Many tears

Eijiro was angry, he was angry with the medics who gave him bad news. The news that Eijiro didn't want at all.

 Almost nine months Eijiro waited for his baby to be born and it was only a matter of time before everything would come to him. A cute and tiny baby, a baby's loud cry hit Eijiro's sense of hearing, and also the scent of a baby's body which is very distinctive and also very addictive to smell.

 Eijiro was hysterical, he couldn't imagine that he would lose the child he had been waiting for all this time. Eijiro's tears couldn't be held back anymore, he raged and messed up the hospital waiting room with explosive emotions.

 The doctors who were there were overwhelmed with Eijiro's growing tantrum.

 Eijiro doesn't accept that their lover and baby can't be saved. Eijiro didn't expect that he would lose them both so suddenly.

 Regret is always at the end, this makes Eijiro very, very sad and devastated.