
[Gifts] [Appreciated]

[Leanna's POV]


"C-Cain . . . I-I can't anymore . . ."

"Leanna . . . you can do it . . ."

"Please . . . I think . . . *unghh . . . I'll choke . . ."

"Just a little more, honey . . . That's it, Leanna . . . swallow it all down . . ."

I almost spat the carrots when my throat refused to accept it. Teary eyes, I grabbed a glass of water and gulped it all down.

Ulp! I covered my mouth and forced my throat to swallow it inside in its rightful place when the disgusting thing threatened to go back up.

"Good girl, Leanna . . . You've finished your vegetables." Cain patted my head and ruffled my hair in a doting manner.

I glared at him.

This was Cain's first wish, for me to finish all my vegetables every day, and each week, he would give me a photo. The ruthless man, taking this opportunity, ordered vegetable dishes for dinner!

Unghh . . .