
[Sakura] [Not the One]

[Emery's POV]


"Everyone, let's give a round of applause to the stunning Miss Emery Jansen as she graces us a lovely piece while we enjoy our dessert!"

I stood from my seat and nodded at the applauding cheering spectators. I made sure that my face was not stained with the pain in my heart as I sauntered towards the stage, making sure that my smile stayed on my lips.

I accepted the violin that was handed to me, and I instructed the accompaniment to play SAKURA by Ikimono[M1] -gakari violin version.

I closed my eyes, did not want to see Lance, who was just sitting in front of me as I poured my feelings into this piece.

This piece of my love and goodbye.

The first note silenced the audience, and soon, I lost myself as I poured my thoughts into the music.

~I'm dreaming the dream I have for us.

We went our separate ways and brought everything to 

an end.

My future is in full bloom.