Can he be saved?

"What other way should I protect my lover? Should I hide my lover in another world or in the bowels of the earth?! Even my lover hasn't fully recovered from his illness and now he's been kidnapped again by that damn demon," complained Shouki in a frustrated tone.

 Shouki is still waiting for the results of the examinations carried out by the doctors, they are still checking Katsuki's condition as well as handling Katsuki's precarious situation.

 With this now, it was the umpteenth time that Katsuki had to be treated intensively by doctors. Katsuki has to repeatedly deal with his deteriorating health problems. Even though Katsuki just wants to live a normal life like people in general, but instead he has to be met with various complicated problems in his life.

 Does she have to stop being in a relationship with Shouki so she can stop living a life of suffering?