
[Scheming] [Sulking]


We stood near the shore, waiting for Cain to make his way towards us.

The cold man remained expressionless as he strode in our direction. But the frostiness in his eyes intensified as he shot a glare at the little puff of fur in my arms.

Sensing danger, Little Pluffy shivered and snuggled against me for protection as he whimpered. I threw a pointed look at Cain and hugged the little shivering furball closer to me.

Cain shook his head a little. His expression said he was regretting buying the little pup. He made his way towards us and gently patted my head while he shot another glare at the little furball.

"Let's go," he said, and held my hand, leading me into the tent.


"We are very sorry, Mrs. Goldwood, but Mr. Fay is not here," said the concierge lady, trying her hardest to be polite with her tone.