Annoying brother pt.2

"Please keep this a secret. You will lose if you tell this to the other participants," said the examiners sitting there.

Apparently they are not the main examiners who judge the prospective models there. Since the main examiner was the photographer, he was the head manager who oversaw all the work there with the help of other managers under his level.

Before leaving the room, the photographer winked at Katsuki. Katsuki just smiled awkwardly, he didn't expect a head manager to have such an eccentric attitude.

The boss is just like Shouki, of course his subordinates are also unique people with unusual personalities. Katsuki had almost forgotten that fact.

After leaving the room, Katsuki met another participant who had apparently been waiting for his turn to enter there. Not far from the exit, there was Yoan who was talking to the other participants.

The young man seems to be talking about his strengths and greatness, it can be seen from the look on his face and the praises that come from the mouth of Yoan's interlocutor.

'As usual, no need to care.'

Katsuki just looked away from there ignoring Yoan. He prefers that Yoan doesn't see him and doesn't greet him. Talking to Yoan would only be a waste of time for Katsuki.

After arriving at the lobby, Katsuki didn't know where else to go. He didn't dare to drive himself home. He also couldn't possibly leave Shouki alone. It would be very ignorant if Katsuki left the man alone after asking him to accompany Katsuki to the office.

But actually Shouki would not be angry if Katsuki did that.

And because he didn't know what to do, Katsuki's mind was now on a cafe beside the lobby. The cafe looks very big and luxurious. Even Katsuki had time to see some famous models eating and drinking there.

Now the sweet young man was hungry.

"Tsk, I always lose when it comes to food." Katsuki muttered as he walked towards the cafe.

Katsuki's eyes immediately lit up. Ruby's red eyes immediately fell on the array of dishes made of chicken meat covered in spicy, appetizing spices. The red color and the warm smoke rising above the dish made Katsuki's stomach growl.

"Shit, I'm getting hungry. I can't help myself." Katsuki was eager to eat the dishes there.

After Katsuki arrived at his desk, there was a woman who approached Katsuki. Bringing a notebook to record Katsuki's order.

Katsuki opened the menu book, he was immediately drawn to the picture of the spicy chicken dish.

"Two dish of spicy chicken fireworks. Then one dishof spicy red pepper chicken, plus chicken with spicy black pepper sauce. Strawberry ice cream and vanilla ice cream, and then the jumbo version of french fries. That's all."

A very large order for a slender man like Katsuki. Even the dishes outperformed the number of dishes eaten by a pregnant woman who was pregnant and hungry.

After the dish was placed on the table, Katsuki ate it voraciously and eagerly. Apparently Katsuki has a habit of eating when he's feeling down. When his mood is not good, Katsuki will eat more than usual.

Katsuki has a unique body part, the shoulders are wide but not wider than Katsuki. Katsuki's chest is very full, his muscles are perfectly formed and it's as if he has very plump chest as a man. His body is very sexy.

Shouki really likes Katsuki's chest, he really wants to suck Katsuki's nipple. But if he did that, surely Shouki would be snatched by Katsuki.

Katsuki focuses on the exercise he does to shape his chest and stomach to make it more shaped. So after he eats a lot, shortly after that he will immediately start exercising later. No wonder his body is always good even though he eats a lot.

But Katsuki was worried that he would become fat if he got pregnant later.

Don't forget the fact that he's an omega too, he's bound to get pregnant someday.

"May I sit here?"

Katsuki looked up, he saw a man he had met earlier in the toilet. Hidorima Tosaka, a coincidence because they met again. But that wasn't surprising since this was Shouki's office.

"Go a head," said Katsuki. He didn't want to refuse because it was a public place.

As long as the guy doesn't bother Katsuki, Katsuki won't be angry with the guy. But he avoided any conversation that could cause trouble.

"Thank you." The man smiled while closing his eyes, it was a habit that made Katsuki remember Yoan.

'Tsk, I don't like that smile. It sucks.'

"You don't like my smile? Why?"

A question that surprised Katsuki, Katsuki's face immediately looked a little tense and strange.

"It's impolite behavior to read other people's minds. Do you understand?"

Katsuki immediately became sensitive, he most disliked it when someone read his mind. Katsuki is indeed a little weak in protecting his own thoughts.

This made it easy for other werewolves to find out what was in Katsuki's mind.

Since there were a lot of werewolves and vampires who had mingled with humans, there was now even a rule against saying what other people were thinking in public. This is to protect privacy and provide a sense of comfort. Especially for humans who can't protect their minds from being read by werewolves or vampires.

It was a unique as well as amazing thing that humans and such creatures could coexist in the same world. Even mingling and meeting every day. In fact, basically humans are figures who are one of their food. Especially for the vampires who really like to suck human blood.

Turning from there, now Katsuki and Tosaka were still staring at each other. Even though Katsuki had been generous enough to accept Tosaka sitting there with him after pissing him off in the toilet earlier. But now that man made Katsuki even more annoyed.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I always let myself talk, I was just wondering why you were annoyed with my smile. But since you don't like talking about it, I won't talk about it anymore."

Even though he was apologizing, Tosaka's manner of speaking looked like that of someone who didn't feel guilty. He apologized with a face that was too relaxed, even while heaving an annoyed sigh.

Are there more and more annoying people in this world? maybe he's the only one who's not annoying in this world, that's what Katsuki thought.