki on a long trip.

Maybe Katsuki really should ask Shouki.


"Yes, what is up?"

"Where are we going?"