
[Live] [Blood]

[Leanna's POV]


I closed my eyes shut and bit hard on my tongue as the tears fell from my eyes.

Cain, I love you.

I've taken a mouthful of air and clenched my fists.


My eyes flung open when agonizing screams pierced the forest.

Those men who were pinning me on the ground were now gone, and there stood a woman with long silver hair.

"P-professor . . . ?"

Relief washed over me and didn't care to know how the professor found me or what she was doing here.

Professor Vera briefly shot me a glance before she assisted me to my feet. My attention was then caught at the sight of men who were lying on the ground, coughing blood.

"Let's go." Professor Vera pulled out a knife and freed my hands. She then grabbed my wrist as we made our way out of the forest.