Annoying brother

"What are you doing?! Stop kissing my lips! My lips are not something you can kiss as you please!" Katsuki exclaimed. He thumped Shouki's arm while nagging Shouki.

"Whatever, because later not only your lips, but your whole body, your love, and your soul I will have completely. You will change your name to my surname, so you don't have to feel upset because your future husband kissed you." Shouki grabbed Katsuki's hand and kissed the back of Katsuki's hand.

Katsuki was eager to argue with Shouki. But he had to go to Dilafouz Secret immediately, he still had business there. He couldn't slow down this time.

"Why are you looking at me with that look?"

Shouki returned Katsuki's gaze with a feeling of wonder. Even though Katsuki had said he had to hurry, but now he just stayed there.

"Tsk, you didn't notice, did you? Take me!"

Apparently this adorable cat wants to be brought by Shouki. But alas, Shouki was in the mode of wanting to tease someone.

"Do not want to." Shouki looked away and answered curtly. He immediately turned away from Katsuki.

"What are you doing? You brought me here when I was about to get ready to leave for Dilafouz Secret. But now you don't want to take me. Hurry up! I'll be late if I stay here any longer!"

Shouki shook his head with a cute gesture, like the movement of a child refusing a candy given by a stranger.

"Don't want to. Why would I buy you a car if you're still using another car? Use that car." Shouki was lying on his stomach while playing with his cellphone.

So childish.

Now Katsuki was at the peak of his emotions. With all his strength, he immediately kicked Shouki's ass until Shouki rolled into the corner of the room.

Shouki who belatedly realized that could only take Katsuki's kick while enduring the pain. Apparently Katsuki didn't hesitate when he kicked earlier, the proof is that the pain really made Shouki feel pain in his butt.

"You are so cruel, what if I get hemorrhoids?" Shouki asked.

"Werewolf will not get hemorrhoid disease. Don't be spoiled. Quickly deliver me," Katsuki said arrogantly like ordering a servant to serve him.

"I don't want to," replied Shouki still firmly and refused Katsuki's wish. "I want you to use the car."

"But I haven't driven in a long time, after all...." Katsuki grumbled, he didn't seem to dare to drive himself. "I'm not very good at it. If I run into other people, it will only cause trouble."

Shouki got up and sat down, he looked at Katsuki while thinking of an idea to solve this problem. And after a few seconds of thinking he finally realized something. "Okay, I'll take you. But you'll still drive."






"Look at that car, it's beautiful."

"It's an interesting color, a Porsche in orange. I think the people who own it are the people who like the color orange."

"Is that Mr. Hidorima's car? Could it be his car, right?"

"Maybe so, but it could also be the cars of the models that work here."

The car then stopped in front of the Dilafouz Secret building, the security guard there had already greeted the arrival of the person in the car.

Katsuki still felt awkward with this kind of welcome. He was not the type of person who was flattered and welcomed like a prince.

Many people were paying attention to Katsuki. Not only because of Katsuki's car, but also because of the person who got off the passenger seat of the car.

"I told you that you're a good driver, right? You're too bad-minded. The roads aren't as terrible as you think, Katsuki."

"But you keep directing me, if I drive myself I will definitely make mistakes too," said Katsuki. He handed the key to the receptionist there to park in the parking lot.

In accordance with Shouki's orders, all staff and workers there must serve Katsuki well. Although they also had to act naturally so as not to stand out too much in front of Katsuki.

"Yeah, basically you can drive, right?" Shouki replied. He always wins in debates.

"Up to you." Katsuki immediately turned his path into an hallway.

"Have a nice day. I'm waiting for the audition results. I can't wait to see you become a model here," Shouki said encouraging Katsuki.






Katsuki walked down the hall. The hallway connects directly to the model selection area in the building. Normally, there would be a lot of people walking around there during the selection schedule, but today it seemed a lot quieter.

It was possible that there were far fewer participants than before. This indicates that only a few pass to the next stage. Thinking of that made Katsuki even more nervous.

Even though he was close to Shouki, he didn't ask to be directly modeled there. He wants to compete competitively. He also did his best, showing his talent to the best of his ability. He had once felt resentful that his opportunity had been taken by a colluding person, and Katsuki didn't want to do the same. He wanted to fight on his own terms. Having been given the opportunity to take part in the selection there has also made Katsuki very grateful. Therefore, he did not ask for more.

Katsuki wished that his stepbrother wasn't there today. He really didn't want anything to do with that person. Just remembering his face already made Katsuki not excited.

"I just realized that this hallway is very long, I should have taken another way," Katsuki muttered. Even though he had quickened his pace, he still hadn't arrived at his destination.

"Want to walk together?"

An invitation from a voice that irritated Katsuki. Katsuki wanted so badly not to turn his head, but he didn't want to start unnecessary trouble.

"Yes, of course. We haven't walked together in a long time," Katsuki replied. He kept smiling, much cuter than that person's smile.

Yes, that person is Yoan. No more mistake. And it seems that the man has also passed the model selection at that time. Katsuki deliberately did not ask Shouki to prevent Yoan from participating in the selection. Nor did he ask that Yoan be disqualified. Katsuki still had a conscience, and he felt it was unnecessary. He still believes in karma.

"I'm so glad you passed to the next stage too, Katsuki."

"Yeah, me too. I'm very happy if we can both be models in a prestigious place like this," said Katsuki.

"Hahaha, you're right. But I think.... you'll find it very easy to become a model here. Do you understand what I mean?"

He knew it was a false speech that had absolutely no good meaning in it.