Would you?

Shouki was silent for a moment, he turned his body and smiled at Katsuki.

"You accompany me when I'm in trouble and need someone to let go of the tiredness and loneliness I feel."

Katsuki was stunned, now he felt guilty. It was as if he only thought that what was important here was his problem. It was as if only Katsuki's problem had to be resolved now. Even though Katsuki should also think about Shouki, Shouki also wants to share the burden and wants to be accompanied. He has been lonely all this time, Shouki's goal is to love and protect Katsuki because he loves and wants to live with Katsuki.

Katsuki must also pay attention to Shouki's feelings, after all Shouki has helped Katsuki a lot.

No, this is not the time for Katsuki to apologize. Now he had to be able to convince Shouki that after this and until then Shouki would not be lonely anymore.

Apparently, not only Katsuki has a demon-like family, but also Shouki. And people like the two of them can certainly understand each other's problems, because they have families with similar backgrounds in life.

"Shouki, that you and I have a similar problem. We're lonely." Katsuki looked at Shouki. "If for example I continue to be with you, will you continue to accept me? Even if it means more problems in your life."

Shouki snorted in laughter. "You should have known the answer from the moment we met. I love you unconditionally, I love you regardless of who you are, where you come from, what your problems are, and what your shortcomings are. I accept everything because it's you, if it's someone else then it's different. Only you, I don't want to replace the person I love in my heart."

"Shouki." Katsuki looked very doubtful. But he seemed to be forcing himself to say something to Shouki. It seemed that this was a very important matter for Shouki. "Mark me. Make me your mate. Since I can no longer live with Eijiro, maybe my last resort is to accept you and entrust my destiny to the Moon Goddess."

Katsuki didn't notice that his tears had fallen and rolled down his cheeks. "Maybe this sounds really stupid, after I rejected you many times. Made you like a worthless beggar, and finally I asked you to be my mate. Sorry for making you my last choice."

Shouki was still silent, he knew Katsuki still wanted to vent his emotions. And Shouki prefers to wait. He knew that Katsuki still wanted to tell Shouki a lot.

"Back then, when I still had the opportunity to be Eijiro's mate, we were too relaxed and idealistic. Even though we could have become a mate at that time, but because we dragged on for too long the opportunity was lost. We were separated, and problems arise- new problems that are serious. Problems that destroy our relationship. Problems that make us unable to be together anymore. Now I don't want the same mistakes to happen again. I've had enough problems, I don't want my body to be enjoyed by many people anymore. I want to be a mate who only have sex with people who love me. I don't want to lose anymore. I... I... Sob sob."

Katsuki sobbed, his body shaking from crying. A hand touched Katsuki's cheek, it gently caressed Katsuki's cheek. There was no wind, but suddenly Shouki was beside Katsuki.

"I'm lucky that I can be your last choice. Being first is not important, but what matters is who can be together until the end. Didn't I tell you that I will continue to wait for you to accept me? It would be stupid if I turned down the opportunity this very precious."

Shouki kissed Katsuki's cheek. "After this and until later, you don't have to be afraid anymore. Since you will become my mate, no other Werewolf will be able to touch you. I will be more careful, I will take good care of you. And you will never be again." feel something called loss. Do you believe me?"

Katsuki slightly looked up, Shouki brought his forehead to Katsuki's forehead. They stared at each other at a very close distance. Katsuki can see Shouki's eyes are very beautiful, there is no blue color more sparkling than Shouki's eyes. Katsuki was mesmerized by the beauty of Shouki's eyes.

"You deserve true love. You've been fighting all this time. You and I, will always be together. You and I won't be lonely anymore. Don't worry," Shouki replied.


This time it was not Shouki, but Katsuki who pulled Shouki's collar. Katsuki kissed Shouki's lips, Katsuki's tears fell while enjoying the warm kiss. Even though it wasn't a kiss with the man Katsuki hoped to be his mate. But he must still accept the fate that is in front of him. Accepting Shouki is not a bad choice, in fact until now he continues to be happy by Shouki.

"We're going home now, your situation is also a mess. It's not good for other people to see you when you're in this condition. And also this room will be repaired soon," said Shouki inviting Katsuki back to his house.

Katsuki nodded. His eyes bulged when Shouki was about to carry him bridal style. Katsuki didn't want to be the center of attention there. "Shouki, I beg you to let me walk alone this time. More people will notice me if I'm carried like that."

Shouki could see Katsuki's discomfort now. Moreover, there had just been a big commotion in the office. Being childish and forcing Katsuki to go along with his ideas was something that would upset Katsuki's feelings.

"Okay, but stay by my side." Shouki took Katsuki's hand.

They then went to the ground floor hand in hand, with Katsuki still wearing a large Shouki coat to cover his body parts.