


Happy Halloween Everyone! ^^

It's double update today to celebrate Halloween!

Please take time to vote and give reviews to this struggling author. This will help me and the book a lot ^^


Zhane threw a glance at his friends from the corner of his eyes before he focused his attention on me. "Everyone, this is Leanna Lee. She's a first-year student at Artem University this opening school year."

"Really? I'm sometimes invited to play piano in Artem," Clyde said, voice cheerful as the expression on his face. He sipped his coffee, and his eyes briefly peek at Cain. "When I'm at New Haven, I'll show you around campus."

"No need to trouble you, I can manage on my own." I declined with a very formal tone. It surprised me that my aversion for strangers didn't lessen after all these years.

Clyde didn't take my rejection to heart. His smiling face never wavered even for a second. "Alright, I won't insist. But if you encounter any trouble, you can find me in the music department. Zhane's friend is my friend."

Clyde's voice had a teasing tone mixed in it while his eyes shifted from me to Cain.

"Thank you. I'll hold that in mind." I lied and brought out my phone to type in my note, 'avoid music department.'

Zhane, who was watching what I was doing, softly laughed while shaking his head.

"Princess," Zhane called, "we'd already ordered a while ago. What do you want for breakfast? My treat."

He gave me the menu and pointed at their popular meal. "Try this one out," he said, pointing at a blueberry and cheese waffle pancake.

My brows smacked in one line. "I want the one with bacon and eggs."

"I've already ordered it for myself!" Zhane groaned in disapproval.

"So what?" I snapped.

"We'll have the same meal which means, we can't try each other's food!" Zhane retorted matter-of-factly, his voice sounded distressed.

My eyebrow arched, and with a sarcastic voice, replied, "Did you hear yourself? If I don't know any better, I'll think that you have serious mental issues. You're already eighteen, but it seems that the more you age, the more your mind regress to that of a child."

I didn't hold anything back. I was upset at him for setting me up.

I waved my hand, and a waiter stood at the side came over with hurried strides. I pointed at the bacon and eggs. "I want this one." The waiter nodded and scurried away, afraid that I would also lash at him.

Zhane gave me the puppy eyes. "You don't have to be so upset. Aren't you happy to see me?"

I huffed a dry laugh. "We see each other each month."

"That's different!" Zhane pouted and leaned closer to me. When his face was millimeters away from mine, we heard a loud––


Like a teacup was placed on its saucer with force.

Zhane jolted straight on his seat, and my eyes magnet to the source of the sound.

Cain eyes locked on mine, his face expressionless. I was having a hard time digesting what kind of emotion he was feeling. It was a first for me. In my past life, I was good at observing people. Usually, I could read the hidden voice of what their eyes portray –– but not this man.

Fear crept in my bones and subconsciously straightened my back and pretended to look at the flowers outside.

Clyde chuckled while Fin smiled, shuffling his gaze from me to Cain. Make up your mind where to put your eyes already!

The waiter returned with our food. Like that, we ate our breakfast. The four of them occasionally talk, and I just listen. Sometimes, the three of them strike a conversation with me, which I obliged.

Clyde and Fin were easy to talk to and didn't make me feel left out.

Cain, on the other hand, although he didn't brush me aside, he also didn't make any effort to converse with me, which I secretly sighed in relief.

I'm afraid of him. Specifically, scared of his voice and his expressionless frosty eyes. Too put it simply, I was at the mercy of his deep, alluring, sexy voice. I was afraid that my morals would melt, and I would pounce on him in broad daylight.

I couldn't discern his unemotional eyes. Thus, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. But my instinct told me that he was dangerous and must be avoided at all cost.

When we finished our meal, Zhane ordered for tea. I sipped my tea in silence, enjoying the short respite before I put the cup down and stared at the men. I'm excluding Cain since I can't stand looking at his eyes.

I look at Zhane, face serious and tone businesslike.

"Why are you really inviting me over for breakfast?"