
[Fight] [School Trip]

[Leanna's POV]


"Leanna, after your exams, you'll have a week of summer break."

Cain looked all at me overflowing with expectation like he was waiting for this moment to tell me something.

"I'll take a leave from work. Do you want to go anywhere next week?"

"Uhmm . . . ," I avoided his eyes. "Aren't you busy?"

"Zhane and the others can handle VIOS for a week, and I can ask my father to take ove––"

Cain stopped when he noticed my guilt-stricken face.

"What's wrong?"

I fidgeted in my seat and roamed my gaze left and right –– couldn't face his excitement.

"W-well . . . I kind of . . . umm . . . sign up for the school summer field trip . . . You know . . . planting trees . . . clean the environment and all that . . ."

Cold sweat broke free from my pores. I was trembling on my seat when Cain's chilly, overbearing aura filled the air –– suffocating me.