unhappy feelings

"Okay, I'm not going to talk about our baby. However, I wanted to remind you that soon there will be medicine and potions from the doctors, so I'm telling you so you won't be surprised."

 Eijiro took Green's soft hand and was about to kiss it, but unfortunately Green pushed Eijiro's hand away and turned his face in another direction.

 "I hate... I hate all of this, I hate it." Green said the word hate for the umpteenth time, he didn't lie with his words. Her soul was completely shaken after giving birth to their baby. "I don't want these drugs! I don't want to! This is not what I want! I don't want to be pricked by those damn needles! I don't want to be stuck in this place! I don't want to smell this rotten medicine!"

 Green suddenly had a tantrum, he cried loudly while pulling the blanket that covered his body. He gripped the sheets and thumped his head repeatedly on the pillow. He raged when Eijiro told Green about their child.