want to get married

The conversation ended, but not with the roar in the minds of the two people who were silencing each other.

 "I want to marry you, after you come home from the hospital. I want to formalize our relationship legally and publicly. I don't want any more oblique rumors between the two of us," said Shouki.

 Katsuki didn't refuse Shouki's invitation to get married, instead he was very happy with the marriage plans between the two of them after this. Shouki very firmly expressed his desire. Very cute with a suppressed smile on his face and also shy Shouki expressed his desire to get married in front of Katsuki, like a newly pubescent man who wants to express his feelings to his lover.

 A mini box wrapped in navy colored cloth was in Shouki's hand. The velvet box was very pretty, there were engraved letters with the letters S and K. It was certain that it contained a ring for Katsuki.