
"The water can be changed to a warmer temperature, the food is also made to be as soft as possible. I won't tell you to do anything until you're in pain. I don't want your condition to get worse if you don't eat and don't shower."

 Katsuki pouted and shook his head in refusal of Shouki's request. He didn't want to do anything right now, so he would use any excuse. Even if it's unreasonable and just sulking won't make Shouki angry with him. Shouki has completed all the criteria to be the best lover for Katsuki.

 "Bathe me!"

 Shouki gasped in surprise, Katsuki didn't usually act like this. They often make love in the bathtub, but Katsuki never wants to take a bath with Shouki if not in a helpless state after orgasm. Shouki blinked his eyes a few times with an astonished expression. This was a bewildering fortune for him.