
[Epilogue 1]

[Estela's POV]

[Epilogue 1]

It had been three months since I regained my memories. My family and friends were overjoyed, but my mother erupted when she found that Zhander and me were together again. She was so against it at first, but seeing Zhander, and I didn't have any plans on breaking up, she conceded and pretended Zhander was air whenever he was around.

"You okay?"

Leanna asked when I sat in a daze at our usual table in the cafeteria during lunchtime.

Leanna and Zoe were laughing and joking while I remained silent, which was unusual, to say the least. Not because I didn't want to join in the fun, but because I was feeling under the weather lately, and I was–– 

Crappy P***!

There it is again!

"Excuse me!"

I dashed to the nearest toilet, not minding Leanna and Zoe's frantic calls.

When I reached the cubicle, my stomach churned, my mouth salty, my eyes watery as I vomited all the food I ate in the water closet.